Tuesday 31 October 2023

Bigger ouch day!

Things on a downhill slide at the moment so the less said about that the better. Struggled back from the shop and then lazed about! Some more done on the puzzle, still very slow progress…..
Tina had to go out to the post office, a very wet day today so she got wet even using the car! She picked me up a pensioners fish and chips for my lunch which was nice.
Some of the parishioners have been sorting out in the parish hall and Tina brought this back, she has no idea why it was there. So had a bath last afternoon to try and ease the leg a bit and it was helpful with getting in and out safely.
It has been crosswords rather that crafting today, my new puzzle book came a few days ago.
Tina was helping at a Halloween party and sat with me and tried to get Pandora playing. We don’t think she was really played with before she came ot us. She was thinking about it today though.
Not overly hopeful of a less painful leg tomorrow, but will still endeavour to be optimistic.

Monday 30 October 2023

Bit of an ouch day!

The pain in the leg has been different today, more up the thigh than in the knee to start with, but by the evening the knee itself was definitely making its presence felt! When I fed the birds this morning I took a photo of this potted tree, well chewed leaves, but at least some left despite the wind.
There has been a swede on the veggie rack for some time, past it’s sell by date, but today I noticed it was sprouting! Have put it on a plate with some water and it made me wonder if children still grow carrot tops! 
I realised when I looked at the photos of my fairy house painting that I had forgotten to paint the door handle, also I have a request to paint a dragon pot. So caught the bus up to Freeport. I went to the pottery painting place, the fairy house had been sent away but not yet fired so they may fetch it back for me, if not that will paint the door handle before it is fired. They were busy when I arrived just after 11.30 am but she said that I could paint at 1.30pm. I walked up to Pound Stretcher which was a bit of a struggle, but got some bits. As I walked down I thought I would pay for the items the pottery place but return another time as it was a lot of time to fill. But actually, someone hadn’t shown up so I was told I could paint straight away. Ended up spending about two and a half hours, have got a coat of glaze on the dragon but have another layer to do. I am booked to return tomorrow morning. It is quite complex to paint but I hope it will turn out okay.
By this time I knew the leg was more painful than it has been for a while, but luckily to too much walking to the bus or from the bus stop home.
Took this photo before the bus set off, not too much chance of lovely autumn colours as quite a lot of trees are leafless!
Tried to fine a few jigsaw pieces, this one is a bit of a stinkier!
Feet up now and hoping the leg will settle down!

Sunday 29 October 2023

Rain stopped play!

Heavy rain in the night and still raining when I fed the cats about 6.30am. Then still drizzling about 7.30 when Darren and I set off for the boot sale. So we decided to give it a miss and went to Lily’s cafe on the sea front for breakfast. Took one pic before we went in as the sky was lightening and the weather did improve during the day.
I took a walking stick with me and I did manage a short walk along the promenade, taking some pics. The last one was just a closer one on the sand, as I love the patterns that appear sometimes.
I did go and feed the birds when it stopped raining, I have noticed recently that as I get back towards the house the seagulls swoop in, only tow or three though. They seem to have got more nervous as they always used to be hassling me when I was actually putting the food out!
Shock and horror, I actually cleaned some windows and replaced the condensation blocks, even washed the net in the living room!
I had an unsettled night and have felt very tired this afternoon, did do a little sorting in the bedroom before getting dinner, and sat and finished the Sherlock Holmes story.
I thought I was killing my very expensive large plant, so changed its position in the room and removed the large dead leaf as Sher suggested. The small shoot is no dying but last night I realised that there is a new large leaf growing out of  the stem of another leaf. So it seems that I have now managed to make the plant happier!
I am usually pretty good with my house plants, so would have been sad to kill this particular one off!
Have watched the Strictly results and will probably just sit quietly and do a crossword now. I won’t be late getting to bed tonight.

Saturday 28 October 2023

Pottery painting

This morning I fed the birds and went and got some shopping early. No grocery delivery this week as Tina was away. Did a couple of chores and then Darren drove me up to Freeport as the pottery painting shop was reopening under new management, Caroline, the new lady is a local artist, I went to one of her taster sessions some time ago to make bath bombs. She is hoping to have other sessions as well as pottery, including some well being ones.
I had hoped the Loch Ness monster models had arrived, but sadly not yet, so I opted for a fairy house tea light holder. One picture when I had done the first main coat and a couple when I had finished.
Hopefully it will be much brighter and shiny when ai get it back in two to three weeks. A few of the other items they have on the shelves.
Darren didn’t stay to paint so I was catching the bus home. Went into the cafe for a sausage roll and drink before heading for the bus. I then only had a few minutes to raced off as best I could. Once on the bus I realised that ai hadn’t got my phone, hoping that ai had left it on the table in my hurry! So rang the bell to stop the bus at the first bus stop and then Had to walk all the way back, so more exercise than I had intended. They said I had left my phone when I go to the cafe, but they had taken it up to reception at the far end of Freeport! So even more unscheduled walking there and back down again. Then had time to kill as the buses are hourly so had another drink, things time making sure the phone was on my person! Fairly shattered by the time I was home so not a lot more activity today. Did try to do a bit to the jigsaw!
Clocks go back tonight, and I think we are planning to go to the boot sale in the morning.

