Thursday 31 July 2014

Mike and Sarah have been on hand again, the bedrooms are empty and clean, I still have a bit to do in the kitchen and last bits and pieces in the lounge. This morning I drove the car for the last time, that seemed odd, and Sarah got a bit upset so that nearly set me off again. I am very tired, and even more tired of packing! This time tomorrow these boxes will be well on the way to my new home, may even have arrived!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Not quite so busy today, but tomorrow will be full on cleaning and final packing! Today we filled in the car forms, so from tomorrow the little lady will not belong to me, but her new keeper will love her and take care of her. Another trip to the charity shop and tonight I am taking bags of stuff to a friend for her to distribute to some of the people she works with. Said good buy to my two old ladies today, both in their nineties and I have been visiting them regularly since I worked at their sheltered scheme in 2007. They both kept stiff upper lips which was good, as it wouldn't have taken much to set me off today!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Another busy day, but after one or two hiccoughs a successful one. I took Isobel to the pool this morning, it was chilly in there today but we still managed an hour. Then she had a good time in the play park and we went out for lunch. Her mum picked her up to go to the cinema and I started moving stuff out of the way for the collected items to be moved. The people for the white goods and Rachel's cupboard turned up at about 2.15 pm, didn't look a very big van but they got it all  in! The garage now just has two doors in there - yippee! The man for the settee, chair and bed turned up in an even smaller van so ended up doing two trips! Looked like the settee wasn't going to go, but once the casters were off and using a good deal of brute force and ignorance it got through the front door! Meanwhile Michelle turned up and helped do some sorting/cleaning in the kitchen, then mid removals Angie turned up to have a cuppa and say cheerio. The milk had gone off but I did have Coffee Mate!! Then Anya and Isobel arrived back from the cinema and after the others left we went to Pizza Hut which was nice. Anya has taken the play kitchen and a couple of the boxes. The place is a bit chaotic but I have a lot less to move around now. Email from the solicitor saying that things are going through and they are hoping for 1st August exchange - another yippee!!

Monday 28 July 2014

Quite a day! Mike worked like a navvy with Sarah as his mate! The washing machine is disconnected (not without a hitch or two), the bed dismantled, trips to the tip and several deliveries to charity shops. The garage is now empty except for a corner unit to be collected tomorrow. Saw my sister and niece for the last time for a while this afternoon, so a bit sad about that, but my sister has said perhaps we could meet up in York. The house should be pretty empty by this time tomorrow if all goes to plan. Email this evening from the solicitor to say that the contract has been sent to the buyer for signature, so things are moving.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Mike and I took Margherita and Rose to The Green Back Yard. We ate lots of different herbs and fruit straight off the bushes and had really tasty fresh mint tea!

Oh My goodness! I decided to start letting companies etc know I am moving. Two hours in and many are not straightforward! We have so many people to inform. Some I have managed to do online, a couple that work today I have phoned and I have a pile of letters to write! Was in the garage before 7.30 am trying to sort out what still needs to be done in there. Then later I have to empty the freezer so I can defrost and clean it, being collected on Tuesday! Off to the Green Back Yard shortly.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Have stayed in today apart from going out for the paper and some cleaning wipes early this morning. Have been emptying and cleaning kitchen cupboards and deciding what to keep and what to find homes for.. Rachel came to lend a hand, she cleaned the shower room for me while I got on with cleaning the oven. That won't be used again now! Rachel has taken four boxes that are destined for Scarborough, but she will bring them for me on August 15th, so hopefully I will have unpacked a few by then. Was hoping someone would arrive to take some of the boot sale stuff from the garage, but no show yet.

