Tuesday 30 June 2020

Little boxes

I finished off the set of boxes yesterday evening. I painted the insides a different colour and cut out more butterflies to go round the side of the boxes and a couple for inside each box. Quite an attractive little set now.

I went to the post box early again, not all these letters are from me, I take them for Tina quite often and this one as for Darren! On the way back I notices this amazing flower that has been hiding under the greater sea kale. The bud heads are unusual and the flower fabulous.
I did spend about an hour in the front garden this morning. Just weeding and removing as much bind weed as I could. This picture is slightly out of focus but one of the rockery plants is flowering, there are several other about to as well.
In the back garden the sea holly has now turned really blue, think it is one of my favourite plants.
This afternoon I went into the church with Tina again and stuck the ‘please sit here’ signs onto the pews with masking tape while Tina got some Jose done in the office. Then I had a mad moment and cleaned the top oven for a while!
Holby on tv tonight and more Talking Heads. Must admit I have only enjoyed one so far but all the reviews tell me they are brilliant. I am obviously a peasant!!

Monday 29 June 2020

Bit livelier today

Yesterday evening I got a set of four white card boxes out to decorate as a set. I painted them with acrylic paint and then found some wrapping paper with butterflies on so a lot of cutting out.
I was up about 6 am but had a better night than the one before which was good. I went to post some letters and passed the church, I know not everyone likes the wild sweet peas but I really do although they can get a bit straggly.
The clouds were attractive as I walked back.
I had a package to take to the post office so thought I would try walking there and if I managed make it up to the sea front. The knees weren’t happy so it was slow progress, but I made it there and back so was pleased with that. There was a large ship out at sea but the phone camera only goes up to 4x zoom, but you can see it!

After lunch I went into the church with Tina to try and work out the social distancing in the church and mark the places people could sit. Really difficult and in the main body of the church we could only manage places for twenty two people! Far more complicated that you would think and then there is all the cleaning with a congregation that is predominately over seventy!
I have been carrying on with the boxes and will hopefully put the finished articles on the blog tomorrow!

Sunday 28 June 2020

A short walk on the cliff tops

I didn’t have a very good night because of the knee, which always seems to hurt more at night, which is a pain, literally! So wasn’t in the best of humours when I got up. Sat and moped for a bit then decided to get in the garden for a bit even though it was blowing a gale! I hoed the bed where the greater sea kale is, the wind has flattened one of them down and two branches were broken.
I only worked out there for half an hour or so but it did the trick and my mood lifted. A friend of Tina’s left two huge cacti with her as she didn’t have room to take them when she moved. They have been on the bench outside, I think the intention is to give them to the local stately home when it is open. They have been buffeted with wind and rain but don’t seem to mind too much as one of them is starting to flower.
Sarah and David had told me where they go for a cliff top walk and Tina said she would drive me up there this afternoon, the instructions were a bit sketchy so we are not sure we went to the right place but we did get to there so that was good. Such a different view from up high.
Tried to zoom in a bit with the phone as there was a real tinge of green in the sea today,
We didn’t walk a lot as it really was very windy up there! On the way back Tina stopped near a road where Krissie and Steve live as that leads to the cliff tops. Slightly different view from there.
We have had dinner now and there is nothing ai particularly want to see on the tv so may sort out a video or do some crafting.
Forgot to mention that we watch .’Yesterday’ last night and we all enjoyed it.

Saturday 27 June 2020

Taking it easy

My knee has not been good, making me feel quite under the weather, but hopefully it will settle down again. Yesterday evening I decorated the last of the clay leaves, used a napkin this time, the others were using proper decoupage paper.
I did the weekend shopping locally, that trolley gets plenty of use! Bought a pile of over ripe bananas at the grocers as he wanted to get rid of them, very cheap. So made some banana bread, took an age to cook, much longer than the recipe said, but the cooker does have a mind of its own! They tast pretty good.
I had a mini pillow that I didn’t use and found a pretty piece of material so made a cover for it this afternoon.
Going to watch ‘Yesterday’ with my feet up later.

Friday 26 June 2020

Some craft and more flora!

Some time ago, in fact when we lived in Scarborough, I made some little dishes using leaves and air drying clay. Had three that have survived and I have never decided what to do with them. When we were in Hobbycraft yesterday we got some decoupage papers so thought I would decorate the leaves with them. One of the leaf as it was and then the two ai have decorated.

One more to give an idea of the size.
My knee was really bad yesterday so today I decided to take things easier and see if it will settle down again. I did get some ironing done this morning and a couple of household chores, and a slow walk to the local shop.
I made a card for a friend who has very limited vision, he is an Arsenal fan so hoping this is eye catching enough.
I sat out in the garden this afternoon and die have a wander round dead heading pansies and pulling a few weeds. Took another picture of the sea holly with a bee, this bee is showing it’s white bottom!
It was quite hot out there so my cap with the big brim came in handy!
I did take the camera out and it turned out to be a wood pigeon day! I didn’t use the monopod so that are not too bad considering, especially as it was swinging wildly on the hanging tray.
This picture of the summer house shows just how tall the teasel plant has grown, the teasels are forming now.
In the front garden the first spiky yellow flower is opening. Masses of buds so this will look amazing in a couple of weeks.
The greater sea kale are looking fantastic.
When I was filling the cans ready to water the bonsai trees took a picture of the sky, as you do!
An evening in front of the tv now!

Thursday 25 June 2020

Second instalment, fingers crossed

The internet is still dipping in and out but I will endeavour to catch up on yesterday and today’s news. Tina has a meeting in Skipsea yesterday so I went along for the ride and had a very short walk as my knee has been quite sore for a couple of days now. The church in Skipsea is in the middle of nowhere so really stands out.

As I said, it was a short walk but I managed to take a few pictures!

Back at home I topped up the compost in the pink cart planter so that the plants are sitting higher now.
This plant has appeared near the back door, it may be a weed but it has very pretty flowers.
Took a picture of this stunning marigold.
Today Tina had a funeral in Hull and I went along. I had a walk through the lovely rose garden at the crematorium.
We were going to have our picnic at the Humber Bridge country park but had forgotten that it is a corona virus testing centre now and the car park was packed solid! Did get a picture of the bridge though when we drove under it on the way to have lunch by the river.
Two more shots of the Humber, a lovely day for pictures.
Then Hobbycraft and home. My knee has been very painful today so a quiet evening now.

Short late post!

Our internet went off yesterday morning and has only just been restored. I did get out for a bit yesterday but will write a longer post later today.
The night before last I decided to decorate a wooden wreath that Tina had bought some time ago. It seemed a shame to paint it but deciding what to do had made me leave it.
I decided to get the buttons out and see what I could do. Tina loves the result, it has worked well.
Yesterday morning I was up at five, had a card to post and made my way down to a play park to see if I could see the mere. Only just!!
Took an early morning picture of the church on my way back.
Still before six when I was out on the patio with the cats!
Will write about the short trip to Skipsea later.