Friday 16 August 2024

Evening walk

I will start with a photo that I forgot to post yesterday of the giant tortoise.
The sunflower stem I brought in yesterday has really perked up, this morning, so I am hoping the buds will open.
I didn’t visit Bel this morning as she wasn’t feeling too good. I did pop in and see Sher at the shop and then toured the charity shops in search of a lightweight jacket. Didn’t find one but did buy a nice cardigan. 
This afternoon was my friends funeral, a difficult one for Tina to take as she was a church member and valued church warden.  Jean came back here with me afterwards and we had our usual cup of tea and a chat.
After dinner I sat and read for a while and fell asleep for a change! I had planned to walk to the sea front this evening and although I was a bit achey I still went. I had forgotten that it is sunrise that is over the sea, but it was a lovely evening and I took pictures news.
I had walked on the beach for a bit and after I took the last photo I went back onto the promenade. Then the most amazing coincidence, the couple walking towards me were Angela’s sister and her husband. I have only met her a few times, what were the chances? I haven’t been down to the front in the evening for a very long time. After we finished our chat I took some pics of the paintings along the wall before walking home.
I had taken a flask with me and took this pic while I sat and drank it.
Quite achey now, but glad I made the effort to go out.


  1. Never the best of days when a funeral is involved. Hard for both you and Tina as I know you used to enjoy your little outings with her. What a strange coincidence you meeting up with her sister like that. You were obviously meant to. Life can be strange at times.
    I quite like the front pics. Nice clouds and subtle colour, plus the artwork is nice too. Maybe you'll get there for sunrise one morning. You'll definitely need a flask.
    I wonder how old the giant tortoise is?

  2. I am sure the sign will probably say how old the tortoise is, will try to remember to look next time we go.
    Getting motivated in the morning is a bit of an issue at the moment, but will work towards seeing the sunrise!
