Friday 31 July 2015

I won't comment on the first two pictures, think you might guess!!

This morning I went to town, had an appointment at the post office and made one for getting my hair cut. Bought some more material for the green chasuble. Tina and I went to Deans to get bird food via The Mere where we had a sandwich and fed some ducks and geese.
There was a lovely lily at Deans, I didn't buy it!!
As well as chasubles Catherine asked me to make a miniature baptism garment. I have, but it is a bit rough, especially inside, so may end up making another at some point!

Thursday 30 July 2015

This morning I had an appointment at the doctors, good and not quite so good on that front. He says the throat is viral and will sort itself out in time, I have ointment for the rash on my face so that was my reasons for going dealt with, which was good. He was a locum (very lovely) and he was more concerned about the anaemia. Although the tests I have had were fine he tested my water and says there is a slight problem with that so I have antibiotics and will see him again in a fortnight. He seems to think there must be an underlying cause and intends to find it! Tina and I then took a short road trip to York, mainly to go to the Hotter shop, and have lunch of course. We couldn't be out too long as Colonel had a vets appointment before 5 pm. We had a good wander round, the weather was okay but really brightened up on the way home. I took a couple of pictures of churches, not the Minster this time!

It was a bit of a trek back to the car park and I was feeling tired, so Tina left me with the bags, by a handy wall, to wait for her! Took this 'old and newish' photo. New telephone box in comparison to the building that is!
I did get a pair of shoes ready for the autumn and we enjoyed the change of scene. I have done a bit more cutting out this evening but not sure I will bother to get the sewing machine out tonight. going to watch Flockstars later!

Wednesday 29 July 2015

This morning I went to the studio as Donna had asked me to help out at a Diddy Doodlers session. She reads a story to toddlers and then they do some painting and mum or dad get a tea or coffee and the children juice and biscuits. She had quite a lot booked in today.

Then time for the fun painting!

I went into town to get some material as I am making small vestments for one of Tina's friends. The first one was not quite right so we have changed the design. I got a new case in Boyes, very light indeed and easy to wheel along as well as I wheeled it home!
I set to and made a chasuble when I got home, this time it is the right shape so I have three more to make in different colours now. They are not too difficult now the pattern is correct.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

I had a bit of a disturbed night so pottered around this morning, getting a few things put away and emptying bins! Tina said she would give me a lift into town, so I showered quickly and decided to get out for a bit. I had birthday cards and presents to buy and I wanted to get the backing material and wadding to finish of the jelly roll quilt. The lady in the material shop suggested a very jazzy backing material and a plain black border, I think they will be very striking with the quilt.
I am not sure when I will get it completed as I will need to enlist Tina to help me do the layering as it is a fairly large quilt. When Tina came home we nipped to the shop as she had some bits to get and I have fancied cherries and there weren't any in the store when I went at the weekend. I have some now! It has been wet and grey today, but it has dried up now and there is even a little bit of blue sky!

Monday 27 July 2015

Not a lot to report today. My throat is still very sore and I haven't even got dressed today, let alone go out! I wrote three letters last night and one this morning and Tina posted them for me. Some time ago I bought a 'jelly roll', which is a whole bundle of already cut pieces to make a quilt. I watched a video on You tube about the 'Jelly roll Race'. Not really a race, but a quick way of assembling the yards of pieces without lots of cutting and ironing. This is after I had sewn all the pieces together in a long (very long) length!
You then have to get both ends and sew the strip up so that it is half the length, and then do the same again and again! this is about half way!
Then the top of the quilt assembled!
This has taken most of the day, and plenty of threads to clear up again, but it has taken my mind off the throat! Can't go any further with it until I buy wadding and backing material. It was fun to do, need to be more precise with the finishing. The weather has been pretty miserable outside so haven't missed much by hot going out. Time for a Lemsip now I think!

Sunday 26 July 2015

You will be pleased to know I won't be taking pictures of the sunset tonight as it is grey outside and raining! I did however take pictures last night but will just post one.
I had signs of a bit of a cold yesterday and woke up in the night finding it really painful to swallow. Did try and find lemsips but hadn't got any but had got a lozenge which helped a bit. I now have lemsips, lozenges and pills so hopefully will keep it at bay, or at least disguise the pain!! Lovely weather this morning so Darren and I headed off to the boot fair, the wind had dropped as well, so it was really pleasant. I am used to urban boot fairs so the setting of this huge one is lovely, you can see the view in the distance.
I got some bargain canvasses, paid about £2.50 in total for seven, so the button class will be stocked up for a bit when I return. I also bought two pictures, I really need more pictures considering I have loads that haven't found wall space yet! But These are thread on silk and I just loved them, I have even hung them already,
Darren dropped me off at the studio where I helped with a party for nine year olds for a couple of hours. They were very well behaved, but the music was loud and I have had a bit of a headache this last couple of days, probably linked to the throat. I went and got sore throat stuff after and headed home. Having finished the table cover yesterday I decided to finish a wall hanging that I started a while ago. That is on the wall at the moment but may not stay there.
There is a new Agatha Christie drama starting tonight so I am looking forward to that.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Apart from going out with Darren to get shopping I have had the whole day in today, and most of it working on a quilted table cover that I started some time ago. I made a few errors along the way but actually finished it at about 4.30 pm. I still have the sewing debris to clear away as I have been getting tea for us all, and that is another story!
When Darren and I were shopping I bought some measuring cups, as the recipe I had been sent to make your own pasta without a machine was written in cups. I really struggled with it as it was a bit vague, two eggs and oil. but not the size or amount, so I ended up kneading for ages and was still not convinced it would be a dough that would roll well. I did make it, and so far the three of us have survived, but buying it seems an easier option at the moment!
When Tina and I were in town on Thursday we got a cupcake and muffin book so I made some peanut butter ones! No picture and we haven't tried them yet, the mixture was pretty tasty though! Best go and put things away before I trip over them and do myself a mischief!

