Saturday 31 October 2015

This morning Darren and I spent a while indoors doing odd jobs. I did get out my little mini drill to make some extra holes in the pots I bought yesterday.I was using a slightly bigger drill bit and Darren found a piece to fit it into the chuck in his set, maybe I have lost some pieces of my kit. We then went off out, first of all to Curry's where I bought a Gorillapod!
You can attach the camera to this and it is flexible so that you can take photos without a shaky hand! I did try taking a picture of myself with it just standing on the footstool, I had read up about setting the self timer.
Then we headed off to Deans where we had a light lunch and then bought compost and bedding plants for the pots. I have a lot of bulbs to put in them as well. There was a Frozen display which Darren thought Isobel would like, I am not sure if she is now over the Frozen phase but it was a lovely display.
When we got home and unloaded the car I decided to go to the beach hut for an hour. I took the Gorillapod and fought a bit to attach it to the railings and then focus on the castle when really zoomed in, I am sure it will get easier with practice!
I walked back along the upper path so get a nice view of the beach huts.
I walked back through the park and just like this seagull on a boat, perhaps he was thinking 'I see no ships'!
We will have dinner a bit earlier tonight so that I don't miss any of the Halloween show on Strictly!

Friday 30 October 2015

Another miserable day weather wise, raining most of the morning. Tina was home and earlier than expected and after she had showered we went off out as it was her day off. We went to the stained glass place which Tina was impressed with. We were going to have a bit of lunch there but it was really very busy so we decided to go to the cafe on Oliver's Mount. That was fairly busy but there were empty tables. Lunch was really tasty and then we walked along to see the view, not a bright day but still an impressive view.
After that we went to B & Q where we got a set of drawers for Darren as they were a bargain and some garden pots (the reason we went there) as I have a lot of bulbs to plant and will also get some bedding plants to go in them. I thought pots would be better than putting more bulbs into the garden, as the pots will be able to come with us when we move on, When we got home we had a cup of tea and then I decided to go to the beach hut for an hour. Yesterday I got another camera, not that I am at all unhappy with the one I have got but have been looking at bridge cameras with more zoom. A bit like a cross between an SLR and a compact. I have always like taking photos and I should be able to take some good shots when taking wildlife. I took it with me to the hut, but haven't read up properly on the features yet, and I need Darren to sort out his tripod. The hut is a long way from the castle and I could zoom in pretty well.
The more natural view from the hut.
This was about 4.30 pm, getting dark really early now. The north bay as I was walking back.
Dark in the park!
And a light in the leaves!

Thursday 29 October 2015

The day started bright but soon clouded over and by the time I went out at 11 am it was beginning to rain. As the day went on the rain got heavier and it ended up being another miserable day. Not great weather for the holiday makers in half term week. Earlier in the year I planted some hollyhocks that I bought at a boot sale. The one in the front garden has had buds on for a while, but being it's first year it hasn't done too well. But one of the buds is just opening and it is a beautiful red. I hope it manages to open completely before the frosts set in. It should be a magnificent plant next year.
Tina dropped me in town as I had packed up my parcel for America and was going to send it surface mail. The man at the post office said I had missed last posting for surface mail and the price for airmail was ridiculous. I thought of bringing it home but he checked prices and even if I had made up two parcels it would have been much cheaper, so in the end sent it off. They will think I have gone mad when it arrives in a few days, talk about being ahead of yourself! I went in the Cake and Crochet, just Sandra and I today but we had a really good natter and it was very enjoyable. I carried on with the crochet cardigan, the back is done and I am on one of the fronts now.
Tina has gone to a have a meal with friends and will be away tonight. Darren hasn't left work yet but so we will decide on tea when he gets home.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

The day started grey and damp, then got progressively worse as the day went on. It was fairly dry when I went to the chiropodist and she was a really nice girl and made a good job of my feet. I may even go every few months for maintenance now. The bush in the front garden has suddenly gone very attractive in it's autumn coat.
I decided to still go down to the beach hut, it was a damp walk down and it got heavier when I was there. The castle was shrouded in the mist as I made my way there, in fact you could barely make out the cliff!

