Saturday 31 December 2022

New printer

This morning, after the shopping had been delivered I had a few bits to get in town and then I went to visit Bel. She was well and had just started another large jigsaw. 
I dropped my shopping at home and then decided to walk up to Freeport. Tina and Darren had gone for a trip into Hull. As I started walking the rain started again, so I was quite wet when I got to the pottery painting studio. I had a drink while I dried off a bit and then got on with painting the elf, third session and I did get him finished and now hoping for the best!
I caught the bus home and I had forgotten my bus pass, but it is quite cheap to get home from Freeport. The lady bus driver so was lovely and said I could ride home for free as it is New Years Eve!
I haven’t had a printer for a while now and today when they were out Tina and Darren bought me a new one. It is now set up and ai am so pleased they did it as it would have taken me forever! It is now linked to the phone and the iPad, and Darren found some photo paper. They helped me print a couple and I have printed a couple more since tea.

Not the best photos as it is quite dark in the bedroom. I did have yet another move around in the bedroom so that I had a table ready for the printer.
Practice will make perfect, it is different from when I used to print from a laptop! A lovely gift though and I am so happy to be able to print photos myself again to send friends that don’t have internet access.
Watching ‘Yesterday’ now and doubt I will stay up to midnight, so a happy new year to all.

Friday 30 December 2022

Bye bye for now

This morning I went round to the cottage where Anya and family were staying and Anya and I managed to finish the game of Scrabble we started yesterday morning before they got their belongings together to leave by 10 am. They came back here and we walked down to the front, Anya and I went straight to the arcade and Louis and Isobel went for a bit of a walk on the beach before joining us. Darren came along as well and we won some little sweets and bits and enjoyed using the machines. We went to a different arcade that the day he we have been to before and it had better machines and nicer staff so will be going there again.
We got in touch with Tina when we came out as she was going to come down and meet us for lunch. We had been going to Lily’s but it was completely full, so we went to have fish and chips instead in Sullivan’s. We were lucky to get a table for six, soon after we arrived people were having to wait for tables!
Not many pics today, a selfie near the sea!
And one from last night when we were playing the silly charade type game, Darren didn’t act he had to be a guesser!
Anya and co went into The Town House on the way back and then headed for home.
It was really cold today so Tina dropped me off at Jeans and we had a cuppa and chat and Terry brought me home.
Feeling weary tonight and have found a Simon and Garfield concert to watch on tv which is lovely and they are very young playing to a massive crowd in Central Park!
Will visit Bel tomorrow as I usually see her on a Friday.

Thursday 29 December 2022

Scrabble and Beverley

Anya and I had a game of Scrabble at their digs while Louis and Isobel got ready. Then we set off for Flemingate, we had a good look round Art and Soul and then we saw a puffin! I think I may have photographed it before but worth a second viewing.

We had a look in Baytree Interiors and the a long look round Dunelm and had lunch there. Then we walked into the town and a couple of shots from there.

One of the Minster as we walked back to Flemingate.
We came back here and I cooked dinner while the family went down and enjoyed some time in the arcade.
They are heading home tomorrow but not until after lunch.

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Garden centre and pottery painting.

I will let the photos speak for themselves today. We walked up to see the sea before heading to the garden centre to look at the Christmas sale.

Then off to Freeport and the Pottery Studio.

The family finished theirs and will be fired. I have another coat to do on some of the elf so will try to go again next week.
Off to Beverley tomorrow.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Visitors and games

This morning I prepared veg and did some tidying and then the three of us went up to Hornsea garden centre. I wanted some bird supplies and we had a quick look at the half price Christmas goodies. We got some fun crackers, each one had a bar of a xylophone and it came with some music for a few tunes.
I got on with dinner, the gas levels were low so it ended up being a challenge, but  there were clean plates so it could not have been too bad! Isobel was putting a collection of cracker hats on, moved when I took the picture.
I had some nice gifts which I will mention as I get to use them but will post the photo of this delightful little ornament that Isobel made for me.
We had a couple of games, new ones that they had bought for Christmas and that was fun.
Short post tonight and an early night is on the cards.

Monday 26 December 2022

Quick hello to Scarborough

This morning Idid some general tidying up after present opening and wrapping yesterday, and to get the dining room tidy for company tomorrow.
While Tina made some sausage rolls I went out and did some pruning and clearing in the front garden for a while. Then after sampling the sausage rolls Tina drove the three of us to Scarborough. We had a short walk and a coffee, it was bright but the wind was really chilly. We drove round the South Bay but parked near our old haunts at the North Bay. The South Bay was really crowded and we had to crawl round in the car, hardly any parking spaces on the walk between the bays and so many people walking there it was as busy as a summer day. Not so busy on the beach at North Bay but plenty of people around and the cafe was heaving! A picture of South Bay as we drove round and the more at North bay.

Some photos on the way home, some taken in the car and some where Tina stopped for me.

I got on with dinner when we got home and have done some pedalling since then as My exercise levels have dropped a bit.
A Christmas special of Death in Paradise in a bit which should be good.

Sunday 25 December 2022

Belated Merry Christmas to all

The weather has been reasonable here today and we have had a very quiet and restful day. I did take a slow walk to the sea front this morning, saw. Few dog walkers and even a few folk taking a walk without a dog like me! I did go onto the beach for a while today, it made for some nice pictures.

We had a zoom call with family this afternoon, the New Yorkers have freezing weather and had no internet yesterday, but they say it isn’t as bad there as a lot of the country. We had a light, non Christmassy meal followed by birthday cake!
I got Darren and Tine oversized hoodies like mine, but not with llamas on! Darren has been wearing his most of the day .
I have spent a lot of the day finishing the jigsaw, will pack it away again tomorrow and into the charity box it will go!
Finally a selfie of hoodie wearers!