Saturday 17 August 2024

So many brambles

I fed the cakes first thing, I think Saturday morning was a good time to start as it will be some part of my routine. Then I went and did the usual shopping but also went to the chemist as o winter some insect repellent. I have had so many bites this past week. They only had tropical strength, so hopefully that will do the job! Then I went out to tackle the area near the fairy garden again. The brambles were growing over the lawn and it is obviously difficult to get to the bases with the bay tree sheltering them. 
I wore thick glove and pulled out a lot of the brambles, some lengths were twenty feet or more. I also started trimming the bay tree. I hd already filled the garden cart, and had to get the wheelbarrow!
I had moved the fairy houses but  put them back for now, but there is still a lot to do..
Darren was going to Driffield to the archery store so I went along for a ride out. We stopped and had a cone at Mr Moos on the way home. 
I cleared the pruning from the lawn before dinner and watered the back garden after dinner. The sunflowers are tall and opening now, better late than never.
Tina commented the the sunflower stalk would be interesting to draw, so have put pen to paper!


  1. Touch wood, I've not been bitten at all, in fact I don't tend to suffer from them much. Famous last words!
    As you know I'm not keen on gardening, and judging from the effort you've put in today I can see why! I think you're mad trying to keep all that under control, but having said that, it always looks nice when you get on top of it. If only you could find a way to preserve it in the finished state it'd be great.
    At least you got out with Darren for a while and had some ice cream. Still doesn't make up for the effort though!
    The sunflowers look nice as does your sketch of them. I really think that is simple and lovely.

  2. I was pleased with the sketch, nice to be trying sketching directly with pen. Pleased with the garden as well, I think, but wish I could have done mode! Never going to catch up but can try.