 This was looking out soon after I arrived.
As the day went on it got even more wintry! Took this through the window of the hut as it was blowing a gale!

At about 2.30 pm it was dark enough for the lights to come on.
I stayed for over three hours and actually finished the back of the crochet cardigan. As I walked back you could see the cliff but the mist didn't clear completely all day.
The sea was very rough. a very wintry day.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Quite a busy day today. Tina and I went to shop, after having a nice breakfast, then she dropped me off in town as I had a couple of errands to do. I picked up details about hiring bikes and also made a chiropodist appointment as I have been having trouble with the nail on one of my little toes. After a quick rest indoors I headed off the see my fabulous present. Tina had booked a beach hut for me for three months and I was excited to go and check it out. It is Osprey 7, a good way along the front, but higher up with a good view of the sea. This was looking out.
They are pretty smart inside and have a sink and cupboards, a kettle and toaster, 4 deck chairs and cutlery and crockery in the cupboard. There is also a light because you can use them between 7 am and 10.30 pm.
My little home from home is the bright yellow one.
It was grey and cold today, everybody was in their winter coats! The wind was blowing towards the hut so I will make sure I have warm clothes on. But when the doors are closed it is quite cosy.
I spent a couple of hours there and did some crochet. At 5 pm Tina took me down in the car and we took a blanket, a footstool and a little dvd player so I will be all set tomorrow. I have done some cooking this evening, dinner and two lots of muffins. Banana and walnut and some called Doughnut muffins. In Peterborough yesterday I saw some great marbles at Van Hage, and have wanted to get new ones for the solitaire game that Mike made me a long time ago. I think they look fabulous and he has also made me a Nine Men's Morris which I photographed as well.

Monday 26 October 2015

This morning Anya and Isobel picked me up from the hotel and we went to Van Hage for breakfast, I haven't done that in a while! We were in the queue for ages but it was worth the wait. Then we went to Ferry Meadows, it was a lovely day and we thought a walk in the fresh air would do us all good. They had sheets for the children to do a Fungi quiz so Isobel had one and it meant we had to walk right round one of the lakes.
The sun on the water was lovely, but it was difficult to take pics as we were facing the sun. I took this one in the shade of a tree.
Anya took this one of me with Isobel, it is nice to have one together when we get the chance.
There were some great plants, I particularly loved the pink thistle, have never seen one before.

There were hundreds of ladybirds, strange, as \I have seen hardly any this year. This on was unusual, black with red spots and a spot inside the spots!
I took a few pictures of trees, this one was colourful.
After our trip we spent some time back at the house. Isobel watched a new dvd and we tried out one of her new games. They took me to the station and I had a really good journey home.

Sunday 25 October 2015

This morning I caught an early bus over to the Orton Centre to see Jeff, a friend I have known for about twenty years. He has recently moved s I got to see his new abode. It was a lovely day and he suggested a walk to the local garden centre. He hadn't read the map too well and we took the scenic route through Orton Waterville. We passed St Mary's church, and lots of lovely thatched cottages. I have tried a couple of photos but it is taking an age tonight so may just stay with telling you about the day this time. We did eventually get to the garden centre and had dinner there. We then walked back to the centre by a more direct route and another friend, Rachel picked me up and brought me back to the hotel. Another friend, Michelle came to see me for an hour or so and then I went to see the Strictly result show with Rachel and her family.  I may try one more time to add a picture!