Friday 24 July 2015

I went swimming this morning and I think I was fractionally faster! Back home I make a pack up and went to catch the open top bus along to the Spa end. I walked to where the open air swimming pool used to be (only found that was where it was today), the view from there was desolate, away from visitors.
I decided to sketch looking in the opposite direction towards the Spa, I thought I had packed everything but found I had left the brushes behind! Luckily I had the brush that has water inside so was able to colour it.
I decided to take the cliff lift op to the cliff top. The one at the Spa is the oldest and longest one working in Scarborough. This is a shot as we were nearing the top.
Walking along the top you are pretty much level with the castle and the pirate ship was out today.
This afternoon I have re started work on the quilted table cover that I began months ago now,after I had used the little hand mower to tidy up the front lawn.. Maybe a picture of the table cover tomorrow. But for now a better picture of the dragon.

Thursday 23 July 2015

I am starting with a couple of sky pictures as it was pretty impressive last night.

I went to the craft class last night and we made flowers to decorate shopping bags. Quite effective, but I really don't need any more bags, it will make a present though.
Today I have spent most of the day with Tina which has been lovely. We did an hour or so tidying in the back garden then walked into town. Lots of shopping and a very nice lunch, followed by a scone at another cafe then off for Tina's eye check up appointment. We called in at the studio on the way home, the dragon is done, I took a couple of not great photos because of the shadows caused by the bright sunshine. didn't bring it home as we had a lot to carry so can't take a better one just yet!

This evening I went up to the church with Tina as there was a wedding rehearsal. Good to have someone else there in case visitors decide to come in. I took my sketchbook and stayed in the church while Tina had choir practice. Very nice to listen to while I sketched.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

For a change, a sunset picture!
I went swimming this morning so am sticking with it at the moment. Quite busy, but I am getting used to playing dodgems now! I met up with Sue from the button class for a coffee mid morning, I haven't seen her since the incident, as she has been away, but she was the one the hysterics were aimed at. She was quite cheerful but does not really want to attend classes with the difficult customer there. I then went off to town and took a couple of flower pictures, one, a lacecap hydrangea in our front garden. Last year this plant was obscured by the reedy stuff that we got rid of, so it is a much happier plant now!
Next door has the most unusual rose in the front garden, I have never seen one like it before.
How unusual is that?
I called in at the studio, they have been really busy today, which is great, but I did make a start on the camper van money box. I will finish it next time I go in. The dragon was being glazed and will go in the kiln tonight.
Out to the craft class tonight, I think we are decorating shopping bags.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

As I had spent most of the day indoors yesterday I decided to take a walk down to the beach in the evening. I made up a small flask and took a small towel so that I could walk along at the waters edge. It was lovely to see black headed gulls as it is unusual on the North bay, well, during the day anyway. Not that I mind the herring gulls at all, I haven't lived here long enough for them to annoy me.
I sat on some steps at the Sea Life end of the North bay and the beach was really quite deserted for a July evening at about 6.30 pm.
I was talking of herring gulls, and one on the beach stood out as it had such a dark body colour, they are generally a fairly light grey.
There was a speed boat pulling a dingy with someone on it behind I think, looked like they were having a lot of fun!
Today I went into town and then made my way to the studio. spent over three hours on the dragon, and could have done more but have called it a day. I should be glazed and fired by the end of the week.

Monday 20 July 2015

The skies haven't been quite so dramatic of late, but as I have had a pretty uneventful day I will put one from yesterday, lovely colours really.
Today I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen as I bought the ingredients last week to make Christmas cakes, was going to make them on Thursday but ended up going to Edinburgh instead! So, I made five in the end, four with butter and one with vegetable margarine for my sister as my niece is allergic to dairy products. I make that one square, easier to remember as a label might get lost if they were all round!
I rarely bake thes days but did make some muffins as well.
The cakes are cooling now then the feeding will begin. I did get out and do a bit of clearing in the garden, managed to get a bag filled and then it began to rain.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Not a lot to report today. It was wet and windy to start with so no boot sale this week. Went to the shop with Darren as we decided to have dinner together tonight and needed to get food in. I went off to swim, fairly quiet today. I did take some pictures in the garden, some planted and some waiting for me to get busy and find them a home! The sea holly is getting more gorgeous by the day.
The agapanthus and a pink flowered plant I have forgotten the name of are still waiting to make it into a flower bed!

The bonsai trees have settled up here happily and are looking healthy.
I also have planted a quite different foxglove to the ones I have had before, this one is smaller and quite delicate, I am hoping the bees like it just as much though.
I am going to make Christmas cakes tomorrow, well, that is the plan at the moment. Only a handful now, not the numbers I used to make.