Friday 31 January 2020

Just pottering

First picture tonight was sent to me by Anya yesterday, this little guy popped up on her screen!
I had to blocks of lard left over and a lot of seed so made some more fat feeders up today, they were very successful last time. I used more seed this time so had a bit spare which I put in a paper cup.
I have caught up with the washing and got some weekend shopping in. After lunch I decided it was time to sort the greenhouse out. I am not growing seeds this year but keep all the bird supplies in there and then leave the packaging everywhere. It was chaotic. I have been saving containers as I now buy mealworms and peanuts in bulk and don’t like leaving then in bags. A bit more organised now and I will really try to remove rubbish as it appears!

I went to put some stuff in the garden bin and took a picture of an aconite, because they are not only like sunshine but grow on long stalks and have pretty leaves.
I decided to have a drink sat out in the summer house, not a lot of birds around but a cheeky squirrel.
At the garden centre the other day I got a hanging bird feeder that was reduced. I put it out today and the squirrel was soon on it!
While I was sat there I did catch a glimpse of the wren. It is unlikely I will ever get a picture, it comes very rarely and flits about. But a delight for me was that it came and landed on a jar on the patio a few feet from me. Quite make my day that fleeting visit.
A couple of pictures from the garden to finish today, one of a beautiful primula and the other of a fabulous grass that I planted in the autumn.

Thursday 30 January 2020

Early start

We were all out of the house by seven this morning, Darren was off to work and Tina was taking me to Spire hospital for my early appointment to see Mr Johnson the orthopaedic consultant. Pandora has been shut in the office last night, I had missed her as she is usually coming to see me from the early hours, today we found her and then disappeared for the day, the cats have been having a few more spats lately so luckily Blue decided to go out so we weren’t leaving them together all day.
We did hit some heavy traffic on the way to Hull but were at the hospital in good time. Mr Johnson was a charming man, gave me a good examination, went through the options and pointed things out to us on the X-rays. Tina came in with me. He did a good job of talking me out of the injection route so am now due to have a knee replacement in April although the date has not been arranged yet. Interestingly my right knee has been a problem for twenty years or more but the left one is due for surgery as that is the one giving me most pain at the moment. The Spire is a private hospital and that is where I will have the operation. When we were leaving there was a view of the Humber Bridge, would be great if that is the view from the ward!
The rest of the day was quite busy, and my knee was playing up about after the examination. We went into Hull, Tina wanted to make an appointment at the bank which she did and then went to two different phone shops to see about a new phone for work. In the second one she had a very helpful lad and we were there some time as she bought one but had lots of options etc to sort out. The shop had no chairs but she asked if he could bring one for me, which he did, I was grateful as we were there quite a long time. 
We went and had lunch at the Panini Cafe that I had been to a couple of times, Tina thought it was good value there too. Then we went off to Tina’s dentist as she had an appointment today, that is on the outskirts of Hull. After that we headed for home but stopped for tea and cake at the garden centre. I will make the most of being ‘bad’ today as I need to get my weight down to be sure that my bmi is below thirty when I go for my pre op.
We had missed the Ringtons man this morning, he left a note to say he would call back later and luckily we arrived home before he came back. He now has Jellyatrics to sell in individual packs rather than as part of an offer, and he had some interesting looking tea bags to try. I have had takeaway with Darren and Tina this evening and now I have Jellyatrics, definitely need to start being good tomorrow!
It has been a long day so will be taking it easy this evening and won’t be in bed too late.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Gardening and garden centre!

This morning I went out to clear the leaves around the snowdrops, proved to be quite difficult to tidy up without breaking the flower heads off! Not a great deal of difference to be seen again although I over half filled the green container again.
I went on to tidy up the new bed at the front of the garden that we had the stumps ground out of in the autumn. Slightly more noticeable improvement on this one,

The mahonia was looking lovely in the sunshine, when the flowers open it will smell lovely too.
After lunch I caught the bus up to the garden centre. I often notice the mole hills when out and about with Tina or Darren but today I got up close and personal and have for a while been amazed at just how many there are, but now at the size of some of them!
I wanted some suet pellets for the birds and a Niger seed feeder to try and attract the goldfinches. Got those, also a few mor buttons and some wooden hears which people may like to decorate with buttons. Also got this delightful little cushion in the sale!
Walking back to the bus stop I saw this lonely but beautiful flower in a bed.
I have had tea and been to the shop, filled in my registration form for the hospital so will now relax for the evening. Will get to be after White  House Farm as Tina and I have to be on the road by seven in the morning.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

A pressie to make me more civilised!

This morning Pandora, who has been reluctant to go out for a few days now, did get up on the wall and went over for a while, but not for long!