Friday 25 July 2014

Went swimming with Isobel and then got the swearing done. This afternoon we went through her toys that are here and decided which ones could go to charity or her younger friend. This evening had a lovely 'leaving do' with four girl friends.
Great food, great service and great company - thank you.
Well, as far as I know, I have done everything I need to for the exchange of contracts to go ahead. When I went to Hegarty Solicitors It looked like I would be sent away to start with, as the 'blue area' that the declaration was about had not been marked on the plan!! Luckily their solicitor took my word for it as to where it was and allowed me to do the swearing anyway. He put a note on for  my solicitor to put it right and therefore make it legal! He chatted away to Isobel as well, he was really pleasant and helpful. Now it is just wait and see I think!
This time next week I will be getting ready for the removal men to arrive! Still seem to have such a lot to do but really on countdown now!

Thursday 24 July 2014

Forgot to mention that the Statutory Declaration was waiting for me when I got home, so once it is sworn and returned I have done all the necessary signing for the contracts to be exchanged!
The trees are in there new home, lets hope they like the sea air!
We spent the afternoon with Darren and got to see the town and the South Bay, even went in the penny arcade! We went on the cliff tram to save my legs from hundreds of steps. Got two coats of paint on the very pink wall yesterday and a third coat today, so now it is white. I managed to get the ankle support on more easily today with the help of talcum powder. This morning we spent with Tina and saw St Mary's, her place of work church, beautiful building with fantastic views of the sea, and Anne Bronte is buried there so historic interest too.
We travelled home via Snainton Woodworking Supplies where Mike was in his element and got lots of bits to make more pens. All in all a very successful trip.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Trees arrive!

Had a good journey and it has been a busy day. The trees coped with the trip well and are now in there new home. I will post some photos tomorrow. We set off for a walk to town and my ankle was really painful. We eventually found chemist that had ankle supports and Candid Camera should have been there when Darren struggled to help me actually get in onto my ankle! We walked round town, came back and saw Tina briefly, Mike assembled the tree stand and I started painting the cerese wall in my bedroom. Mike did more of the painting than me in the end as it was hurting my ankle getting on and off the ladder! We have done two coats and hope to do another on in the morning before we leave. Another walk down to the sea front for fish and chips. We should sleep well tonight!
Good morning. I am of to Scarborough today, taking the bonsai trees for a trip to the seaside! Loaded them into the car last night, must still have at least twenty, either grown from seed or small saplings. My ankle is really painful today, my grand-daughter was asking me if I jumped in the pool, I don't, unless it is into the diving pit. But showed her I could and really jarred my knees and ankles because it was too shallow. Don't think I did any permanent damage but had trouble walking down the stairs this morning!! Will probably take some photos but may not be able to add any here until I am home tomorrow evening. Mike is starting the drive and may do all the driving, that is okay with me but I will take a turn if he needs a rest. Commonwealth Games start today, not a good summer for people who hate sport.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

We went to Flag Fen and there was a special event on for the children.
Isobel 'dug' for ancient relics and identified them, made a dragonfly and a pot and talked to someone in bronze dress and learnt about life in those days. So a good thing the letter didn't arrive from the solicitor, always a silver lining!
Took Isobel swimming this morning, well, to the pool, where she is working towards swimming. We were in for over two hours today and she did lots of jumping in, and mainly in the main pool shallow end, as the training pool was really cold today. One time she went under and didn't get too upset, even carried on after, so getting much more confident. Would have gone into town this afternoon if the letter had arrived from the solicitor, but it hasn't, so we have a My Little Pony DVD on at the moment! May go to Flag Fen, or may just chill, I will leave the decision to the little lady. 

Monday 21 July 2014

Just watched a program called 'Clothes to Die For' about the Bangladesh clothing factory collapse. A really tough watch and had me it tears. Put any worries and irritations I may have into perspective. If you can cope with human tragedy watch it on the iplayer.
Had this collage picture done of my sister's birthday trip to the park. I was having some prints done at Boots for her and this popped up as an offer as I was finishing. Not expensive and I think it is really nice as a memento.

