Saturday 30 April 2022

Garage sale and sending Darren to see ‘The Surviver’

We were setting up well before nine in the front garden and Sal and Carol set up all round the lawn and near the front, they have an awful lot of stock. It was a hot day and quite a few people came round the garden. We didn’t do too badly as I had actually taken more than half of the stuff I had been storing to the charity shop over the last few weeks.
The Surviver puppet was visiting Hornsea today and there was also gong to be sand art. I was at the stall all day so Darren came to my rescue and went to the front to take a photo!

He also saw an incredible book which I thought I would be good at or throw out of the window! They are amazing but really, really complex to make, so maybe I will just enjoy looking at them, or draining some and colouring them rather than getting the equipment needed to actually make them in fabric!

It was surprisingly tiring sitting around waiting to sell stuff, so feeling weary this evening. When I got the opportunity I tried phoning the hospital to try and get an update on my sister. I was not getting through and had a text from Rose who was also trying to get some information. When we had packed away I tried again and when the ward weren’t picking up I tried main reception and told them of my difficulty. The receptionist was very apologetic and actually got me through to the ward. The nurse I spoke to would not give me any information but sid take the hone to Margherita so that I could actually talk to her. She sounded fine and and is having physio to try and get her leg working again. I was able to tell Rose the update and put her mind to rest a bit.
We do intend to go to the boot sale tomorrow, but part of me is hoping the rain that was mentioned arrives as the garden is desperate for a drink and I am desperate not to start watering!!

Friday 29 April 2022

Visits and getting ready for the garage sale

A short entry, writing wise anyway. I have still felt weary but the arm is less painful today. Friday is visiting day so saw Bel this morning and Jean this afternoon. Managed to get through to the hospital this morning and was told my sister was ‘doing okay’. So contacts my niece to let her know I had spoken to someone. Apart from that I have been trying to sort out stuff for the garage sale, the WI organised one last year, where you pay £5 to get on a map of the town of all the houses selling their stuff in their own gardens, it was quite successful last time. I haven’t so much stuff this time as I have made numerous trips to the charity shop!
Anyway, I saw the sea on the way to Jean’s and have taken some pictures in the garden while I did a bit f essential watering this evening so will finish with a few photos. One of the sea ones I just liked the patterns it made!

Thursday 28 April 2022

Some after effects, shopping and stress!

My arm has ached more today and after we had been shopping I felt wiped out, way more tired than usual. The stress bit comes later! Tina drove up to Flemingate as I had a gift voucher from Art and Soul. We had a breakfast sandwich first and there was the cutest dachshund, sort of piebald colouring, the young owner didn’t mind me taking a photo of the little cutie.
Then we went into Art and Soul and had a good browse. I bought a crazy plant pot and a bar of handmade soap. I took one closer pic as there are actually hols for the windows, will have to be careful when I am watering!

We went into Dunelm and I bought some quilter stuff and material with the winnings from the scratch cards.
Nearly forgot to post the picture of me in my new funky dungarees from Anya, I love them!
On the way home we stopped at lights and I managed to get a photo of this pretty precarious chimney breast!
We had shopped in Bay Tree Interiors, I did buy a present for later in the year and some nice picture frames ready for if I ever get around to painting some presents. Tina bought a fabulous stand, and we both have vouchers to spend in the next couple of weeks.
We had a bit of lunch at Cherry Lane garden centre, where I found some plant based rice and a bird bath!

