Friday 2 August 2024

Nice surprises

This morning I was up soon after five, don’t ask! So got the cakes ready quite early but didn’t turn the woven on as I had to time it so that I was in when they needed removing, and I was visiting Bel this morning.  I went to the bank and got something in for lunch before turning the oven on and making my way to Bels. I stopped to take. Pic of the Dooley on they, such. Great thing to have so close to home.
Bel had the Olympics on so watched with her and saw GB get three medals. When I got home I found a package for me on the table from Tina Paris Olympics cap and a Paris Paralympic mascot, it has one okay leg nd one blade! So cute.
The two cakes turned out fine, that is fifteen made and stopping now!
After lunch I set off for the dentist. She filled the tooth, no injection required and did a quick scrape round the teeth, so about fifteen minutes and £88 lighter! She did say I have one which is a bit loose which I will try and keep an eye on, I went to the post office as I had a package to post and then went to Jeans via the sea.
Had a nice chat with Jean and while I was there Terry was whittling a little my use which he gave to me.
When I got home my veg box was on the table and I was surprised to see a plant in there. It was from the shop staff for being a customer, hand written message too, how good was that?
Watching more Olympics and more medals now!


  1. Follies are nice. Very whimsical things, quite British!
    Fifteen cakes is rather a lot. You've really gone to town this year. There'll be a lot of happy people about though.
    I love the hat and mascot. You're right it is very cute. Will you be wearing the hat and holding the mascot while watching? With the plant and that lovely mouse you've done well for pressies today. Now if only the dentist had seen you for free that would have finished it off nicely 🙂

  2. Yes, definitely a mood lifting day! The mascot did watch the Olympics with me yesterday evening, but the hat was only with me when I was out and about!
    Hopefully more views nd and maybe medals today.