Another fabulous friend round today and although we did have a good chat the three small four drawer chests in the bedroom are now filled and cling filmed!! Even my bedroom is beginning to look like I am moving now. Have arranged for the bed and lounge furniture to be collected on Tuesday afternoon next week, and will contact another friend to see if I can get the white goods picked up then as well.
Off out to meet my sister soon, she wants some prints done of out trip to the park on Saturday.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Been a pretty good day, but very humid again. Mike and Michelle helped get both gardens presentable, so should be able to leave then alone now. Before that Mike and I got the large corner unit out, with difficulty, the door had to come off. We even managed to get it into the garage, I am sure at that point Mike would have liked someone a bit stronger that me on the other end! I got the bonsai stand out and brushed and he has now taken it apart and it is ready to go, we just need to buy a box of screws because some had rusted and broke when he was taking them out. Michelle got us a nice meal of cold meat and salad and we enjoyed watching one of the Lady Boy dvds together. They have gone now and I am not intending to do much more today.

What can I say? Thank you two so much for clearing the back and front gardens in such heat! Now we can eat and watch the Lady Boys!!

Was up early and have been moving boxes around, touching up paint and moving all the bonsai trees. Then shifted the stand they were on as my friend is coming round to take it apart later so that it can be transported to it's new home. He made it out of oak some years ago. Another friend is coming to help tidy the garden if the weather holds, if not I am sure she will chivvy me into action indoors!! Then the three of us will watch the Lady Boys dvd.

Saturday 19 July 2014

I have a corner unit, pretty large, which a friend has had her eye on for some time. Her partner came over to collect it this evening and there is no way it is going through my doors! Must have grown in the last eight years as it came in without any doors being removed, but I don't think it would go even then! My ingenious friend is coming tomorrow and he knows he has a challenge and a puzzle rolled into one. Will let you know if he solves the riddle!
Sisters NOT acting their age(s)!
Have had a really great day with my sister, we visited the Central Park, then had lunch, then went on to Itter Park. We had fun on the outdoor exercise equipment and got an unsuspecting young keep fitter to take a picture of us! It has been very hot again, and I am beginning to feel the effects of the broken night, but really buoyed up by such an enjoyable time with my big sister (in age obviously, not size!)
We made it through the night, although I was moving a bed and settling our little sleepover friend at around midnight. then had her in with me, and I was on the air bed and she was on a travel mattress next to me, so every cough and turn made sure I didn't get that much sleep! but I have been up a while and at the moment both girls are still sleeping.

Friday 18 July 2014

Well, they are bathed and in bed so fingers crossed. The place looks like a whole playgroup has run riot! Pumping the airbed up made me overheat as well and it is a hot evening. 
Today I have had a meeting with the solicitor and have signed various forms and the contract. I need yet another indemnity insurance for the right of way to the garage!! I will have to go to a different solicitor to swear a declaration before everything can be finalized. It really is a minefield and mine appeared to be an easy sale. While I was in town I have arranged for the redirection to my new address. Tonight I have my five year old grand-daughter and her three year old friend for a sleepover, so that should be fun. Going to take my grand-daughter to the ceramic painting studio when I collect her from school. Got the soundtrack to The Full Monty in the pound shop, so will be able to jig around with a smile on my face whilst continuing packing!

Thursday 17 July 2014

I have been packing this afternoon. NEVER try wrapping a ten drawer craft cabinet in clingfilm on your own!! It was so hot as well, what a battle I had, but it is done. Have also packed the larger pictures and a couple of boxes, all labelled and ready to go. I have also made a version of a Simnel cake for my sister, who is 80 years old on Saturday. May try and get the sewing machine packed up this evening.
Went swimming this morning early, well, the gym membership runs out today so thought I would fit in one last visit. Obviously won't be renewing it now. Then I dropped the car off to have a couple of little jobs done. they couldn't spare anyone to give me a lift to town so I had to pay on the bus! I got lots of cling film to wrap drawer units up (suggested by the removal man). When I got home I phoned the solicitor's as she had not responded to my reply on Tuesday and I wanted to make sure I had an appointment arranged for tomorrow. One wasn't arranged, but it is now! I am going to put a couple of my pictures on today, one done over 50 years ago and one last year. the framed on is destined for a friend at the weekend and that is the recent one. Got one the wrong way again, sorry!!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Three more paintings went to a new home today and I have a couple more ready for other recipients. Was hoping to make arrangements for more stuff to be collected, but no word so far. Have written a couple of letters with my new fountain pen. I am hoping that it will slow me down a bit and make my handwriting a little more legible! 
Good day today, took some tools and the workmate to The Green Backyard, a local self sufficiency project. Had a great time there and Mike got some new wood to make pens, laburnum and yew, he is very pleased. Talking of pens I will show you the two he has made me, the biro is mahogany and the fountain pen is Irish bog oak.

