Wednesday 7 August 2024

Walking and workshop

I was up early and off to the post box for a change. I packed the new shopping trolley with the cake and the demonstration board and set off for Freeport to take the workshop at the studio. Just two people but they had photos on their phones which they wanted to attempt. So we had to plan how to approach them and the layering I did on my sample did not quite fit the bill. They both like going to the pottery and painting the various objects, but have never before tried doing something completely creative. It was really enjoyable, and they were both very happy with their efforts.
The cakes received well and what was left Caroline took home to share with her family.
I also got to see two of the samples I had painted, quite happy with both of them.
I walked home as well, calling in at Pound Stretcher and then Sher on the way home. Left he trolley indoors nd went to the shop for a couple of bits. Haven’t done a great deal since as quite a bit of walking again today.
Had a chat with Caroline and her son and a couple of his mates may come along to help clear some of the brambles etc from the garden, no pay but I have promised to make cake!


  1. Glad the workshop went ok. I think their plates look really nice. I hope they look as good after the firing. I look forward to seeing them. I'm sure the cake helped things go along smoothly too. Cakes are good payment for garden helpers too. Good job you make great cakes 🙂
    I think the two samples came out well too. I particularly like the brush pot.
    Sounds like you've done way too much walking again. You really should start taking it easier. I know that's not how your mind works though 🙂

  2. Hopefully Caroline will take pics of the finished plates. I wasn’t feeling like doing the workshop so it was great that it was such an enjoyable time in the end.
    I thought the brush pot worked really well. That had been a lantern with a top and the top was broken so they wanted me to make it into a brush pot.
