Thursday 30 September 2021

Not an interesting day but still some nice flowers in the garden!

No workmen to take drinks to today, it has been raining on and off, it is blowing a gale again and is really cold! I went round to help Carol and Sal again, did some cleaning and then some painting to cover marks on the walls. They needed boxes so I came home and sorted some out and took them to the shop.  I will go again tomorrow, they have now shifted all the boot sale stuff. I walked down the road then to do a bit of shopping. Despite the rough weather this week and lack of attention from the gardener there are still some nice plants in the front garden.

I got one sack of peanuts transferred to containers in the greenhouse, and then started sorting through my clothes to put some summer ones in storage and get some warmer ones out. I also got a sack full ready to go to a charity shop. Then got the urge to carry on sorting!
Sitting downstairs with Darren I had a rare lap visitor, luckily Pandora was asleep upstairs or I may have had a cat fight on my lap!
Tina got home safely from her trip to Walsingham and bought me a really pretty scarf.
Pandora is in her usual place now, making it awkward for me to write this!

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Terrible stairs and pumpkins!

This morning I opened the gate for the workmen and then the lady who owned the trampoline that ended up on the garden turned up with her friend. Then wanted to carry it to the fence and drop it over into their garden, but apart from all the weeds and nettles in their was it was also big and very awkward. I called out to the workmen who were happy to come and lend a hand, so that job was done quickly. I went to the shop to get some ingredients for dinner and call in at the chemist before heading round to help Carol and Sal again. The shop has the deepest, narrowest stairs I have seen, I go up the first lot once and down once and don’t even attempt the ones to the second floor!
When I got home I went down to see how the work was progressing. They were building up the wall at the back this time.
I changed the bedding and got the used set washed. Changing the bed, especially the duvet proves to be a real workout for me! After lunch I walked down the road to the florist to try and get some bun moss. They didn’t even know what I was talking about, nor had I heard of it until a few days ago. I watched a program about making a terrarium, you main essentials to have a go were akadama bonsai soil, bun moss and a goldfish bowl or similar, and of course some plants. I had been looking at goldfish bowls on line but they are pretty expensive now, then I realised that Tina had a glass bowl in the laundry area, a bit stained but perfect. It has cleaned up well and today the soil I ordered arrived, so just needed the bun moss to get started!
When I got back from the trip to the florist there were several pumpkins on the bench. I knew who had told Tina she would get some so texted to say than you. She hasn’t had to buy them after all as another allotment owner had plenty, he had even more but sixes were pinched! A couple were huge but I moved them all indoors otherwise they would have all disappeared before halloween!
Then I went down with another drink for the wall guys and took a progress picture.
I made a delicious lasagne even if I do have to say so myself, and there are a couple of portions to go in the freezer.
I went down to check all was well with the wall after tea, it was covered and the area left tidy, then took a picture of the church I am really pleased with.

I intend to get a couple of letters written this evening.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

A couple more casualties.

When I went out to feed the birds and get the gate unlocked for the workmen I noticed that one part of the dead tree had come down with the wind. We have kept the dead rowen as it is where I hang a lot of the bird feeders. Actually it now has some new growth!
The trampoline is still in the background, they are collecting it tomorrow.
When I went out after the builders had arrived one of them was standing on the large plastic storage box with an electric cable in his hand! Never a dull moment here! He asked if I had a long ladder to take the cable over the roof. I said there was an electric point in the back garden, but he said the cable wasn’t long enough. I got our long cable out so that solved that one. I did some washing and general chores, checked how the work was going when I took them a drink. Tina wants regular updates.
They are building up that pice of wall before they knock the next piece down.
Deliveries came today, 25kg of peanuts and a very large box of toilet rolls and kitchen towels, so getting them unpacked and stored away and taking the nuts to the greenhouse filled a bit of time!
Took the men a drink before I went to visit Lesley and they said they wouldn’t be doing a lot more today as they had run out of supplies. Would finish off and do some pointing. Had got a bit further though.
 Some pics of wind casualties.

