Saturday 30 September 2017

Peasholm Island

Just one sunset shot.

This morning I caught the bus just after 7.30 am to go into town. Had the pool to myself again which I am really enjoying, will be a bit of a shock next time I have to share! I had breakfast in the cafe near the hotel, then went to M & S to do the weekend shopping, I had taken the trolley with me. Took a few pics as I walked from the bus stop to the hotel, not sunrise but nice morning light.

I would have called the last one 'lovebirds' but I think it was a couple of work mates! I did some shopping and the trolley was pretty heavy with my swimming stuff in there as well. Got the bus home, unpacked, had a cuppa and did a few chores.
It had turned into a lovely day so I made a flask of coffee, my bright little one, holds about a mug full, but enough for a short trip out. I took some bird and squirrel food. I hoped to get onto the island but if it was closed was going to make my way to the glen. The park was looking lovely and some signs of autumn.

There was a heron by the lake, it moved two times as it was being disturbed by the folk in boats. I didn't have the camera with the big zoom, but this one wasn't too bad.
The island was open, so that was great, I really love going up to the oriental garden. More climbing, but much prettier than yesterday's.
A few from the garden.

This one on the way down.
I walked round in front of the waterfall, which was dry today. A swan had sat preening there and really liked the pellets, he/she was literally hoovering them up!

Spotted this unusual fungus as I came through the park on the way home.
A couple more shots taken in the park.

Haven't done a great deal this afternoon once I was home. Tina and I are going out this evening if we can muster the energy. I am a bit achy, not too surprising as I have upped the activity considerably, but a few pills should sort it out.

Friday 29 September 2017

The Clifford's Tower challenge!

I slept quite well and my knee seemed more inclined to bend this morning which was a good start. ankle maybe fractionally less sore, the consultant said it would take a few days to see any improvement if there was any.
I walked up to the coffee morning at the studio and tried a couple of the cakes, too much butter icing really so felt a bit sick when I walked to the hairdressers from there, it soon wore off though. Another coffee morning at the hairdressers, I donated but just had a cup of tea there!
Met up with Tina in town and we had a very pleasant drive across to York, it was drizzling rain on the journey but had dried up by the time we arrived. Tina had looked up a car park that was near to Clifford's Tower, which I have seen from a distance before and really fancied visiting it. The tower from the car park and a tree getting it's autumn colours, also in the car park.

We went to a shopping area together and had some lunch. Then Tina went off to do some shopping and I made my way to Clifford's Tower. When I arrived and saw the steps it was a 'shall I, shan't I' moment.
54 steps, when I could breath again I got a ticket and went inside.
Then a ' was this a good idea' moment when I saw the way up to the top.
View from half way up.
Nearly there, and the weather had really brightened up by then.
Looking into the courtyard and then an Australian lady offered to take my picture up there.

Tina's car really is towards the back of that car park!
The minster and the walk way.

Going down and a shot from half way, different stairs up and down.

One closer shot inside and then the final challenge!!

Goodbye to the tower, and feeling quite pleased with myself that I managed the visit.

I walked back into the shopping area to meet up with Tina, I was a bit early so read some of the guide book which was interesting. I was sat near this church in the city.
Had to go and take this picture before we set off for home, what a novel way to decorate a street.
We didn't hit too much traffic coming home and rounded off the trip with fish and chips when we got home!
There has even been a sunset this evening, although now winter is approaching I don't get such a clear view.

Still feeling a bit full. Managed ten minutes on the twist and shape last night, will have another session a bit later.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Raindrops on flowers

This morning I went up to catch the bus to go to the hotel and use the pool I went and posted a couple of letters first so was there a bit early, so took some pictures of the plants, it was fine drizzly rain this morning.

I had the pool to myself again, could get used to this, and managed to swim continuously for 25 minutes. I have also been trying to get across the small area with my head under the water, managed 8 strokes and got across today. I caught the bus to come home about an hour after I had got into the pool, so pretty good, took this picture walking down our road.
Webs look good, but not easy to catch with the light just right.
While I had a bit of a rest I decided it was time to try and clean the antique clock a bit. I love it anyway, but now it looks even better.

Donna is having a coffee morning at the studio tomorrow and I said I would make a cake. Made a few scones as well as Darren and Tina like having some cake in the kitchen. The cake took a bit longer to cook this time, but it turned out fine.
Took a photo of the triffid crocuses that are just getting bigger every day!
While I was out in the garden took some of the plants that still had droplets on them.

When the Ringtons man had been and the cake had cooled I took a walk up to the studio to deliver it, and to see how the mouse had turned out. My ankle has been sore, but not unbearable, maybe the injection is helping a bit, although I still haven't decided now I am going to sort out wearing shoes with backs again. Today my knee has been causing more problems, really doesn't want to bend at all, but I am working on the theory that the more I use it the better it will get - ever the optimist! Anyway, did walk up to the studio, the mouse is so cute, a few flaws where the brown underneath is showing, but as far as I am concerned it doesn't matter.

Last week I took the little fairy house I had decorated to Donna to give to Amy, who is five years old. What a lovely surprise to get a hand made thank you card from her, a rare thing these days, she is such a nice little girl.

I walked back via the north bay, a really beautiful afternoon and warm too.

So, a fairly busy day, a bit of a sunset this evening, but it didn't carry on or get dramatic.