Thursday 30 June 2016

Best start with just one sky picture.
Managed one without a chimney pot there, take note Mike! Had a pleasant trip out with Sandy today. We went to the Bowls Centre first as Sandy is hiring the function room there for a choir 'end of season' meal. I have never been inside although it is just over the road. It is great inside and has a nice cafe which is open to the public. Having a go at the bowls isn't too expensive either, so maybe that is something to think about. Here is Sandy checking out the function room.
The looking out from the room to the outside greens, a lovely place altogether and the staff were very friendly.
Sandy drove along the sea front of both bays on our way to Irton Garden Centre. Sandy liked this little sign she saw, and knows I have had the calligraphy pens out so made a not so gentle hint!
I love visiting garden centres, lots of lovely flowers and plenty of bees, perfect.
We saw this absolutely gorgeous oak screen, so attractive.
I asked the plant lady there what the problem is with my willow trees, I did take samples of the infestation, looked like eggs to me, but couldn't find anything similar when I was searching. She took the sample away and told me it was aphids when we were leaving and she had left a spray by the till. I also asked her about pants that are resistant to slugs, she didn't help with that  but did say that I should try Allbran!! They over eat on it, cannot resist it apparently, and then die. I really don't think it can be that easy, but it will be worth a try. We went to pick up Sandy's brother from the day centre at Gallows Close, I think he attends a couple of days a week.
When we took him home I had a quick conversation with Sandy's mum, who is 90 later this year, because she had seen the book bag I gave Sandy and wanted one for her ipad!! May try and make a few if I have time, although I have left things a bit late for Saturday and the church fete. I did buy one of the small, patio sunflowers at Irton, will try and keep it away from the slugs or surround it with Allbran!
Went to the shop with Tina when she got back from her course, we had a voucher that ran out today which enabled up to get another voucher with 8 p a litre off petrol. She got a five times voucher for points when we got some shopping so I bought the new printer that I had my eye on! Photo another day, it is still in the box.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

In many ways it hasn't been the best of days. My ankle was really bad this morning, and even after pills is really taking it's time to settle down. Can't really get on with the exercises until it becomes a little less painful.A couple of days ago I was having trouble with the printer (those who know me well will be aware that printers and I have a very uneasy history!) Anyway, now it will just not cancel or go away, so today Darren and I went to PC World to look at HP printers. I used to have one but when I was operating on Vista I had all sorts of problems with it. Now, with an HP laptop maybe they will get along. Didn't buy anything today, just looked. We had a snack and I did a bit of shopping. Wanted a broom and dustpan set for upstairs as well as some other bits. Tina has a large umbrella plant, which has been behind the kitchen door and has not been at it's best since we moved here. When the new cat arrived Tina decided it needed to be moved, so I said it could come up on my landing as the plants I have out there seem happy enough. With a little tlc the plant is doing well in it's new position.
This afternoon I had the long awaited dental appointment. Nothing else needed doing except for the tooth I broke a month ago. The first attempt at a filling fell out when she removed the metal support thing,so then she used a different substance which smelt of strong glue and then she fussed about how it was sitting for my 'bite'. I said it was ok as I didn't feel too bright, and when I got up I was really dizzy and thought I was going to faint for a minute. I walked back slowly, passing this garden with an array of pink and while valerian.
I cut through to the cliff top and took a slow walk down. The rain has stopped by then, but really overcast and still threatening more rain. You could see that there was some sunshine in the distance.
It was windy and this magpie settled on a bush for a bit of a rest.
A couple of windblown, not very summery pictures of the bay.

The garden next door has a lovely hydrangea, I don't think I have seen one this colour before.
I have done nothing productive today, maybe I will feel more like it tomorrow. At the moment watching Marcus Willis on centre court, a fun watch!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

A spectacular sky again last night.

Sandy picked my up this morning to take me to the ceramic studio. Took a couple of pictures in the garden while I was waiting. The long twisted grass plant that Tina liked that we planted in the gap in the lawn looked like it wasn't happy, but now it is flowering so that is great!
And the alliums are seeding but still look good.
I helped out at the studio for a while, cleaning and filling paint pots and sharpening pencils. The went off to catch the bus for my hospital appointment. I caught the bus at Boyes, I really think they do some great window displays, at the moment showing how they have been trading for over 100 years.

The physio lady was very charming and took lots of notes and measurements. The conclusions were pretty much the same as the chiropractor, even the things she got me doing were the same. I have a couple of exercises to be going on with and am going again on Monday for a practical session and to get an exercise sheet. She did say that walking wouldn't cause any damage, so I will try and do a bit more, but still don't much like the pain! This sign in the waiting room is really a sign of the times if ever there was one!
I got the bus back from the hospital, and as I was pretty sore the bus home as well. It went the long way round again and the tide was well out today.
Not in the mood for sewing this evening but had a bright idea for the church bazaar so got the calligraphy pens out.
We had a little rain earlier and I wasn't hopeful, but now it is really tipping down!!

