Monday 5 August 2024

More walking than planned

Off to the post box frost thing and then mowed the smaller lawn in the front garden before it got too hot. Before that I had phoned the surgery and managed to get an appointment  prescribing physio, Emma, that was at 11.40 am but I already had a blood test booked for 4pm so that would be two treks there. Probably only about half a mile, but it all adds up! Emma was very thorough, not sure we are that far forward, but as the pain area has increased she has given me some sciatic nerve exercises, and really wants me to sleep with my feet above my hips so will endeavour to sleep in the bed tonight! I had put my library book in my bag and went to the library via the sea front on my way home to return it.
Tina had had a very busy morning and suggested we went up the road for lunch, which was nice. On a all near the cafe I spotted this web, not sure it it might have been made by a wolf spider.
I rested for a bit before I walked back to the surgery. A lovely flower bed on the way.
Apparently my previous blood test registered slightly high blood sugar levels, so they taking another one to see if it was just a blip.
I have fixed down the photos and. labelled the paint numbers on. Only going to be two people so it seems a lot of planning and I have a feeling that these two people will just do their own thing! But it was worth trying.
I have watered the bonsai trees as still no rain in sight.
Will finish with a pic Anya took in Stamford a while ago. 


  1. Quite an active day by the sounds of it with all the walking and mowing. Hopefully the new exercises will do well and make the two walks there today Worth while 🙂
    Always nice to get out for lunch. Does you good. The web does look like a wolf spider. I used to see a lot of them when I used to walk regularly around the nature reserve in Eye.
    Hopefully the raised levels will turn out to be a blip. These things happen every now and then.
    You’ve gone to a lot of effort for this workshop. Shame it’s only two, but you might get more, you never know. Plus you’ll always have it if you decide to run the workshop again.
    I like the last pic. I used to enjoy turning pots when I was at school. Not something I’ve ever done since. Shame really as it’s quite relaxing.

  2. The physio wasn’t really sure that I had sciatica, but one of yu pains can be due to it, so it is worth giving the exercises a go.
    Will make a cake today for the workshop refreshments but won’t make scones as well, they can have two pieces of cake!
