Sunday 25 August 2024

Bargains, baking and bit of gardening

We went off early as usual to the boot sale,quite chilly this morning but bright and sunny. Very busy again so lots to look at. Got a really good bird feeder, new and should be a challenge for the squirrels if I have it away from anything that is jumping distance!
My large piggy bank got cracked some months ago and I have been keeping my eye open for another one to replace it. Got one for £4 and it is virtually the same size. The one with the heart is headed for the bin.
I also got a little cream jug for £1 just because I liked it.
The rescued sunflowers are all opening and look glorious in my sitting room.
Sarah let me borrow a cooking book she had been given, it features cakes and puddings and there are a few I would like to try. Never have really cooked tray bakes. I copied the recipe as don’t want to chance marking the book. Needed lots of desiccated coconut which I couldn’t get at the Co-op,m ut did buy at Tesco yesterday. Pics before nd after cutting into portions, but was a bit impatient and the chocolate wasn’t properly set!
I did go out for a while and did some clearing in the walled garden, didn’t take pictures but am glad the garden bin will be emptied again soon! Before and after getting dinner I started a diamond art canvas.have had it for a while is was on sale when The Works was closing down. Just the plant in the corner and the wing of the higher bird,
No bank holiday plans but ai will find plenty to do


  1. Some very good car boot bargains again today. You can never have enough bird feeders, specially at your place! You did well with the pig replacement. Very similar in a lot of respects. I love the little jug too. I think I’d have bought it. No use for it, but it’s nice.
    I can’t remember if sunflowers smell. If they do I bet it smells lovely in your lounge 😊
    I do like the look of the cake! I’m sure you must have tried it by now. Is it good? I fancy a bit of cake now 😊

  2. It is very tasty so will try not to have too much! There is a healthier recipe in the book, so may try that!
    Sunflowers don’t really smell, but make up for it with the make you smile factor.