We have a lovely show of snowdrops in the front garden, have got them appearing out the back too.
Pity about all the leaves, may motivate myself to clear them tomorrow!
I did manage to walk down to the post office and back this morning, called into the butchers to get something for tea as well. But didn’t overdo it and walk up to the sea as I am trying to build up the walking again but need to take my time. I made a drink and went out into the summer house for a while to try and encourage Pandora out, but she was having none of it. I didn’t take the camera but was pleased to see the family of long tailed tits again.
After lunch I caught the bus up to Freeport, I wanted things in The Works and Pound Stretcher, one successful buy and one not. Had a drink and caught the bus home. A package had been delivered, from Amazon and I hadn’t ordered anything. Mike had spotted a cow jug like the one I had at the cafe yesterday, what a lovely surprise, and have the tray ready for a civilised drink later!
For a while this afternoon I tidied up the area outside the back door and moved the cat house into it as it has been outside and not used since we came here. Thought a sheltered place for the cats if they are out would be good. I put a mat on one of the low shelves behind it as well as it is unlikely they would share the space!

So not a bad day and 10,000 steps two days in a row!

Monday 27 January 2020

Bit more gardening and bus to Hull

This morning I went out to start tidying the large bed in the front garden, the one that is most noticeable for passers by. Mostly removing dead stalks etc and a little hoeing. A lot of grass is appearing so managed to pull some out. The photos don’t look that different but I filled the large green container and a little more after that!

Probably just under an hour again, but at least I have made a start.
I had a present to buy and also got an offer from Clinique so caught the bus into Hull. Had a bit of a walk into the town centre, took this photo which I was pleased with.
Some lovely buildings in Hull and a good day for photos.
After doing a bit of shopping, and getting a gift which was the main reason for going I went to have some lunch. I ordered a chicken salad which was very good when it arrived but the tea arrived first and that put a smile on my face!
I went into Debenhams and used my Clinique offer, headed to the station and had a coffee and then caught the bus home again.
Haven’t done a great deal since but think I will get to 10,000 steps today which I haven’t managed for a few weeks! Will try to build it up again and eat sensibly as I don’t want to be over the weight limit when I go to the hospital on Thursday!

Sunday 26 January 2020

A bit of gardening....

I didn’t sleep that well and was slow to get going this morning, but the weather was dry and I have been thinking about the amount of clearing that is needed in the garden. Also I have thought I should do some clearing in the front and have Pandora out there to get used to being out there as now she is out and about she could get herself over the fence. I don’t want her getting spooked out there and having another fatality! As it turned out she didn’t get out into the front garden much as Blue decided that it was her garden and kept chasing her away! I didn’t take any pictures as I didn’t intend to do a lot, I was probably out for about an hour including getting ready and putting stuff away, just removed lots of dead stuff and some weeds from the left hand bed next to the wall. Filled the large green bag a couple of times!
We have a lot of snowdrops but also now some aconites, they are so bright.
This afternoon I went to see Sarah and David for a couple of hours, they have been in Spain for three weeks. It was raining this afternoon so good that I got outside for a bit this morning.
Have made dinner and will be watching the Pottery Throw Down and Vera later.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Successful bird count

Last night I formatted my memory card and sometimes the first photos after a format don’t transfer, so took a couple of Pandora on the window seat.
This morning I got everything ready to go and sit in the summer house for an hour to do the RSPB annual bird count. I did take the camera out but had the doors closed so not great and anyway I needed to concentrate on the counting! One of my friend the pheasant and one that believe it or not was a long tailed tit!

At one point there were three long tailed tits on that feeder, hopefully they will arrive again.
This afternoon I got a stamp set out that I bought a while ago. It has three different butterfly stamps that you can overprint on each other, quite a challenge lining them up but I think the result is good.
I made one card up which I am pleased with, nice stamps to use.
That was a success, trying to make scones the Mary Berry was wasn’t! Such a shame as I was making them for Darren to take along to his archery competition tomorrow, will make some my way next time!

Friday 24 January 2020

Friends and neighbours?!

This morning when I went out to feed the birds the pheasant was around, it wandered off but waited on the wall. In the distance as I just had the phone with me.
A bit later the pheasant was back and the single visiting seagull. It was fabulous to watch them as they both wanted the food in the bed and I would have bet on the seagull but the pheasant held its own and was having none of it!

That picture was good as it caught a couple of the crows as well, we have a family of four that arrive every day.

I decided to catch the bus up to Freeport as I need to shake off the mood I have been in and get on with things as best I can. I walked up to the sweet shop and had a nice hot chocolate and cake on the way back to the bus.
When I got home the weather was still lovely so I sat on the patio for a while and the cats were about, not too much other wildlife. I took a photo of the large tree in the park behind the walled garden.
A selection of cat pics now!

I think a squirrel caught their eyes in that one!
The sky was nice, not really colourful but the light has been gorgeous today.
It has been very bright today and a couple of the lights by the summer house lit up, we haven’t seen that for a while.
Off to a bingo evening, a fund raiser by Atwick church!