Tuesday 31 January 2017

I stayed in during the morning doing a bit more sorting and listening to some music, I am going through the cds and if I am not keen on them any more I will put them with the boot sale stuff. I went down to check the jigsaw map and it had held together, I turned it over and put a coat of varnish on the back.
I caught the bus into town at lunchtime as I had an appointment to give blood. I have been trying to eat iron rich food for a while so that I don't get refused! I was quizzed a bit about the surgery but they decided I could give blood this session and even better no problem with my iron level. On the way to the session I saw a gull 'dancing' in the park opposite the station. Not a great picture but I was fascinated when learnt what they were doing.
I saw these gulls doing a jig a long time ago and wondered what they were doing, then I discovered that when the ground is damp they stamp repeatedly to imitate the rain and therefore bring the worms to the surface! After giving blood I walked up to Sainsbury's and did a bit of shopping, and as the timing wasn't right for catching a bus in town I decided to walk home rather that call a taxi. I was struggling by the time I got home, more from the injury I inflicted on myself yesterday that from the ankle, although that was complaining a bit too, and it was really cold, damp and horrid out. I passed the windmill on the way back, I haven't seen it for a while as I haven't walked along Victoria Road lately.
The back of the puzzle had dried this afternoon so got Darren to take a picture of me holding it, just for fun!
I have booked to catch the train down to Peterborough on Thursday as I haven't been contacted regarding the surgery and it may be a while before I get down again. Will stay with Rachel and hopefully catch up with most of my family and friends there.

Monday 30 January 2017

This morning I went down with the intention of finishing the puzzle. I was still struggling and at one point was counting the pieces as I was sure some were missing! After another two hours it was complete. If it hadn't have been a gift, and was a map of the local area, it would not have been finished at all, not that enjoyable. Also, as it is a local map it would be good to mount it up and keep it, but it is not an interlocking puzzle and tough one peace and move half a dozen at least! Thought I might try and slide paper under it later.
I had read an article in a magazine singing the praises of Scarborough. Very interesting and it recommended a cafe that I have never been too, especially the chips, so the urge to go and try in was there! I caught the bus into town and walked up to the Stephen Joseph Theatre, the cafe was 'just behind the theatre building. It was on Hanover Street, a very short road and I have never walked down it, but knew it by name after doing the puzzle. The new eating place was called Eat Me Cafe and the staff and everything about it was delightful. Waitress served, teapots with knitted cosies little milk churns for the milk and a good menu. They only usually serve the chips with a main meal but were happy for me to have a portion and a cup of tea. They were good chips!
It was very busy even though it is off the beaten track, a good recommendation. Opposite was a great little, very reasonable, charity shop run by the League of Friends of Scarborough Hospital. Had a look round and got a mug to give to someone else as it was very appropriate and a dvd for £1 the two. The other end of the road came out near the police station, I haven't walked up that end of town for quite a while. My ankle was really sore, but I took it steady and got home okay, buying a pot of hyacinths on the way from a nice little florists.
Had a bit of a rest when I got in and then went down to try and get paper under the puzzle. Really difficult and didn't get it right under, but round all the edges. Dislodged several pieces quite a few times so the air was a bit blue!
I have now varnished it and hope it doesn't get stuck to the carrier. I am usually impatient, but will wait until tomorrow to see if it has worked. One of the pieces was sticking up so thought I would push it back in and a piece of the picture came off on my finger - oops! Only a small bit and I should be able to disguise it if the puzzle survives.
I knocked something onto the floor earlier, flopped down to pick it up and had a crunch/click, sounded a bit like a snap in the back of my knee! It is painful at the moment, but hopefully nothing too serious, I am a walking wreck!!

Sunday 29 January 2017

A lovely bright day today, although cold and frosty. Looking out of the window this morning we have an unruly bush that looks like a bunch of twigs, but it has amazing little blossoms appearing all over it! I went out quite early so took pictures as I left.

I had to be careful on the pavements and in the park as the frost made the surfaces quite slippery. The sun on the bare trees made them appear almost autumnal.
I had recently bought a bag of duck food and another of squirrel food, took both along with me. The swans and ducks loved the pellets, should have taken more out with me! I fed this duck after I had taken his picture.
All around the park and in the glen the men have been marking the areas that need repairing, there are a lot!
The glen was quiet and no squirrels around to feed, although the ducks quite enjoyed some of the squirrel food when I ran out of the pellets.
I was enjoying the effect of the sun on and through the trees today.

Rather than walk back the same way I decided I would go back this way,,,,
Good job there was a bench quite near the top! One more stunning one of the sun on the trees as I neared the top.
I have spent about five hours on the puzzle today, and still haven't completed it. I decided to get all the pieces put out in shape order, so that I could (hopefully) get more pieces put it!

