Friday 31 March 2023

Bel day!

Miserable day weather wise today, grey wet and very chilly wind! I walked round to see Bel who was fine. She has a great amaryllis,  a white one, not ridiculously tall so staying upright without support for now.

A few weeks back she volunteered to make some bunting, five metres of it, for use in the town at the coronation. When they heard of her efforts at the paper she was interviewed, so I will post her moment of fame. I marked the relevant bit with a pen.
Had lunch with Darren at Lily’s, had a quick look at the sea then made the short wool to Jeans.
Couldn’t decide which one of the nest two to add so will just post them both!

It was mighty cold by the sea!
Terry gave me a lift home and now having another quiet evening. I am hoping there may be improvement in the knee next week!

Thursday 30 March 2023

Short trip out

My mood has been a bit low and although the leg isn’t much better my mood has lifted. Decided to get out for a bit and thought Freeport wouldn’t entail too much walking if I bused both ways. I got some washing done before I caught the bus, and when I got there I went into Bugtopia, which is very small and you take your time to spot the creatures! I should go more often  sit really is lovely once you get used to the heat and humidity!

Took a while to spot the free frog!

Loved the sun beetles and spotted a couple of the tarantulas.

I sat on a bench to rest so took a couple of the vegetation.

The turtle was one side of me and then a golden pheasant came and sat behind me then wandered off!

I used to have diamond doves, pretty little birds.
The large dragon lizard was playing king of the castle!
This creature was motionless and looked dead, but I asked as I left if it was okay and they said it always sleeps like that!
I wandered round again and the pheasant was back behind the bench.
Then the large lizard appeared on a walkabout so I followed it.

Just as I was leaving a canary landed by my feet.
I had some lunch and then caught the bus home. The magnolia flowers are opening up now. The close up isn’t quite in focus as it was quite windy.
I was put less than two hours but it was very enjoyable.
I did get a couple of plants into the garden this afternoon which I have had for a couple of weeks and then sat on the garden swing for a while as it was lovely in the sunshine,
Plenty of sitting and resting the knee for the rest of the evening,

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Not much to tell!

My knee has felt in danger of giving out again today so I have done very little, a lot of the day in the chair, a few times with company and having a job staying awake as well. Cannot remember a day when I have sat quite so much, except perhaps after knee surgery! The Fitbit will be sulking!
Yesterday evening Tina unwrapped the display case so I did stir myself to assemble that, actually pretty good quality and easy to follow instructions and it said to remove the protective covering!

The plants look nice in there even if they never have a greenhouse to sit in!
The Bird Buddy took a photo of a robins bottom and did not recognise it so it is registered as a mystery visitor. I tried to get it to add it to the robin pictures but to no avail!
More sitting around watching tv this evening, although I did write some letters this afternoon and Tina posted them for me.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Think I am beaten!

This morning I wa going to walk to Woods to get some double sided tape to try using on the greenhouse which was proving very difficult.I didn’t have to go that far as the bike shop was open and he sells lots of DIY stuff. Got the tape and fancied a cup of Super Macho tea at Bemora so called in on the way back.
The church looked lovely although it was a grey, damp morning.
I used the tape successfully on one piece and then didn’t position it right and as I lifted in a a layer of the ‘glass’ lifted!
Turns out it was a protective layer but there was no mention of removing it in the instructions. I was then in a quandary as I had already stuck some down. Walked up to see Sher and had a drink and natter with her. Decided to remove the protective layer and managed that quite well. But trying to continue with following the instructions and found that it was as I thought, impossible! I don’t like to give up on nothing but think this one has beaten me. Put me in a very low mood!
I had a delivery on bird food supplies so took it down to the store and took some pictures in the garden as the beds are looking pretty.

When I was preparing dinner the pair of ducks came into the garden. Took a photo with the phone from the kitchen window, duck under the bird table and squirrel on it if you look closely. I went out but they were flying off as I got outside!
Tina had ordered the display case for the greenhouse for me, and to add insult to injury it is a flat pack. Needless to say it hasn’t been opened!
As I was feeling a bit off colour I chanced going for a walk through the park, a miserable evening but a slow walk was good for me.
Finally I will add a different photo of the robin who visited the feeder today.

Monday 27 March 2023

Gel, greenhouse building and a new bird visitor

One of Tina’s parishioners has had a bad back and bought a different pain relief gel which she found was very good, so I went to the chemist this morning to see if they stocked it. At first they said they didn’t have any but then the pharmacist said he would look out the back and they had one large tube. A bit of a song and dance finding the price but I have it now. Have only used it a couple of times so far and not sure how much difference it is making, but will carry on for a while.
A decided to start working on making the greenhouse, I had thought the most tricky part was over, it seems not! But before that I was going to put the door and pictures in place on the back wall. I had managed to lose two of the paintings, they were just tiny images on paper and I wasn’t too sad about that as I hadn’t liked them and they didn’t seem appropriate pictures for the flower house. So I fpgo my box of stamps out and found some images and made my own pictures. 
The instructions had me guessing, and then I unwrapped the greenhouse ‘glass’ and was even more concerned!

There are two layers to the solid walls and you had to sandwich the ‘glass’ between them. Believe me, at one point I was shouting at it that it was impossible! Then the wood, which had warped slightly when painted, would not stick together, so then it was the weights from the kitchen!
At the moment I have the second piece under weights!
On a brighter note I have still been putting the Bird Buddy out and the starlings and robin have been regularly visiting. There is a dunnock in the garden that is often around, a shy little bird, not colourful but sings beautifully. This afternoon it was brave enough to approach the Bird Buddy, quite made my day!

I am sure I can approach the greenhouse with renewed determination tomorrow!