Monday 19 August 2024

More pruning and Beverley

Third day of working on the bay tree and surrounding area. It is unbelievable how much pruning there has been.
Some more pruning and then clearing. Tina helped tidy the top. Still need to work on the surrounding beds, but getting there.
Tina had made an appointment to have a pneumonia vaccination this afternoon so we went earlier to have lunch and a bit of shopping. Made her stand by this or it would have been difficult to judge the size.
In the end she didn’t have the injection as the pharmacist wasn’t trained and it seems they didn’t have the vaccination anyway! But the young lady was very helpful and Tina can now have the injection in Hull tomorrow afternoon.
I visited Sarah and David this evening and did another little sketch when I got home.


  1. The bush certainly does look very different now. All that work for basically one plant! Isn't gardening fun? 🙂 Nice to have help with the top of it. Better than balancing on something to do it. An accident waiting to happen!
    Glad you got out for a bit of lunch. Almost makes slaving away worthwhile. What is it with the people around your way, they do like their large crotchet items. Shame she didn't get the injection. Hopefully she was going to Hull tomorrow anyway.
    I like the latest pen drawing, sadly I have no idea what it is. Nothing to do with your drawing, just my lack of plant knowledge.

  2. It is a cyclamen, it was the one given me by the veg box company.
    Yes, the yard bombing is very popular around here!
    The bush is really huge, and it had got completely overgrown, will endeavour to stop it getting that bad again.
