Sunday 4 August 2024

Boot sale and early dinner

We went to the boot sale as usual, not as busy as last week but busy nevertheless. Got a few bits and pieces, no item more than 50p so happy with the haul.
Got dinner sorted for lunchtime as Tina was blessing the new lifeboat at two and then we were heading out a bit later. Had my usual chat with Anya after dinner which was good as always. Our trip to Hull was a sad one for us both but no need to go into details. The grounds at Hull Royal Hospital are really attractive.
Between times it has been catching some of the action at the Olympics. 
May try and get motivated to do something in the garden tomorrow, that reminds me, had better go and water the bonsais.


  1. Your haul of bargains from this morning was a good one, and not a lot spent either. You’re a seasoned bargain hunter now.
    I’ve still not watched any Olympics yet. I think this one is going to totally pas me by.
    Sorry about your sad trip into Hull.

  2. Yes, a nice collection of things from the boot sale, and a quiet, mostly pleasant day.