Monday 27 June 2016

I had a couple of packages to send off so Tina dropped me off near town when she was heading out. I bought an old fashioned scrapbook in The Works as I thought I would stick my 70th birthday cards in it and keep them. I caught the bus home, as the ankle makes me disinclined to walk more than I have to. It went the long way round again so it stops at the Sealife Centre. Took a couple of pictures from the bus of the bay and the cliff at Scalby Mills.

I did a bit of washing and managed to get it dry on the line outside, so that was good. Apart from that I have been sorting materials and trying to match them up to make some more draw string bags.
The stiffening didn't go quite to plan when I made the first bag, so decided to attach slightly smaller pieces of stiffening to the inner circles before I assembled the bags.
So, I have now finished one and have six more cut out for another day.
The sky was attractive earlier, it has been a sun and cloud day.
England are playing now, and it looks like they will struggle to beat Iceland!!

Sunday 26 June 2016

Last night the sunset was a bit odd, like a long streak of light.

Darren and I went to the boot sale this morning, had the usual sausage sandwich and cup of tea and then started to look around. I managed to keep going for a good half of the stalls then went back to the car. Bought a book as I had forgotten to take one with me today. I had bought a few buttons and an old pair of shears, which we need for the garden. When Darren came back he had got me a little footstool for me to use while I sit at the computer desk. It is just right and really soft too, feels like luxury sitting here now!
The begonias that I planted a week or so ago have started to go slightly green now, rather that white and are growing.
I got an offcut of really lovely material at the sewing centre yesterday and started some more book bags last night, have managed to make three out of the fabric, using some of the material I got at the boot sale last week for the lining.
While I was in the sewing mood I thought I would make a draw string bag for Isobel. When I was down last we saw some owl material, I told her I had some at home and would make her something with it. Tine to keep my promise. I had to sort of make it up as I went along, but I think she will like it to keep some of the little character toys she collects in when she is out and about.

Think that is enough sewing for today, can always watch football for a while!

Saturday 25 June 2016

This morning I decided to get on with the book bags, as my ankle was sore so I wasn't in a rush to exercise it! I did well enough for a while and then the machine started clunking and jumping. I took the undercarriage apart and couldn't see anything wrong, also wound a new bobbin and re-threaded the machine. Still no better and then I broke two needles. What I was sewing was quite thick, but not as thick as some of the quilting I have done. Being Armed Forces day the roads were going to be busy, with some closed for part of the day, but Darren dropped me off at the sewing centre with the machine, I hoped he would get a parking space again, and when I got home I saw that he had. Phil in the sewing centre said he would sort it out for me today as they would be quiet because of all the activities on the front. I had a bit of a wander round, wanted some toiletries from Debenhams and near the Brunswick centre there was a different bad. I realised later that they were not a local school, so presumably here as extra entertainment today.
Phil phoned when I was still in town to say I could collect the machine. He said that it didn't need servicing, the screw that holds the foot in place had become loose. I hadn't noticed the movement because I was sewing think chunks of material together. Rather than get Darren out again I went to the bus stop, which is quite near, and came home that way. Yesterday, when Tina and I went shopping, she got me some flowers, never had so many flowers as I have since I came here, which is lovely.
The yellow ones have glitter on, so have tried to take a closer picture to see if it shows up!
Got back to the sewing this afternoon. all five book bags now made, three already have homes to go to!
May make a few simpler ones without piecing pieces together, just nice patterned material. I am practised at them now so may as well! Casualty's 1000th episode tonight!

Friday 24 June 2016

This morning I did some work on the book bags which I haven't touched for a while now. They are actually neater than my own which isn't a bad thing as they are for other people.
Darren and I took a trip to the stained glass place so that I could collect my fused glass picture. Emma was there and I saw the other three which hadn't been collected yet. Very pleased with mine and will definitely go again to make another one.
This afternoon I have progressed with the bags, soon be at the wadding stage now.
I will be able to use some of the material I got at a bargain price at the boot sale last weekend for the lining of the bags. Watching tennis at the moment. Had Colonel up here for a while earlier. Sadly, so far, Charlie has not returned. I do hope he is being cared for by somebody else.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Last night there was this unusual cloud in my view.
A very subtle sunset yesterday.
This morning I walked up the road to vote and took a picture of the interesting looking tree bark.
The oriental poppy has so many flower heads this year.
The lawn had got really long in the back garden and as there may be rain tomorrow when Darren is home I decided to get the electric mower out. This was about half way and the grass container was completely full!
I emptied it into the pink garden waste trolley and again when it was full a second time. A lot of grass to fit into the already full garden waste dustbin.

I took a slow walk up to the studio and had a chat with Donna today. The funky plate has been fired, a very different effect.
I went into town and bought a few bits, I was really struggling today as the ankle is very sore. There was a new 'living statue' in town today.
I made my way to the bus stop and came home that way today.