Thursday 1 August 2024

Lunch at Flemingate

I went to the post box early and took a pic of a couple of plants in the front garden on the way back.
Tina had n appointment and when she got back it was raining quite hard so we waited a while and watched some Olympics  before going to Flemingate. We had lunch and went to a couple of shops. I got a little elephant in Art and Soul to sent to Pearl s it is her birthday next week.
We went to the car wash on the way home so two very exciting pics!
Turned out to be. Reply nice day.
I had to use the ankle support today and it was a pretty bad achey day all round, but didn’t stop us having a nice little trip.
Haven’t done much this evening except prepare two more small Christmas cakes to use up the ingredients. I will get them into the oven tomorrow morning.


  1. Glad you managed to get out together for a little while. I love the elephant. How could anyone not like that as a present.
    I assume the garden didn’t need watering tonight then if you had a good downpour. We had a very light smattering this morning and nothing since. It’s been a scorcher again.
    More baking tomorrow. Have you got enough shelf space for feeding all the cakes? 😊

  2. The elephant is very cute.
    Have been trying to decluttering my kitchen cupboards, so much stuff I am never likely to use!