By the end of the session I was this far, will attempt to complete it tomorrow.
Amazingly it doesn't get any easier as the pieces get less, but should be on the home straight now. The down side is that all the standing and then getting dinner have played havoc with my ankle! Listening to the cd by 'Lotus Classics'. the group I saw at Covent Garden. Call the Midwife later.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Had more packages to send, have to keep the post office afloat! I prepared some veg and got the slow cooker on for a casserole later for dinner. Took the bus into town and went to the post the parcels and walked down to M & S which is the only food shopping place in the city centre. I wanted to get some suet as I thought it would be a change to have some dumplings in the casserole.
I did some more sorting and packed up another box full of china that is not in use at the moment. Still in the mood to get on with it at the moment. I have been listening to the Olly Murs cd as I want to know his latest songs for when Anya and I go to see him at the Open Air Theatre. Then I went down to do a bit of the puzzle, was down about one and a half hours and probably put another twenty or so pieces in. Really hard going, but it will look good when it is finished.
Looked out of the window this afternoon and saw these two gulls sitting on the roof opposite. Thought they just looked cute.
I got the pencils out that I got in America and decided to do a drawing. Not the greatest, but just felt like a change. It is absolutely nothing like the photo I was copying, so may have another go!
Charlie has slept on the small pink chair for quite a while, but recently Blue has started to sleep on it so Charlie now grabs my spot on the settee when he can! This photo is almost liking him saying don't take a picture of me.
Dinner was tasty and I will settle down for Casualty in a bit.

Friday 27 January 2017

I seem to have been busy today but not sure that I have  much to show for it. I caught the bus to Castle Road and called in at the Studio, had a chat with Donna and collected my little pet come change bowl!

I walked into town and went to Debenham's to get my case. I thought I  had measured so carefully and thought I had bought one a little smaller. In the end I now have two cases the same size, but this one is green!! Put my other shopping in the case to make it easier to get home on the bus. When I got home the packing boxes I had ordered, only yesterday I think, had arrived and they are brilliant, strong and a good size and very reasonably priced. I have packed one up with craft stuff already.
My rooms were becoming a bit overwhelmed with boxes, plastic containers and also masses of stuff ready for a boot sale. So I set to trying to get things a bit more organised. I re-arranged the room where I make drinks and simple meals and managed to get all of the boot sale stuff in there. Sorted the bedroom as well so the storage boxes are not in the way, so fairly happy with the progress so far. I did have a bit of a break and went down and did a little bit to the jigsaw, very slowly it is taking shape.
Darren suggested we go and do the shopping for the weekend, so we did, that will save going tomorrow.
Watching out contenders for the Eurovision contest at the moment and will enjoy The Last Leg later.

Thursday 26 January 2017

I have remained on my de-cluttering theme and carried on this morning. The pile of stuff for a boot sale is growing and the recycling bin is full! I had worked out the buses for getting to the hospital then Darren suggested we went and had lunch and then he would drop me off and I would just get the bus home. We both had soup and a roll, Darren tomato and me a lentil dahl. We had time to look at the storage boxes there and I bought one large plastic one and a set of three smaller ones.
I had ordered some cardboard boxes this morning, hopefully they will come and I can get some packing done before I have the surgery. The ultra sound was okay I think, I was face down and could hear the doctor and a nurse discussing what was wrong with my ankle and comparing it to the other one! The nurse said I will get a letter from the surgeon. 
I had been going to get a new weekend case in town, but when I checked the bus times I was just in time for one at 3.05 pm and the next one wasn't until 4.25 pm! Ankle and knee have both been painful today so I didn't fancy walking back so caught the first one.
Have been to the little local cinema this evening with Sandy, Donna and little Amy. We went to see La La Land, only about a dozen people in there and our tickets were free as they pay for advertising for the studio and get a pass for 4 tickets a month. I did enjoy the film but cannot really see why it got all the Oscar nominations.
Sandy said my little bowl is ready so I may try and collect it tomorrow then go into town and get the case while they are still on offer.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

As part of his Christmas gift I got Darren a tiny model to make up of the Star Wars 'Millennium Falcon'. It is made of very fine metal sheeting and was very fiddly, but he has done a great job.

I am still on the sorting, and set to with the cds before going out. I caught the bus to town but called in at the studio first to drop off some bags that I had purchased with them in mind quite a while ago. I walked into town and had a look around. They are re-paving in the centre and it is chaos, for a while we were shut in the shopping centre waiting to get out because they had fenced us in for deliveries to be made!
After a wander around I went to the hairdressers. Happy with the cut as usual. Then I walked home, I am trying to walk rather that always use the bus at the moment.  One episode of Dr Blake and back to the sorting, starting to pack things now! When Tina came in she suggested going down to look at the sea, always an invitation not to be refused! The bay was really calm, quite a change from recent days.
We took a bit of a walk along, as far as the Freddie Gilroy statue. It really is huge and very impressive.
Have done a bit more sorting and will do some ironing now.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

I had a very large bag of odd material and wadding to take to the community centre along with some other bits. Darren helped me wedge the bag into my trolley as I had thought that I would take it there myself and then call in at the studio on the way back. I cut through the gap and took a look at the north bay today. The sea was calm and the mist was almost gone.

 I haven't walked into town often of late, but managed okay, unloaded the goods and then called in to see Sandy. We had a chat and I told her about my trip to London. They have some really small pet bowls, I decided to paint one, but not for a pet!!

