Thursday 30 June 2022

Garden, lunch, plants, garden!

Will start with a photo I meant to take yesterday. I liked the photo tile I got when I had been to see Diversity so thought it would be good to have another one made with the family in it, as having my three children in one place is very rare these days.
Very pleased I did!
This morning, after Ringtons had called, I went out into the front garden. Thought I would work on the right hand side as you look out from the house. Not well tended and a lot of weed on the path. I always said I wouldn’t/couldn’t do the gravel drive, but it does spoil the general appearance when it gets bad, so I weakened!
Quite hard going so good that I did wear my wrist supports!
Not a perfect job by any means, but a lot tidier than it was!
Went to lunch with Tina and she took us to a pub in Brandesburton and we had a very nice meal there.
We called at the garden centre on the way home and ended up getting a lot of plants for me to get into the garden, took a picture of an unusual flower and the other one needs no explanation!

I went into the back garden and got all the plants bar one that I am going to put in a pot into the shady, dry beds under the trees. It is difficult to get things to grow there and there are not a lot of plants that like full shade and drought conditions!! 

It may not look like many new plants, but hopefully they will establish and grow a bit. I did try to hoe the ground a bit and then gave those very dry beds a really good watering.

I almost forgot the rather exciting and very surprising turn of events today. You know that I went to see a consultant yesterday who had said he would put me on the NHS waiting list for the electric nerve testing and would also let me know the cost of having it done privately. His secretary phoned to tell me the price, £629 and to confirm that he had made the NHS referral. I said I would have to think about the test! A while after that I had a phone call from Hull Royal Infirmary to offer me an appointment on the 11th July! I will be away then so she said they would get in touch when I was back. Then she said the only other appointment she had was at 8.45am tomorrow but that was too early for me as I had to come from Hornsea. I said that I could make that appointment as my some comes into work in Hull, so an early start tomorrow and the test happening amazingly quickly!
Going to try a new drama tonight, sounds quite different and has Adrian Lester in who I really like.

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Maybe baby and puffins!

I had a fairly quiet morning and then set off with Bel at midday to make our way to The Spire hospital for my consultation. A good drive there and some time to spare, which was good as we parked the wrong side of the road to start with but had time to get to the right entrance.  Mr Haeney was lovely, asked a lot of questions and examined both my hands. He suggested that I have the electronic tests again as they may decipher whether the nerve is still healing or if a part is still trapped. How a machine can detect that who knows, but interesting. He doesn’t know the cost to have it done privately but will find out and in the meantime add me to the NHS list so that I don’t miss out if I decide to wait for that. Mr Haeney will actually write to me and when I have had the test will see me again or have a telephone consultation if I prefer. I was only in the hospital for about twenty minutes and Bel had a book with her in the car. Then we had a drive round to find somewhere to have some lunch. We ended up at a restaurant next to Skidby mill.
One photo as we went in.

While we were waiting for our lunch I noticed a phot on the wall and thought it was Gina Lolabrigida. How I remembered the name or her face is amazing, I never saw any of her films but remembered my brother doing a drawing of her when I was a child! I asked the waitress and she said it was her  and a lot of people thought it was Sophia Loren.
I walked along to the mill while Bel waited in the car.

I watched a bit of tennis with Tina for a while when I got home, and then took some more bird food down to the store. I had thought I waould take a later walk down to the sea, and when Tina said the puffins had arrived today that decided me! I found five, so quite a few pics and their sighs with their name and the artist on.

Thought the painting on this one was wonderful so took an extra shot!

Nice one to finish with!! Tired now and watching Murray!

Tuesday 28 June 2022

New project lined up!

The sign I painted with the house number is showing serious signs of wear now. I saw some nice pieces of wood when I passed Martin’s house, he is the tree surgeon that we have had do some jobs for us in the past. I emailed him to see if I could buy one and he mailed back to say if I swung by today I could have one before they are taken away and fee of charge too! So Tina drove me up there after morning prayer, just as well as the chunk we chose is very big and heavy! It is in the porch to dry out properly and then I need to sand it some before I start painting. So plenty of time to decide on the design this time.
After that we drove up to the cemetery as Tina wanted to show me the massive pond they are digging. Also drainage channels as they are try to reduce the tendency to flood.

One of the cemetery as well as we were there!
I spent a long while sorting cupboards when we got back after nipping to the shops for a card. I spent well over an hour and ended up with very aching legs, standing around and bending is much more likely to cause me a problem than walking! So had my feet up for a while after that! After lunch I went down to the post box and on the way back I spotted these mushrooms in one of the shops and really loved them!
A few weeks back I bought and repotted a large daisy plant. It was well pot bound and had lots of dead buds on it. I kept dead heading and made sure it was well watered and now it is looking fabulous. The insects like it too!

I took some new bird food down to the cupboard and tidied it up and then went into the front garden. I was tired and thought I would just tidy along one side but then went across to the bed where the giant sea kale are. Ended up being out there quite while as one of the kale needed cutting back. Didn’t take a before but yu get an idea of how much I removed!
This evening I have watered both gardens. The spikes yellow flowers are opening in the front, but they are just as attractive when they are about to open.

In the back garden the bees are enjoying the sea holly.

I moved the mushrooms into a bed for now, but need to decide where their permanent home will be.
Watching the final episode of Sherwood now.

Monday 27 June 2022

Late to bed, early to rise!

I settled down to try and sleep a bit before midnight and after a troublesome hand night got up at five! Have been in danger of dropping off during the day! I decided to go for a walk to the front at about 7.45 and did walk a bit further than just to the drink hut! So some different shots of the sea!

In the eighth photo I love the way the ramps look like steps when the sun in in the right direction. I saw Angela on the way back and we had a chat. I have done some reading today, in fact ai finished the Michael Knaggs book. I enjoyed parts of it and the court read m scene was really well described, but it finished as it started with what seemed like an unrelated episode. It is a trilogy of books so I presume that somewhere in the second one it will become evident!
I did go out and do a bit of tidying up of the bed I was working on yesterday.we actually had a fairly heavy shower while I was out so I stood under the bay tree and did some pruning under there! You can’t really see the rain,but the back f the bed is tidy now!
Off to see David and Sarah this evening, hoping I don’t mood off while I am talking to them! Then it is Sherwood which I will undoubtedly struggle to stay awake through…….😴