Sunday 28 February 2021

Public Sleeping Day! Plus a rising moon!

I have spent quite a bit of time in the garden again today, carrying on working on the area that I started yesterday. This bed had loads of the Spanish bluebells which we are trying to eradicate, I have planted some English ones now so hopefully we will be seeing those as well this year. I did a fair area, have almost half a cart full of mainly bulbs and some roots. Have now planted the ones I dug up which I wanted to keep. It is a bit of a task but will be worth it to have removed the established weed roots and the bulbs.

The position of the sun had moved considerably by the time I was finished! I did then sit in the summer house for a bit and managed to get some reasonable shots, particularly of the long tailed tits.

Apparently the sea front has been heaving today, which doesn’t surprise me. I suggested to Tina that we go down to the sea front and have a walk after dinner and before Throw Down. Took this photo of some fishermen’s not then realising that something much more exciting would happen!
We climbed up some steps before heading back and it looked like the sun was setting, but we knew it was too late for that! Then we realised that it was rising and it was the moon! Neither of us have ever seen the moon rise before so it really was quite a thrill. Trying to capture it with the phone was difficult, but I will post a couple of the results.
Have watched Throw Down, which was good and interesting. May have an early night and read so I have the energy for more gardening tomorrow!

Saturday 27 February 2021

No Brainer Day

No Brainer Day, that’s different!
Yesterday evening I stamped a different rabbit stamp but couldn’t colour it as the ink takes a long tome to dry. I coloured one of the previous rabbits with the pencils.
We have another jigsaw from America, well maybe not from America but ordered by the American family. Everyone is doing one like we did at Christmas. I have spent a bit of time on it today but it wasn’t always plain sailing!
It has weird shaped pieces and lots of bits that look like edge pieces but aren’t! So it will be a bit of a challenge. 
This afternoon I went out into the garden for a while, decided to work on the bed in front of the apple tree.
I actually tried digging today and it was okay. So I didn’t get as far as I may have as the area around the tree has never really been properly tended and gets smothered in weeds and unwanted plants once they start growing. I got an awful lot of weeds and roots out and dug out the plants I did want in there so that I could replant them and I also transplanted some more of the snowdrops.

A couple of photos with the church in to finish, at different times this afternoon and early evening.

Will finish with an obscure word.
Orts  ( Leftovers or scraps from a repast.

Friday 26 February 2021

I love this quote!

A slightly different start today, I was doing a codebreaker puzzle to find a quote, the author is Frida Kahlo. Think it was written with me in mind!
‘Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.’
Back to what I have been up to today, Darren had the last piece of his Christmas cake yesterday so I made a sponge, the first one for a while!
I went out into the front garden today, I tidied up the small bed in front of the dining room window. Tried to straighten up the border as well.
I did do some more tidying in the front garden after lunch but didn’t take photos, but really feel on top of it at the moment. I did have one casualty, cutting back a large plant I managed to cut one of the wisteria plants off! I will try to root it but am not holding my breath!
My new puzzle book arrived, always a joy, and I also have a jigsaw to do so started finding the edge pieces. Tin came in the dining room for a while and left a bag on the seat, no guesses for what happened next!
Tina had had a busy day and felt like a breath of air so we drove to the Morrow Avenue car park and had a walk along the front, not too busy which was good. Some photos to finish today’s post.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Today is ‘Quiet Day’, but didn’t know until this evening!

Celebratory day today is Quiet Day, should look at the calendar when I get up! Not that I have been noisy, but reasonably busy. I decided to go for a walk, Tina planned to go into the garden and I would usually join her but my arm is really aching today because of too much hoeing and drain rodding! But before I went out I saw a crow rooting around in the rockery, so a good start to the day!
I walked out of the town again, very much away from people, very quiet but the traffic makes up for it! I made a small flask and thought I would try to get a bit further than yesterday. So passed the bench I sat on yesterday and managed to get to the road that leads to Honeysuckle Farm, there is a good bench there and slightly off the main road. I took pictures of trees, and the mere through the trees, quite a few but relatively self explanatory.

When I got home I make drinks and went out to see how Tina was getting on in the garden. She had transplanted quite a few snowdrops to areas behind the large bed and round Charlie’s grave (a cat, not a relative!) I did do a little pruning but nothing too strenuous. 
After lunch we loaded the car up with various items that needed to go to the tip. The outhouse was pretty jammed full and we had a lot of cardboard to take too. After that Tina got on with burning branches in the incinerator and I went and sat in the summer house for a bit with my book. Did manage a couple of wildlife shots and one of Tina when she came in for a rest!
There had been some military aircraft flying over during the afternoon no some very low and very loud, I think Tina was trying to catch sight of them when I took the photo.
Have done a bit of pedalling this evening, trying to keep the activity levels up!

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Getting stuck in!

I have spent quite a bit of the day in the back garden, decided to attack the bed that has the fruit bushes in. I looked up pruning fruit bushes, haven’t really grown then before and don’t know much about them. That bed was our original rubbish dumping spot and has some deep rooted weeds ready to take hold. The rhubarb at the far end is coming through now which is good. I did in the end do much more than I had originally intended to do.
After an hour I was ready for a break so left the tools out as it was work in progress!
Went out again after lunch and got the edging tool out. I always do that left footed, doesn’t feel right with the right so to speak! Managed that okay with the new knee! Hoed quite a lot of the weed out although I know that will be ongoing. I made a new pile of twigs and pruning for Tina to get burning when the mood takes her! Can definitely see where I have been today!
Tina bought drinks out and we enjoyed them sitting on the swing seat. Tina spotted that we had some miniature daffodils in flower in the main bed.
Apart from a quick walk to the post box and shop earlier and sorting out some washing I haven’t done much else today. I did have a craft stamp arrive and found that it would print well on the watercolour paper so tried it on cartridge paper. Have used fine liners to add a bit of colour but will do another one using the pencils.
Today is World Bartender Day, they won’t be doing a lot of celebrating!

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Quite a busy day

This morning it was a bit windy but dry so decided to get out into the front garden and get the back of the large bed tidied up. I did get right round n front of the rockery which isn’t in these pictures. After an hour I went in to make a drink and have a break but left the tools outside to continue in a while.

After a break I went out and started on the other side of that very untidy bush. Decided to prune the bush as well which was probably the hardest part! By no means perfect but looks like it has had some attention!

After lunch I thought I would go for a walk and made my was to the play park where you can catch a glimpse of the mere. The wind meat that it was very quiet!
The play park was very waterlogged so more of the temporary water that the mere, but still looks good!

I thin walk up the road alongside of the mere away from the town so it would be quiet. Managed to get another view of the mere en route.
And these pretty crocuses were bu the side of the path.
That was probably enough exercise for one day but in the end I helped Tina unblock the drains for an hour or so, which included going up and down stairs flushing loos as well as using bean poles as we didn’t have drain rods!
When Darren came home he went out and got us fish and chips which was very welcome!
Maybe a slightly quieter day tomorrow!