That is actually quite flimsy so we put pebbles in the column to give it a bit of weight.
I was beginning to feel excessively tired and my arm was aching a bit more so sat and relaxed. Pandora jumped on me nd I only had the phone nearby and the tv was turned off at the plug! So we chilled for a little while.
The stress came with finding my sister had been taken into hospital for an X-ray and when I spoke to my niece today she hadn’t heard anything and could get any sense from phone calls etc. so I took over! After half an hour or so getting nowhere Tina came nd sounded a bit more forthright. We eventually found she was still in A & E in the emergency treatment department but was due to be moved to a ward. I have spent an hour or so again this evening nd have established that she is now on a ward, but have been unable to talk to anyone. But at least I have been able to tell my niece that she is now on a ward.  Not feeling too lively so will probably get to bed soon.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Jab and gardening

My appointment for my spring booster jab was at nine thirty, I was seen quickly once he found the correct sheet with my name on! It was uncomfortable when he did it, but that soon wore off and it has felt okay all day. Most of the day I spent in the garden, I do want to get that bed next to the greenhouse ready for planting. I dug a couple of dandelions out of the rockery first and there was a bee hiding inert!
A picture of the bed when I started today and one when I stopped to get lunch.

The roots up by the was were even more densely packed! I dug out the giant snowdrops, there were a lot! I have added a picture of some still in the garden, past their best but you get the idea. If anyone wants some let me know, I will get them dried and ready for autumn planting.

I did dig the bed over twice more but will just post the picture of how I left it when I came in. Another turn over, or maybe two get get it as lump free as possible!
There is a large crow coming to the garden that uses the round bird bath, and has been tipping it over! I saw him earlier and he had a lump of bread from somewhere and was using the water to soften it! Clever.
I have done a few chores but it is feet up this evening as I spent quite a long time gardening today.
Tina is off tomorrow and depending on my arm nd her foot, we may, or my not go out for a bit!

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Happy birthday to me!

I have been very lucky today, lots of cards and presents. Crafty stuff, a couple of jigsaws, the book I wanted, ‘Run Rose Run’ and some other bits, all good and many useful. A nice selection of cards.
Should have said that I was also given some scratch cards and won over £30! Lucky lady.
Tina took me over to Bemora across the road for lunch, I had the super matcha green tea and the meal was delicious.

I went to collect my winnings and then went round to help at the Families at Three group. Not too bad today as the children played outside quite a lot. When I came back I had a cuppa and a piece of the very tasty birthday cake with Darren. Forgot to take a picture before we cut it!
I went out into the garden for a while, working on the bed by the greenhouse. I not only have the Easter card to ‘plant’ now but I also got a butterfly bomb with wild flower seeds to attract the butterflies that needs a good clean bed for planting. This bed is very, very weedy with ground elder as well as other invasive plants so it will need digging over several times before the planting,

The acer in the garden looks stunning even when it isn’t in the sun.
Watching  ‘Grace’ on catch up with Pandora on my lap.

Monday 25 April 2022

Travelling home

I will start with a photo from yesterday, Anya sent it to me, she took it when we were sitting on a bench at Grimsthorpe Castle.
Today Anya came for me before 9.30am and we were on the way home after collecting a package Anya had pre ordered. The journey went well, we did have one comfort break but we’re in Hornsea by about 12.30pm. The only photos I took today will come as no surprise!

Anya took me up to Freeport and we had a really nice lunch. Then, once we were back here she got ready to set off for her long drive home.
I have unpacked and done some washing, went out and topped up the bird feeders and checked on the bonsai trees. I have been to see Sarah and David this evening, they are off to Portugal at the weekend.
I have started watching the Trump interview, but don’t think I will be for long!
Birthday girl tomorrow!

Sunday 24 April 2022

Grimsthorpe Castle

A nice relaxed start to the day and then Amya and family called for me at 11.30am and we went to Grimsthorpe Castle. A fabulously interesting house, but no photography allowed inside and super grounds. I will just add a lot of photos and round the post off with a few works at the end,

It was nice and bright but a very chilly wind. We went back to Anya’s then and she cooked a really nice dinner while I watched the new version of Murder on the Orient Express with Isobel and Louis. We had a game of the tile Rummy game and when Anya brought me back to Rachel’s. I have gathered most of my stuff together and now just having a restful evening. Home tomorrow but being taken by Anya so no getting on and off trains with lots of stuff.