Saturday 24 August 2024

Quite motivated today

I have had a fairly good day and have been reasonably productive. Started with usual shopping and Christmas cake feeding, then decided to take the shopping trolley and walk up to Tesco. I have a cake I want to try and couldn’t get the ingredients in the Co-op. Did a sketch before lunch of two flowering cacti I borrowed from Sher. They were quite tricky to draw.
I had ordered some freezer soup bags, so bagged up the soup I made yesterday. How anyone gets soup into them without making a mess and getting it everywhere I will never know!
After that I went out to do a bit of tidying in the back garden. About a hour and I had had enough.
The honesty plants are just beginning to shed their seeds and a few of the pods are now looking shiny.
Tried to do a sketch of twig when I came indoors.
I bought some net with spiders on when we were in Bransholme shopping centre so I made a net curtain before getting tea. Bit of a problem S the spiders are sideways, but that makes the net even sillier!
I also had ordered  an SD card reader so I was able to get some photos off of my camera. The first one was a few nights ago when the moon was level with the street lamp over the road.
Will finish with some photos from Carnival day.


  1. You have been busy. I’m intrigued by the “cake you want to try”. Hope you manage to get the ingredients eventually.
    The cacti sketch is lovely. Another for the notelet collection?
    The soup looks good. Maybe one of the jam funnels would keep the bag open while you pout it in. Never knew you could get special bags for soup 🙂
    You didn’t do bad for your hour in the garden as there looks more than an hours work in the after pic. Definitely been a sketch day today. I like that one too.
    I hadn’t noticed the spiders were sideways on that net until you pointed it out, now I can’t unsee it 🙂
    The carnival always seems to be well attended and lots of floats. Very community spirited around your neck of the woods.

  2. It was good to want to get some things done yesterday, hopefully it won’t be a one off!
    I did fill the garden cart again yesterday, so many weeds and plants that need cutting back now.
