Sunday 18 August 2024

Boot sale and garden

We went off early to the boot sale, very busy there again today. I didn’t spend a lot but got some nice bits. I did get a set of six vintage glass dishes but forgot to take a photo. I have taken them to Sher already to make small open terrariums. Six for £1,50, they were a bargain. I also got some plastic plates, a ring stand for Tina and some very silly earrings!
Oh yes, and the fox photo holder and almost forgot the lovely vintage necklace for two pound.
Had a chat with Anya and then did some prep for dinner before getting lunch.this afternoon I went out to work on the other side of the bay tree.
One of the brambles removed was very long as you can see.
Cutting a way through the two bay trees was like going through a jungle as you can see from the pile of pruning behind me, I had to get out another way!
Quite a lot of clearing to do, three wheelbarrow loads to be precise.
Still so much more to do, but enough was enough for one day. Sorry about the light streaks, the sun had moved round!
After dinner Tina suggested a ride out. We went to Mappleton and the toilets are now closed and will be demolished due to coastal erosion. You can see how far back the cliffs are in the second photo, they used to be level with the toilet block when we first went there,
Some more pics, some a bit arty!
We went to Morrow Avenue and walked to the cliff top and sat on a bench where I had sat with Angela a couple of time. So lovely and sad. Last pic of Tina talking to a lady who had known Angela, I liked the cloud above her!


  1. Not a bad haul from the boot sale, and not a hat in sight! 🙂 I was wondering why you’d bought two rubies cubes and when I read it I realised they were earrings! I like the necklace too.
    More slaving in the garden. It’s not gardening, it’s slavery 🙂 Gardening is occasionally enjoyable. That bramble is huge! The bay trees look a bit better after their trim. Again I looked at the pics first and thought you’d caught a spirit in those pics. Shame it’s only the sun.
    A trip to Mappleton was a nice way to end your day. Good job you didn’t need the loo while you were there! I hope they’re going to build new ones further in.
    I like all the pics. You have some nice one there. The first arty one with the roll of hay is very similar to one I have in my collection. Always make a good pic 🙂 Love the long shot of the silhouetted church and the great sky.
    That was nice to go sit on the bench. As you say very sad though.

  2. It was a good day and the gardening was hard but I am getting there, with that area anyway.
    Nice pics from Mappleton and to got to the bench where Angela sat when taking her many dog charges out.