Friday 27 October 2023

Quiet and a bit crafty

I haven’t overdone the exercise today as the knee is still playing up. Fed the birds and a couple of short walks to the shop and then to see Sher inher shop as I got her some of the hair chalks to try.
Jean came here for a cuppa and chat this afternoon, she likes to get out as she has family staying long term because their flat in waiting to be repaired.
Apart from that I have managed to get the edges of the puzzle done apart from one piece and got a bit of the picture done.
I have worked on the piano model, some parts trickier than others.
Had to be careful on the next bit as the edging is quite fragile.
Pushing the legs and pedals into the model was a challenge.
Once finished I couldn’t get the phone to focus on it so had to put it on night setting.
Going to the grand opening of the pottery painting place tomorrow, it is under new management. Looking forward to that.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Battling with the leg, jury is out on the winner!

The leg has been troublesome today, locking up and becoming extremely painful, so have had to force it to bend several times and that does relax it for a while, but it soon locks up again! Did some household chores this morning and then managed to walk over to Bemora with Angela where we had breakfast and a good natter. I have worked on the jigsaw a bit, have done a close up of one area, at the edge. This time the edge is nowhere near completed which I am not happy about. You will see from the weird shaped pieces and the fact there are straight edges inside the puzzle that this one will be a challenge
This week I ordered fruit and veg from my usual supplier but not a set box but chose what I wanted. Really pleased with it as usual.
I walked down to see Sarah and David this afternoon, luckily they don’t live too far away. It was raining but not too heavily.
Yesterday evening I started the small grand piano model. May not be quite as fiddly as the cello was, but still taxing enough.
So far so good!
May try some pedalling this evening, continuing the kill or cure approach!

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Selfie day!

We have had Pandora for over four years now, that is hard to believe. When we first had her she loved to sleep on the back I of my rocking chair and recently had decided she can’t  on there!
Last night was in two halves again, staring on the rocking chair, but that is beginning to make my back ache so changed to the bed which is still a challenge as the pain just accelerates when I lie down!
This morning I did walk down the Main Street to buy a couple of bits and post a letter. Met Sher while I was out and said I would call in to the shop to see her later and take the glass items I got for her. Sher colours her hair regularly so I dump out the hair chalks!
I started the jigsaw borrowed from Bel, it is going to be crazy difficult, maybe a picture tomorrow if I haven’t decided against continuing!
Sher was pleased with the glassware and we had a cuppa and a giggle as usual. I am going to lend her the hair chalks as she has her hair coloured regularly at the hairdresser. The chalks would be cheaper and better for the hair!
Tina is away for a couple of days so got Darren his tea and we will have take away as usual tomorrow.
Sher says she and her husband have been  looking for stuff to keep me busy while I am less mobile. I think they have picked the most difficult fiddly things they could find, so will keep you posted!
Will finish with a lovely picture complete with herons sent tome by Anya.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Iffy weather

I haven’t been so active today, the leg was painful over night and still not happy today. I fed the birds as usual, lots of activity in the garden today. The blackbirds are back which is good there were magpies and crows plus the usual pigeons and the odd seagull. squirrels scampering about and doing their best to empty the bird feeders! There were small birds flitting about as well.
I did walk to Bels for a visit as we didn’t meet last week due to the storm and this Friday she has family visiting. Bel does jigsaws as well and has lent me one. Probably not ne I would have chosen and looks like it could be another challenging one.
I did some more of the foil etch picture. It is really difficult to keep to the lines with the wooden cocktail sticks. I need to find a better stylus replacement before I start another one,
I have done some reading, the Sherlock Holmes yarn, it is good but because I am tired a lot of the time I keep nodding off!
The shredder/grater thing is not great except for cheese. I have a long painful history of grating myself and it takes a while. This little gadget does it fine and fast,so worth it just for that.
It has been a grey and occasionally wet day, autumn has arrived. Quiet evening now and maybe a bit more reading and nodding off!

Monday 23 October 2023

Walk to the sea

Although the leg wasn’t at its best I decided to take a walk to the sea. I nearly didn’t carry on but often the if I push through is lessens. Did a bit of shopping on the way and had a drink at the hub before walking home. Did have a few more rests on the way back!
Pretty late begonia in the memorial garden.
I fed the birds early on but went out again this afternoon to refresh the water and put a couple more feeders up.the house shaped one I bought today.
I sat on the rollator near the feeders, not too near, and did catch this great tit, but that was the phone on full zoom!
So pleased with the rollator, collected up some of the larger twigs using it.
I tried a different lunch today, roasted peppers and tuna strips. Should experiment with the Ninja more!
Made a crumble this afternoon, so Darren will be happy.
The knee isn’t at all happy this evening, but doing my best to ignore it!