I walked back home, had a bit of lunch and hung up the washing I had put on before I went out. Then I caught the bus to town as I had a large parcel of material to send off to my god-daughter. Made a hair appointment for tomorrow while I was in town and as there was quite a while to wait for a bus I walked home. Came down Dean Road and called in at Let it Brie. He hadn't got any of the smoked cheese but I got some blue cheese and some stuffed peppers!
I watched a Dr Blake and then went down and tried to do a bit of the puzzle. Only put in about ten pieces, it will take some time but I will persevere. Maybe I will do a bit more sorting tonight, I am in the mood to get things a lot better organised and a lot less of it!!

Monday 23 January 2017

Yesterday I forgot to write about the concert that Tina and I went to on Saturday evening. It was at St Mark's church and was 'An evening of String Duos'. The two gentlemen performing were David Johnson on violin and Thomas Bertolotti on cello. They were very good and played several pieces. The vicar at St Mark's used to be an opera singer and joined them for one piece to sing an aria from a Verdi opera called Nabucco. A good crowd attended and there were refreshments in the interval, so all in all a great evening.
I have been de-cluttering and Darren took me to the charity shop with four good sized bags of stuff. I have started a different collection for us to do a boot sale at some point. He then dropped me near the post office as I had a couple of packages to send off. I wandered down to the south bay and the mist and sun made it glorious today. I took three pictures, all 'blind' as I was facing the sun. They turned out well so will post all three!!

I started with quite a bit of zoom then less and none, but as I said I had no idea what I had taken! Walking back I took a picture of a couple of the curved houses, but really to show how blue the sky was and not a cloud to be seen.
When I got home my Dr Blake dvd had arrived so I watched an episode, then cracked on with the de-cluttering. I have a couple of bags to take to the community centre and another package ready to go. So far so good.I need to keep at it while I am in the mood and before I decide I need to keep everything!

Sunday 22 January 2017

I haven't been out today,needed to rest the ankle and knee, I think it has helped a bit. I will catch up on today in a bit, but I have been going through the photos from the trip so will post a few of them. On the way down we had a short stop in London, next to Hyde Park. Lots of schools had games lessons going on in the park which is brilliant.
The Serpentine was fenced off for reconstruction work which was a pity, but it meant I saw these very unusual ducks on the grass.
A quick look at Marble Arch and then I wandered back down Park Lane.
I mentioned the war memorial for animals, the driver on the way home gave us some information about it. The pack horses are making there way towards the gap which represents the gates of heaven.

Through the gap were a horse and dog, free from their shackles and happy.
On the Tuesday I went on the Emirates Air Line and this is Brian and Hazel.
Better put a picture of sunset over Canary Wharf!
Today, as I said, I haven't been out. I did a bit to the puzzle whilst getting dinner and for a while afterwards. It is really so much more difficult than I thought it would be.
But I will persevere! This afternoon I decided that I needed to start getting rid of some stuff, so started on the bookshelves on the landing. I have three bags ready to go to the charity shop, so not a bad start.

Saturday 21 January 2017

I haven't done a great deal today, did quite a lot of walking around while away and really need to rest up both ankle and knee as they are causing me quite a bit of discomfort at the moment. Don't regret making the trip though, saw quite a lot and did a few new things, the hotel was pretty good as was the food. Although it was extra to use the pool and leisure facilities they were also very good compared to most hotels, the pool especially, which was a pretty good size. Tina was out to lunch today so Darren and I had lunch at the supermarket and then both of us did a fair sized shop. 
While I was away I bought the book 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' by Truman Capote. I have never read it, and although I really like Audrey Hepburn don't think I had ever seen the film either. Anyway, this morning I finished reading it as it is really very short, and this afternoon I watched it after I had unpacked the shopping. A lot of the film was true to the book but the ending was completely different, but that didn't spoil it as it was the ideal ending really. There are two other very short stories by Truman Capote in the book, so will read them as well.
On the way home yesterday, at the second rest stop, there were wooden ducks on sale in the Smith's shop. I know I need more 'stuff' like dieters need boxes of cream cakes, but I bought one anyway.
How cute! On the way to the shop earlier Darren stopped outside the studio so that I could collect the elf I had painter the week before I went away. He is quite cute too.
Haven't decided if he is a keeper or a present yet, will give it some thought. 
Tina has told me about a cello and violin concert at  a local church this evening, so we are planning to go along.  I love cello music and like the violins too, so it should be a good evening.

Friday 20 January 2017

The usual early breakfast this morning, and then finishing off the packing. We were loaded up and off into the city at 9.30 am. The driver parked near Covent Garden, but not near enough for me not to be a bit worried about getting myself lost even though I had the guide/map book which has proved very useful this week. I did find my way to Covent Garden itself, have only been there a couple of times before and really pleased to go again today.
There was a great group of youngsters playing classical music, I took a video of them and bought a cd.
I went in a few of the shops and had a coffee in a very nice little cafe. Walking back I noticed this unusual shop name.
Shots of a couple of attractive, but very different buildings.

We had a couple of stops, the second one longer than expected as we were changing coaches and the other one was late. Back to Scarborough at 7.30 pm. It has been a good trip despite the fact that neither my knee or ankle agree!!