Saturday 31 August 2024

Feeling lethargic

Haven’t felt at my best today, just weary and not a lot of get up and go. I did go to the shop and feed the cakes as usual. Decided to carry the two terrariums I constructed about two years ago, maybe more, round to Sher as I don’t really look at them although they are still healthy. She can u se the plants in other terrariums and then reuse the bowls if she wants to. She sells a lot and makes them up for people to order as well. We had a chat and a cuppa as the shop wasn’t too busy.
After lunch I did some preparation for dinner as we were having the main weekend meal today as I am going to Burton Constable with Darren tomorrow. I have a membership card and there is a vintage car show tomorrow as well as the house. Darren’s archery club have a ‘have a go’ day so he will be helping out with that.
I have been watching the Paralympics on and off and did do one quick sketch.
Will try and have a better night, fingers crossed, so that I feel a little more energetic tomorrow.


  1. It’s not nice when your get up and go actually gets up and goes! Hopefully you’ll muster a bit more for tomorrow/today. The trip out with Darren should be good. Vintage cars are always great for some photos. I hope the weather stays nice for it. Are you going to “have a go” tomorrow?
    I hope the finger crossing helped you get a bit better night. 🤞🤞

  2. Overcast at the moment but the forecast was for a good day. The car show is a big fund raiser for Burton Constable so hopefully the forcast will be accurate!
