Monday 30 June 2014

Oops, picture is the wrong way and can't work out how to turn it, sorry! But have been to see the Lady Boys of Bangkok this evening and had photo taken with some of them. A really brilliant show, great costumes, good music and funny too.

Sunday 29 June 2014

What a day, the Ordination service was lovely, Tina got very emotional, not surprising after working so hard and wishing to do this for so long. The weather was kind, and York and the minster are spectacular.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Great day, good journey and some sunshine. A friend dropped off three boxes for me and they are unpacked! We had a walk down to the sea, had fish and chips and came back via the lovely park. The bike has been collected back home, so all good.

Friday 27 June 2014

The bike is now at my friends for it to be collected tomorrow, so now I am filling the space under the stairs with boxes that are already packed. The buyer asked to come round to re-measure the bath room and they wanted to buy a new suite today. He asked if I had heard anything, which of course I haven't! Did phone the estate agent who said he would try and get some answers for me - good luck with that!! Off to Scarborough tomorrow and am braced for the fact that my two little rooms have some of my son's and daughter-in-law's boxes in there. Let's hope they manage to move them before I am ready to fill the rooms up with my own.

Thursday 26 June 2014

A good day. took my sister and niece out for lunch and then to the hospital where my sister has been going for months because of an ulcer on her leg. It was over a year before a biopsy was taken which showed there was a growth beneath the ulcer. After surgery to remove it the healing process has been long and arduous. My sister is almost 80 and had to have a skin graft to help the leg to heal. But today, YIPEE, after 20 months since she was laid up with it for 6 weeks, she has been discharged from hospital! Apart from that I dropped a cupboard off to someone, and have got some boxes ready to be collected and taken to Scarborough for me tomorrow. No news on the sale and an ever silent solicitor!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Quite an exciting day as the bike sold on Ebay for a good price, was really pleased and then saw the person lived in Bournmouth and I had put collection only! Then the gate leg table sold and the buyer was in Chelmsford and it was another collection only item! Anyway, my first rising panic soon subsided as they are both coming this way and will be collecting the items personally. Also sold the 1970's radiogram and the chap who picked it up was delighted, so all good in the end. Another item to be collected this evening, so an even more sparse house. No news on the house sale but hoping no news is good news.

Monday 23 June 2014

This will become more interesting, really! Two boxes and three bags to the charity shop today, and friends collecting more stuff. I will have bits of me spread all over the place by the time I am done. Have had a lot of enquiries about the bike for sale, so have taken the plunge and have agreed to some folk coming to view before they decide if they will make a bid. Let's hope that at least one decides to go for it.

Sunday 22 June 2014

More of the same today, a bit more clearing in the garden and a start on the shed, at least I can actually get in there now. Can't imagine why I managed to accumulate so many bonsai pots, will advertise them on Freegle. Tomorrow another friend is coming round, they are determined to keep me on track!

Saturday 21 June 2014

My friend came round today and we have tidied up the paths and paving slabs in both gardens. Hot work today but it looks so much better now. Letter from the solicitor asking if I had a problem with subsidence, would have thought the survey might show it up if I had, moving on VERY slowly!

Friday 20 June 2014

Had the buyers round today, taking lots of measurements. Still no contract to sign, so no chance of setting dates, booking vans etc yet. The buyers have actually met their solicitor on several occasions, lucky them, I have no idea what mine is like and getting an answer to a query is seemingly a wish too far! Never mind, I will make my feelings well and truly known when the time is right. have done an hours gardening, why do weeds grow so quickly?

Thursday 19 June 2014

Have learnt how to measure a bike frame today after having two enquiries about the frame size of the bike I am trying to sell! Doubt I'll ever need that particular piece of knowledge again, but we live and learn as they say.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

A busy day, a load to the tip and more items on Ebay, the house is beginning to look like I am moving!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Hello everyone, this is new for me but hopefully will be interesting once the Big Move has taken place. Still fighting with the amount of stuff I have at the moment, but  am sure it will all be well, just have to be a bit more ruthless! I will post now and again and be sure to note any important developments.