They are fab!
The mattress is being collected on this evening hopefully, so more space. The chap from the removals has just been with some boxes and free tape! Haven't heard from the solicitor with a time for my appointment on Friday, so don't hold your breath just yet! 

Tuesday 15 July 2014

It's all go today, I was sitting, minding my own business, when my friend turned up to collect the very large sideboard, plenty of dust and cobwebs behind there as it hasn't been moved in years!! They may come for another large unit on Thursday, still got something to sit on and sleep on at the moment....
Success!! Those of you who know me well know that I do not like to make a fuss. But today I wrote a short and not quite so sweet email to the solicitor and asked for an update. (It is almost a month without any contact). Amazingly there is suddenly paperwork that I can go in and sign on Friday, so now I am pleased. May get it all sorted before I depart, fingers crossed. Been swimming with my grand-daughter, the learning pool was closed for cleaning but she did really well in the main pool.
I posted adds for the mattress and boot sale stuff on Freegle and have had responses to both. I will arrange collection tomorrow as they ask you to leave the post there for about 24 hours to give all interested people a chance to apply. A very good system for recycling within the city. That is the positive, thought I would wait until the post before writing, just in case the contract arrived to be signed! It hasn't. Nearly a month since I had any communication from the solicitor, so guess I had better inform them that I am moving regardless!

Monday 14 July 2014

Just watched a great program about what happens to our second hand clothes that we have given to charity shops. The whole program was filmed in Ghana, so that has given me itchy feet, as despite the heat and hardship there I loved the country.
Quite a morning! Care Zone arrived and took the bed, but not the mattress, the wardrobe and some other bits. I had my quote for removals and have paid the deposit, so now definitely on for August 1st. My friend Sarah came round, and now one of the rooms is empty and cleaned and needs no more attention. She also took a few bit home, so the clearance is on as well. The post has just arrived and nothing of importance there, but this isn't stressing me anymore.
I think I should add a quick explanation about the comments on the last entry. My friend Mike makes the most fantastic pens, turning various woods and ending up with professional, individual pens. He can't bear to part with them so has dozens now, hence the comment about finding a pen!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Two more batches of paintings have gone to new homes today, it is strange looking at them all again, some from way back at college so about 50 years old, but some from when I went on the Great Wall and when I visited the Isle of Skye, seems I always took paints with me! I didn't do any sketching in Ghana, was too busy painting the murals on the orphanage walls and being generally exhausted. This week I did some sewing alterations for friends whilst leaving things I needed shortening myself. Today, while the machine is still accessible, I have actually done my own alterations. The rain a while ago was torrential but it is quite bright again now, bit like April weather!

Saturday 12 July 2014

I have fetched most of my paintings and drawings downstairs  so that friends can have a look through them and if they want any to take away and get framed themselves then that is better than then staying more years in folders. Some are VERY old and some more recent. One of the Humber Bridge has been claimed today. I have a few ready to send to my son in America as I painted them there.

