Monday 31 August 2020

Bit more gardening today

I spent around four hours out in the back garden today, doesn’t look like a lot. But I did dig the bed to remove some of the ground ended roots. Also move a plant in another bed. Cut down and dig up the teasels which had fallen over again with the wind, have moved the root of them to another position as well, and replanted the foxgloves I dug out by the pampas plants. It was a nice day and I was glad I decided to concentrate on one area that dot about doing little bit here and there.

The plant with the frame is now at the back of that bed.
The teasel plants were huge, when I had finished I cut off the seed heads in case anyone wants them for flower arranging.

Just as I was finishing off the cats were chasing each other and Pandora shot up one of the trees,
This afternoon I was listening to some of the audio book and decided to try doing a decorated letter.
I went to see Sarah and David for a bit this evening and took a quick picture of the sky while I was getting my tea when I got home.
Watching Strike now!

Sunday 30 August 2020

Boot sale bargains and a quiet day

I took a couple of pictures of the sky this morning. It wasn’t spectacular but pretty and a real change from the grey skies we have had this last week. I was out early feeding the birds, Darren and I were off to the boot sale at 7.30 am.

After breakfast we had a good wander round the sale, plenty of cars today and very busy by the time we were leaving, we bought quite a few bits, I loved this cap, a whole fifty pence.
Quite a few bits, the things on the right were for Tina, the large Bible map book was 50p as well.
I also got a tape playing machine, mine has been eating my tapes and I have some audio books on tapes. The man had put batteries in the player and put a tape in so I know it works, but it does have the power lead too.
After dinner Tina and I went out into the garden to put fox food down and collected the camera, which isn’t working and has to go back. We sat on the swing seat for a while and then Pandora joined us!

I am looking forward to seeing the new episode of Strike this evening,

Saturday 29 August 2020

Productive crafty day!

I went off to the shops really early after I had fed the cats and birds! Good to get out and about before the holiday makers, although it was a miserable morning, grey, windy and pretty cold, so not really early morning walk weather, even for tourists!
After breakfast ai got on with the soft toy butterfly or as Tina has renamed it as a batterfly! It was fiddly and isn’t a great soft toy, but I will enter it into the horticultural show.
Late morning the garden furniture that Tina had bought on Thursday arrived. We decided not to put the canopy on the swing seat as it was very windy. The chairs and table are light so we tucked the table round the corner by the big storage cupboard so that it didn’t blow over and the glass top get smashed. The chairs have got nice cushions but we have bought them indoors as it is wet today.

Steve, one of the parishioners made a model of the side of the church for the children’s corner. Tina bought it home yesterday for me to sign write the little notice board. It is about 2 1/4 x 2 1/2 inches. Good practice for later in the day as it turned out!
After lunch the light box I had ordered arrived, though definitely not a light box as I remember them! It is great and I tried it with the shorter phrase to see how I got on with it. A great piece of kit with a metal, adjustable stand as well.
This evening I have copied out a fairly long poem in a pretty small size. May pay for it with an extra painful hand tonight. Really pleased though and managed to write it out without going wrong!
I have been listening to audio books today so it has been really pleasant. 

Friday 28 August 2020

More calligraphy and getting ready to sew

The weather has been pretty miserable and I have been having more discomfort walking anywhere at the moment, o did go out this morning , we needed a bit of shopping, I wanted some stuffing for a toy I am going to make and I called in the charity shops to see if they had any audio books. I have got a couple more and finished listening to The Coroner while I did a bit more calligraphy practice. Have now got a light box n order for when I am ready to do the exhibit piece. I did go along to the chemist as well and booked my flu jab. I apologise that the writing at the front of the next picture was on yesterday’s blog, but the other two were this morning.
Was trying that gothic style today.
This afternoon I was sorting through material to decide what to make the little butterfly toy in. Then had to find the relative pattern pieces as there are several different toys in the one pattern. I also cut out some more masks as  I think we are gong to be needing them for a good while yet. I may get the machine out this evening and make a start, I have listened to the first disc on another book so will carry on listening to the story while I work.
Another apology, this time to Tina as what I am about to tell you is to say the least a sore point! Some months ago a friend sent Tina the details of some knee braces which boasted ‘No more knee pain’. We eventually realised they were coming from China, on a very slow boat! A week or so ago, after communication with the seller we gave up and she requested her money back. You guessed it, yesterday they arrived. With the best will in the world, and believe me I am ready to give anything a go, they are thick very hard plastic and have an almost impossible to close large hinge. I did try, as did Tina, I couldn’t bend my leg to walk and they dug in when you tried to sit, very awkwardly! They were expensive and it is so disappointing, especially for Tine who had been kind enough to send for them form now. Will add a picture of one and the instructions!

