Sunday 31 May 2020

Disappointing pics of the sea

Last night I went out for a walk again and took the proper camera. Very disappointed with the results but will post some. I managed to walk for about fifty minutes which I was pleased with, but I was very happy to get home. Very few people around again which was good.
Today I haven’t done a great deal, got washing out on the line and dried and sorted out and cut material to make some masks. I took a couple of photos in the front garden when ai went to put stuff in the garden bin. I can’t remember seeing a white Snap dragon before, I am sure I didn’t plant it.
We have a lot of foxgloves, this one is chunky and rather lovely.
This afternoon I made three masks, one of them is an order and then I sat in the garden for a while before getting dinner. Then Tina came out with me to water the front garden and walled garden. Took a couple more pics out there when we had finished.
Decided not to have a late night walk today as my legs have been very sore today and I don’t want to cause a real flare up and not be able to walk at all! Tina said she would drive me along to Morrow Avenue and have a look at the sea from there and see the sunken garden. Some lovely poppies in the garden.
We did have a short walk down to the beach and then up again. Took Salome pictures, beautiful evening again.
Hopefully I will get a walk in tomorrow, but only if my legs a feeling less rebellious!

Saturday 30 May 2020

Late evening on the sea front

Yesterday evening I went out again as it was getting dark to see if I could make it to the sea front and back. At the beginning of the year it was a walk I couldn’t do as the knee was too painful. I haven’t tried much proper outside walking since lock down so if I had to turn back it wouldn’t have been too much of a surprise. Very quiet again, I was out for about forty minutes and may have seen a dozen people, none of them anywhere near me. A really pleasant walk and I had taken pills and used knee supports so not too much pain either,

The last two I probably zoomed a bit too much, but the phone coped pretty well!
Today I haven’t felt too energetic, I did do household chores and decanted some bird food in the greenhouse. Made a couple of phone calls and got another request for a face mask. This afternoon was FaceTime with the American family and Patty had said she wanted to see rainbow hair, so I had to oblige!
The other evening I was watching a George Gently episode, I think Martin Shaw has aged so well and is very handsome. Looked up on line to see if I could get a poster or picture and found a good sized photo at a reasonable price. It came within a few days so will have to get it framed and put somewhere conspicuous!
We will be watering soon, then I will watch Casualty and will probably go out again and maybe take the camera.

Friday 29 May 2020

Late evening ghost town walk and paint chaos!

Yesterday evening as it was getting dark I took a walk to the post box on the main street and then to pot something is Sarah’s post box. There were some people on cars stopping at the two take away places that were open but I only saw one other pedestrian, it was a lovely evening and very quiet.
I took a photo of the scaffolding around Lucian’s on the way home, the pinnacle at the top point of their roof  came down in the wind, doing a lot of damage to the budding and their car!
This morning I noticed that the first of the poppies had opened, a lot of buds to come.
We had a really old plant trough that has seen better days and I have a lot of plants to find homes for. Tina suggested painting it which was a really good idea.
More about the painting later! When I fed the birds I noticed a lovely little bee on a chair when I was coming in. I usually have real difficulty taking close ups with the phone but this time I managed not to have a blur!
This afternoon I went out to paint the trough and to empty the lovely Victorian planter and refresh It now that we can actually see it again. I propped the trough on one of the garden chairs and had the paint on a plank of wood to keep it steady. With it being hot and slightly windy the coats of paint dried really quickly. I was very careful not to still any paint on the pavers. Finishing off the second coat and pleased with how it was going when I caught the plank the paint was on and tipped the whole tin over! Pandora was out and straight across, rushes in and in panic got newspapers. After a while of course they had stuck to the pavers!! Gathered up as much of the paper as possible and then it was a hose and brush job!
So, once it was cleared as well as possible, some paint left and some bits of newsprint, but they will fade in time! But both the trough and the Victorian planter and done and looking good.

I went down to water the bonsai trees and the droopy plant is now looking lovely and again I managed not to have it blurred!
May venture out for a late walk again, will see how I feel in a bit.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Bad portraits and goodbye tin man!

Last night and today I have been trying to do self portraits, some negative opinions about too old and too haggard but the more I try the less they look by me. So giving up, and if I do eventually try again will only post one if it seems a geed effort!

The best that can be said is that I am at least drawing!
This morning I did household chores and put some white washing on. Later on the machine stopped and I had the fun of emptying it and eventually being able to clean the filter!
After lunch I went out to do some tidying in the walled garden and to dismantle the tin man! That was easier said than done as I had made a good job of making it hold together,
The weeds around where he had sat were pretty bad.
Looking better now and he will be in the recycling before too long.

I trimmed some of the leaves on the bonsai trees, and moved the most successful one off the stand and pruned some of the branches back. Love this little tree!
Tina and I watered the gardens and stopped midway for the weekly clap. Feeling quite weary tonight but better than I felt yesterday.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Bit of an off day!

Haven’t felt that good today, not exactly poorly but not well either! This morning I did some baking, got some bread rising and then made some chocolate cakes from my very old cookery book. The cases were a bit greasy when they came out so I took them out and melted some white chocolate to finish them off.

Nearly forgot to mention that today I tried a blue chalk in my hair, which looks green but a better green than yesterday!
The bread turned out well and Tina and I enjoyed some for our lunch.
This afternoon I did go out into the garden, there is a narrow flower bed next to Lucian’s fence that has become a bit untidy and there is some sticky weed appearing. I don’t know it’s correct name but I do know I am allergic to it! That bed looks neater again and after that I cleared the path near the back door and the path to the garden bin in the front garden, but didn’t take pictures of those.

I will go and make sure the bonsai trees haven’t dried out but will give the garden watering a miss tonight.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Back to the garden!

This morning I tried the hair chalks again and tried the greens. Not so sure I like this colour on me, but got to try them all!
I don’t go mad with the colour, just was a hint but full green would be good at Halloween! Off out into the garden today, I had decided to tidy up the area near the gladioli again and they are getting smothered and you can’t even see the grass path! What with dying plants, weeds and all the laburnum petals it was a mess. I have to admit that at times being the gardener is a little overwhelming and a little depressing when I go back to things I have tried to clear reasonably recently and have to do it all over again!

After that I went to the bed in the back of the picture which was beginning to get a bit weedy again.
Tina was out this morning and came back with two saintly little cacti!
When I went out to take that photo as they are still on the bench I took one of the pretty flowers by the front door.
This afternoon I have been making masks as I have had a couple of requests for them. Finished one and will get there more made before The A Word which is on at nine. I went out to get the gardens watered early so as I am not turning out in the middle of the evening. The sky was looking pretty good when I went out.
We have spotted some grasses that actually look like crop plants. Tina and I both like grasses so we have left them there to see what appears. They are now beginning to form heads.

If I get time I may try another self portrait as I have had a couple of comment saying it makes me look too old and a bit serious! If not tonight I will have another attempt.