This was me just before we went and had something to eat. More nice autumn colours! Back home tomorrow night so it will be easier to do my posts. This picture took about 20 minutes to download!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Very pleasant day, the weather turned pretty horrid but it didn't spoil anything. I went with Anya and Isobel to the swimming pool for Isobel's lesson, she is doing very well, really gaining in confidence. Here she is before we went in, a bit seven year old now!
Autumn has been a bit disappointing in Scarborough and no one had told me just how wonderful it has been around Peterborough. Driving round the parkways with Anya, even on a dull miserable day the colours were glorious, it compared well to the time I went to the USA in the fall. Sadly no real photo opportunities as we were on the move, but truly delightful. Anya took me to Margherita's where we had a good sisterly chat and an enjoyable game of Scrabble which she won. I caught the bus back into town and took a picture from the bus stop, not as spectacular as the parkways, but pretty attractive.
Didn't have to wait too long for a bus, the weather had turned really wet by then. As we came into town there were police everywhere, there had been a football match, but I have never seen quite so many police and police vehicles dotted around! There were rides on Bridge Street which brightened a dull day up!
My friend Angie picked me up in town and we had a nice meal and watched Strictly together. All in all a good day.

Friday 23 October 2015

Darren took me to the station this morning in good time for me to catch the 8.50 train to York. Had room for my case on both trains and found my reserved seats easily. The train from York to Peterborough left a bit late, but that was not a problem, I just let Mike know I would be a bit later when he met me. We had lunch together after a cup of tea at his flat, I hadn't seen the decorated hall before and it is looking good. He dropped me at The Spinney where a spent three and a half hours catching up with Ruby and Emmie who are both 95 years young now. Ruby broke her hip a few months ago and is still pretty much tied to her flat. The view isn't so bad and she has a chair near the window to watch the world go by.
They both enjoyed looking through my holiday scrap book. Mike collected me and we watched It Take Two together here at the hotel before he went home. I have been over to the shop and will soon be in the bath! I got the crochet pattern for a cardigan yesterday, got the wool as I believe I told you yesterday and have made a start. May do a bit this weekend, but it is a big project as I have never actually tried to follow a pattern and make a garment, so we will have to see how I progress!

Thursday 22 October 2015

This morning Darren and I set about cutting up all the pruning and her hauled the garden waste bin up the huge steps so that it was by the back gate. I was amazed we managed to get it all in, no a nice empty space beside the shed again!
I sat for a while trying to work out where I was going wrong with a beret I am intending to crochet. The third attempt looks right. That is the tighter one in the picture along with the page from the book and my first attempt. The second attempt I unpicked!
I have sort of organised my case for going down to Peterborough tomorrow. With Isobel's birthday present in there and my scrapbook to show people there isn't much room left for clothes!! When i got back from the crochet group the pattern I ordered a couple of weeks ago had arrived. It is for a cardigan in crochet. I walked up to the wool shop which Tina and I had located the other day and got wool and  a new hook. The shop is opposite the prison, I have heard about it a lot but hadn't actually realised where it was. It is not a prison now, but I have been told that some of the interior is still cells.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

The day started wet and looked like it was set to stay, but it has brightened up and has been a lovely day again. I took a walk to the Sea Life centre this morning, I have an annual pass and like to go when it is school term time. It was really busy today with a lot of school trips visiting. On the way the sea was really tranquil again.
I meant to say that when I was walking on the beach yesterday the tide actually seemed to stop for about 15 minutes. No movement or waves at all, I have never witnessed that before. Back to today, I have taken pictures of this weird creature before, but that didn't stop me trying to get another good shot!
Apart from the otters, which is my main reason for the pass, I love seeing the jellyfish and also the sea horses. I took a lot of pictures of the jellyfish this one was a showy example.
So many different varieties.
Just one more, quite arty with the colour effect.
Then I arrived at the otter pen, always a delight.
Peek a boo!!
I have tried getting a decent picture of the dragon seahorses several times, this is probably the least blurred attempt to date!
Where is Nemo?
There was more heavy work going on at the edge of the beach near the sea wall. Different site this time, not sure if they are strengthening the walls.
The beach huts are maintained so beautifully, a pleasure walking along the front and seeing them.
Those new two storey ones look really swish! This afternoon I have been turning out cupboards so now I am among complete chaos, so best get back to it!