On a completely different note Anya has sent me a couple of very old photographs, one of my parents with all three of us children and the other with my parents, myself and Anya. Oh boy, feeling my age now!

Bye for now.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Calligraphy practice

This morning I baked a few buns, saw the Ringtons man and then took my calligraphy stuff downstairs and had a practice for a bit. I used to be very proficient, but used to practice a lot!
Tina and I watched a recorded Bargain Hunt and then we went off to a garden centre near Driffield for lunch. We really like it there, had a lovely lunch which was also very reasonable. I also bought some bits to put away for Christmas and a new long pole wire brush thing, for the gaps in the pavers. Also, dare I say it, some bulbs! Yes, bulbs, but only ten in total and a little reduced pig planter!
Almost forgot the heuchera, we have several already but this one is quite different.
We called at another garden centre and had coffee and cake and then headed home. Should have mentioned that Tina bought some garden furniture at the first one, hopefully arriving on Saturday.
Back home we had a cuppa and moved the garden camera as we didn’t get any videos at all last night. Then I carried on practicing calligraphy and listened to some more of the audio book.

This evening I went to see Sarah and David and we watched an entertaining rock and roll dvd.
Back to the audio book now, it is really good.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Silly Season!

I have had a pretty quiet day today with a smile or two along the way. When I looked at the overnight photos from the camera there were so many, but not a lot of different views. We will try a different viewpoint tonight and not by the feeding places, so hopefully not so many triggers. I can see and print the photos but look at the videos with Tina on her computer. While we were watching Blue came up on the desk, she was happily looking at the fox, but we moved her away so that we could see, when the birds came on the screen Tina was having trouble holding her back!
This morning I set to and make the fifth and largest Christmas cake, this one is square as it is non dairy. Have always made it a different shape to ensure that they get the right one! Unbelievable how much washing up can be generated and then four hours to cook!
We buy washing up liquid from The Refill Jar and I had some in a drink bottle. I spent some time trying to catch the bubbles rising as I transferred in into our bottle.
Yesterday Anya gave me a lovely pair of earrings which hadn’t arrived in time for my birthday. They are so clever and pretty.
I finished varnishing the latest box and have stuck felt to the base. Another one to find a home for.
Pandora has been on the back of my chair again, her positions become more and more bizarre!
To finish some pictures from last nights footage.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Lovely time with Anya in Doncaster and garden activity at night.

This morning Tina drove me into Hull so that I could catch the train to Doncaster. Nothing much open on the station and most people wearing masks, even the statue!
Thought this was an unusual sight on one of the stations en route.
Anya travelled to Doncaster by train as well and was waiting when I got out of the lift. We went into Frenchgate shopping centre and had a drink and started to catch up on news etc as we hadn’t actually seen each other for about six months. We had a wander round and we both liked the layout of the centre and the spaciousness. Liked this Book Exchange set up.
We went to Taco Bell for lunch, they were doing the half price deal so a bit meal for silly money!
Thanks for that one Anya!
We had another wander round and had a selfie back at the book exchange,
We had another drink while we waited for my train as Anya’s was a bit later. It was a lovely time, we wore the masks all day which was a new experience.
I had about the right amount of time to make my was to the bus stop, as it happens the bus was actually about ten minutes late and then was held in traffic for a long time. But the driver put his foot down when we were out of the town and it was more or less on time when we arrived in Hornsea. Tina had left tea organised which was good. She was. Held up at a meeting so Darren and I ate and kept hers warm.
Looked at last nights videos with Tina, they were pretty interesting, I will put some stills on the blog now.
A couple of just a fox.

The two foxes together, we think it is a mother a cub, they did have a couple of spats on the video.
There was a tabby cat last night and in both these shots it is aware of the fox, but held it’s ground and carried on eating later.

A tiring but really lovely day.
Watching the final Morse episode now.