Tuesday 30 November 2021

Hello Hull!

Decided to catch the bus into Hull, no particular reason although I did need some toiletries and Tina had a couple of things she wanted. Very good adherence to the mask ruling on the buses and in town around the shops. The station was decked with lots of lovely remembrance artwork done in the local schools.

Christmas decks outside and inside St Stephens.

City Hall. Is always worth a picture.
A couple of photos near Princes Quay.

Great lampshades where I had lunch, very tasty lunch as well.

More Christmas before I caught the bus home.
I felt really tired walking round the city today, not sure how I am going to build the energy up again.
Had a phone call from the hospital earlier and am now gang to have the second hand operation next week!

Monday 29 November 2021

Break out the sewing machine!

It was still pretty cold this morning and the pavements did have some ice on them, I noticed when I was taking stuff up there the garden bin. The sun was out so I thought I would take a walk to the postbox a bit later in the day. I have some Christmas soft toys and put a couple on a chair over the weekend. Pandora decided to share the chair with them and it made a cute picture!
As it was sunny today I took another picture of the glas butterflies in the window.
I did take a careful walk along to the post box, the pavements weren’t clear but not too bad. The mahonia in the front garden is opening well, I will soon be able to enjoy the lovely perfume!
Some weeks ago I got the material ready to stitch a squash image, actually got around to doing the jilting on it today as I had the green thread in the machine.
I stitches the holly leaves on the second place mat and will show a photo of them without the berries as the photo was taken in daylight and more accurate. The second one is with the berries. I am pleased with them, but how many more I will do is another matter.

I have been to see Sarah and David this evening and just relaxing now.

Sunday 28 November 2021

First snow

It has been really cold all day today, the snow that greeted us this morning is still mostly there.

Darren and I did go to the boot sale/market. We were told the boot sale folk and arrived and departed, but it was the Christmas event for the market so we had been going to have a look anyway. I got some card blanks and Darren got some trainers, we had our sausage sandwiches and got thoroughly chilled! I haven’t warmed up all day. Although getting the dinner did help! Took a couple of shots while we were there.

A couple of days ago I hung the two butterflies I made at the glass class in the window with the plaque I bought a while ago. They look better in bright sunshine.
This afternoon I started the quilting on one of the place mats. I will use the green again for the other mat and then thread up the red for the berries.
I haven’t been very energetic this weekend, will try to get back to being a bit more active tomorrow.

Saturday 27 November 2021

Seriously windy!

Really awful weather today so apart going to the shop for lunch I have stayed indoors. Pandora has been all over the place, wind and rain have sent her crazier than usual! After a while she curled up on one of my chairs and spent a lot of the day there!
Looking out of the window this morning I saw a large roofing sheet by Tina’s car. It came from one of the seating areas at Lucian’s. Lucian pulled it up the drive and Darren moved it onto the lawn.
It took off from there into the shop opposite and then to the parish hall! Another sheet was flapping but thankfully didn’t fly off. The original one did scratch Tina’s car.
I got the old sewing machine out and repaired one of my reusable bags. I bought some material a while ago with the idea of making place mats. I didn’t want to have to bind them so sandwiched the wadding and turned them out. I have to hand finish off one side on each and the I will do the quilting on the new machine.
That colour isn’t accurate, the material is silvery.
Hopefully the storm will have died down by tomorrow

Friday 26 November 2021

Lights night and Christmas trees

Not a lot to report during the day today, Bell didn’t visit after all because she wasn’t feeling too well. I did more sorting including taking a huge bag full of ‘soft plastic’ to the coop who have a collection point. I did go down to the greenhouse and managed to decant some of the sacks of bird food. This afternoon I did do some cooking, nothing too ambitious, we had a build up of milk so I made a rice pudding and also an apple crumble.
Sal and Carol arrived as arranged and Darren and I both had much needed haircuts. Carol actually razored into mine at the back which she hasn’t done before, will be great when I have washed it.
Hope you are impressed with that selfie, I was amazed I got myself in shot!
I took a walk into the town tonight, made my way to the church first to see the Christmas trees.

Extensive work going on at the church.
It was heaving out in the town and the wind was bitter. Just a couple of pictures, and before the lights went on and no after.

Left the hand picture until last, the stitches are now becoming very visible and the wound is itching like crazy, which I am sure is good but I worry that I will scratch it unconsciously. So wrapped a loose bandage round it last night just in case!
Bad weather is supposed to be going to hit us overnight, so tomorrow may be an indoors day! Luckily they had the new Richard Osman book half price at The Works the other day and I am really enjoying it.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Livening up!

I have spent some time today tidying and doing some household chores. I can do more with the hand now, it is itchy and more of the stitches are showing, but I have reasonable movement and can like things as long as they are not too heavy. I managed to get a couple of sacks along to the charity and collected my prescription at the chemist. A couple of the pots that I threw are big enough at the moment it take a couple of my plants, which is nice to put them to use for a while.

The three of us decided to have lunch together, we went to the Hornsea Garden Centre first but it was heaving so we ended up at the Floral Hall. We had very nice, freshly cooked lunches. I walked back so that I could get a bit of exercise and take pictures of the sea!

I went out again to post a couple of letters, and have done a few more chores, feeling like getting sorted and active again now.
Tina and Darren had gone to the cinema as it is Tina’s last day of her time off. Tina sent a picture of the reindeer lit up.

 Darren and I have got Carol and Sal coming to the house to cut our hair tomorrow, they have gone mobile at the moment but I wouldn’t be surprised if they take on another shop.
A couple of obscure words I think!
Stegophilist (n.) One who enjoys the practice of climbing up the outside of buildings.

Coakatively (adj.) In an insincere, affected, or artificial way.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Celebrate your Unique Talent Day

Quite a nice special day today, pity that my energy was flagging today so no celebrating any talents for me!
Just some general chores and pottering this morning and then he a lift to Beverley with Darren and Tina. We went to Flemingate and once the car was on charge went out separate ways. Darren and Tina were off to get lunch and then go to the cinema. I had a snack and looked in a couple of shops. This reindeer is ready to be lit up!
 I walked to the Minster and then on into the town centre.
I could feel that I was flagging and my non operated leg was really plying up. So I made my way through the town to the bus station and got the next available bus home. Haven’t done a great deal since I got back either!
Looking forward to Shetland later and hoping I will feel a little more energetic tomorrow.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Pottery collection day

I was having the dressing taken off just after midday and then Tina and I were heading off to Scarborough to collect the pottery we made at the class over a month ago. Tina had spotted some coats at Missy and I had a look when I went to post the packages yesterday. This morning I took a walk down to the shop to see what they were like and how much. I have never really had a proper length coat, but these were a modern style. Anyway, tried a couple of, much more reasonably priced that I had thought so came home with one!
Just looked at my photos and remembered that Pandora is back to making herself well comfortable on me, this was before I was dressed this morning.
The dressing removed easily and the wound has felt ultra sensitive since. Darren has given me a cotton glove that I can wear so that I don’t catch the stitches before they are ready to drop out!
We set off for Scarborough then, we had lunch at Sainsbury’s which wasn’t quite to their usual standard today. I bought the fondant icing for the cakes while we were there. Then we went to collect the pottery. It was all well wrapped so we didn’t actually see it until we were home but I will post the pictures now. Tina’s first, great job.
And mine, we are both delighted with the results.
We went to have a look at the north bay before heading for Lidl.

The charging points at Lidl were both in use so we didn’t stay and go inside the store, went and used the last of out duck food at the mere instead.

We had a drink and a scone at the Stained Glass Centre before heading home.
A pretty good day and great t get our pottery at last, the day had been a great gift from the family.