Friday 11 July 2014

Had an embarrassing few moments in the bank this morning! Had taken getting on for £40 worth of coins in to pay into my account. Decided to use the machine, that was a mistake. It was throwing out about half of the coins, they can't have all been fakes, then I cancelled the transaction by mistake so it threw out the rest in a drawer lower down that I could barely reach! Spent the next few minutes trying to retrieve all my coins and getting hotter by the second. I suppose it gave the people in the queue for the cashiers some unexpected entertainment! I then went and collared a man who helped me try again, he said it was throwing out more coins than usual and maybe getting full. Called in at the estate agents whilst in town and they have had no further news, told them I was planning to move anyway.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Have decided to stop worrying about 'will the contract, won't the contract be signed in time'! Will arrange to move on the 1st August and if it isn't sorted by then they'll have to wait until I make the trip back from Scarborough! So, three weeks tomorrow and counting, best get my skates on. This morning took the car to the garage for new brake pads and discs as they were at 20% left when I had the MOT in January. went to Mike's while I waited and he made kedgeree for breakfast. Never made it myself but it was very tasty and filling. Feeling quite calm now that a plan of action is almost in place.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Quite an eventful day today. After shopping and breakfast Mike and I collected his friend from hospital after surgery and took him home. We visited a craft and antique centre but resisted any purchases. Back here Mike helped (well actually without any help from me) dismantle a large double wardrobe and has half reassembled it in the garage. Then I went to give blood, ended up a bit of a pin cushion and then my blood was refused as my haemoglobin  level was too low! Finished off by watching the film 'The boy in the striped pyjamas'. Good film, great child actors and a truly shocking and horrible ending! Will just add that I have had no messages or news regarding the move.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

No news on the house front, had a call from the buyer seeing if I knew anything as he is anxious to get moved it so needs me out of the way!! Have a man coming on Thursday to give me a quote for removals, one company I talked to have no slots left for August 1st, which was the originally planned day. Took my grand-daughter swimming after school and her mum (my daughter) got to see her today and see how her confidence has grown, so that was a plus for the day.

Monday 7 July 2014

More stuff found new homes today. A friend helped make a start on the kitchen and took half of it home, then another friend collected four pots  from the back garden. No news on anything actually happening regarding the move!

Sunday 6 July 2014

My son helped dismantle the bed, I took a photo first so that the charity shop knows what they are getting. The wardrobe is still complete, hopefully I will get a friend to help with that soon. We had a wander round the boot sale and I bought a cute vase and even got myself some flowers to use it.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Back into tow today and this time the art shop was open so I could buy my 'new home' present to me!! I know, I have spent months getting rid of all my 'stuff', but like spiders and saw this sculpture a few weeks ago. I WILL find a good place for it to be displayed in my new bijou home!! Number one son visiting tonight, he doesn't yet know that he will be dismantling the bed in the morning after he has slept in it.....Maybe the wardrobe as well if I can find anywhere to put the clothes still inside!

Friday 4 July 2014

Have managed to make a start on the kitchen and the cupboard in the hall! No news you'll be surprised to hear. Have been to the theatre this evening, twice in one week, unheard of. Tonight it was the Sounds of Broadway, another very good show.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Went into town with a particular purchase in mind only to find the shop closed for the day. But I was meant to take that trip as I spotted a very good friend that I had lost touch with in recent years. It was great catching up and exchanging email addresses so that we can keep in touch when I move. I have listed a few more things on Ebay and have been emptying the sideboard. The emptying is easy, finding somewhere to put everything is much harder! I have a friend who may be interested in having it, but otherwise it will go on Ebay tomorrow.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Heard from the estate agent today, who had managed to speak to the solicitor, well, they do actually recommend that particular solicitor! Apparently they are just tying up a few loose ends but it looks like it will be well into next week before I hear anything. With August 1st looming, that is the proposed moving date, I may have trouble getting a van booked! Nothing I can do about it except keep on packing and selling and keeping everything crossed! :-)

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Still no movement on the sale, phoned the estate agent again today but presumably they got nowhere either as they haven't called back! Went swimming, well to the pool, twice today, once to swim with a friend and once to take my grand-daughter after school. Thinking of putting the lovely teak sideboard on Ebay as I don't think there will be room for it when I move.