The men had gone when I got back from Lesley’s, they had covered the work they had done.
Have been clearing area around the sewing machine for when I start the quilting. May have to design what I am actually going to do first!

Monday 27 September 2021

A pretty busy day!

The men arrived to to start work on the wall earlier than arranged at 8.15am. Luckily I was showered and dressed so let them in. I went to the shop quite early and then fed the Christmas cakes as I had forgotten to yesterday. That is five feeds done now so next week I will turn the cakes over and feed from the bottom. Tina set off a bit before ten and the rain had started by then. I had made the men a cuppa before she left and just after ten went down to tell then I was going out. It was tipping down with rain by then and blowing a gale! I had inadvertently left the key in the summer house so when I went down there were three wet men inside! The wind had blown all the furniture in the walled garden around. Untended the garden swing and we had gained a trampoline!

It had been bright when I went to the sh and had to take this picture, caught my eye because at first glance it looked like a very funky flower!
I went round to help Sal and Carol with their clearing of the shop for over an hour this morning, they have so much stuff, today Carol was clearing the cellar and I was moving it to the front of the shop for Sal to load into the car! It was dry again when I got back so went down to see how the work was going, they were having a lunch break so I made them another drink.
I decided to start working on the quilt which was started months ago. I ironed the backing and top again and then tried using the sticky spray that was recommended, I have only used the pins on big quilts before. Wish I had this time, the backing and wadding were sticking where they shouldn’t it was all getting creased and the wadding beginning to tear! I eventually, after almost two hours got it relatively flat and got the patterned top laid on it, but not stuck, decided to revert to using pins!
I went down to see how the work was going and was surprised to see two very big holes where they had started demolishing the wall at th back and the side!

I could visualise the local dogs and owners running riot in the garden this evening! Luckily one of them did come back and put some deterrent measures in place.

I spent about another hour smoothing the quilt as I pinned it together. I had thought I would start on some sewing today but that might not happen for a while now!

Feeling quite weary so will do a bit of catch up tv tonight.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Late night entry!

Will keep this relatively brief as I have been out this evening, more of that in a bit. This morning we went to the boot sale as usual and got a few bits. Darren got a couple of packs of cards to add to his collection and got a nice blue oil burner for Tina. I managed to get a plant from the lady we saw last week who had sold them all when I went back. Also got the cute glass wren that is in the picture.
Got some other bits that are self explanatory 

I tied up some of the new gladioli in the garden, they are really lovely.

Talking of the garden Sarah and David got me this interesting weeder last week, very thoughtful.
We watched the Grand Prix which was pretty exciting and this evening I have been out to see the Big O and Traveling Wilburys experience. It was a great show and I got another, much cheaper tee shirt, picture tomorrow. You couldn’t take photos during the show but ai took a couple of the stage before it started.

All for now, off to bed!

Saturday 25 September 2021

Moon shot with a story!

Yesterday evening I walked down to the leisure centre car park with Tina as she had her car on charge there. There was a bright moon so photo stops were included!
As we turned the corner near the church the moon looked really bright so we crossed the road to get a better view, somehow my toes came out of my sandals and I could feel myself going, called to Tina, thought I had got my balance and then was flat out on the pavement! Took the most of the fall on the operated knee, it is pretty sore! But still took the photo and then another one when we got to the car.

I didn’t sleep well but wasn’t in too much extra pain today. When I went out to feed the birds there was a shield beetle on the wall.
There was an insect on the twin sunflower.
The new gladioli I planted this year are doing well, the pink ones are lovely and I staked one the was bending down the fence and now it is straight and extremely tall!

I went out a couple of times after the shopping had arrived, the first time to get the weekend lunch stuff and the second time to have a look at the craft fair and then to get some plants to go in the cleared bed. Then this this afternoon I had a couple of sessions in the garden. The first time I cleared the next part of the bed I had started.

This ladybird looked good against this heuchera leaf.
I bought sixteen plants and they are all in the bed I cleared yesterday, not that it looks a lot different. I also transplanted a couple of brunera plants.
This white poppy has just opened, just beautiful.
Watching Strictly so all for now.