Monday 31 July 2023

A lovely good morning

I hadn’t been up long this morning geese landed near lodge. I love geese and my favourite site and sound is the flying in formation honking on the way.
I went for a short stroll before breakfast, this is the view from the outside seats at the restaurant.
I sat on the rollator outside the lodge for a while, one view of looking ahead and one of the lodge opposite that has a multitude of pots outside.
It was raining after I came in but when it settled we decided to go to the garden centre that has an antique store on site. I got a delightful ornament of a blackbird and four small cnvasses.
Then we went to Beverley to the antique centre and amazingly we both came out empty handed, I went to look in The Works for acrylic paints so I could play with one of the small canvasses. I also wanted a pencil sharpener in case I do any more sketching. I also went to a phone shop and got a new protective cover put on my phone. The cheapest way to get a few paints was in a kit. Not pint by numbers but an outline on the canvas but it was barely visible so I had to draw round it in very good light, as thought I might as well have a go at the kit picture. The paints were bright and the image a bit too bright so my attempt is a bit different,
Yes, the outline really is there!
I had put too much int in the tray so decided to do an abstract to use it rather that waste it. Tina was doing some lovely embroidery while I was painting.
It was raining again this afternoon but when it lifted we walked long to the restaurant on site and had tea there.
We have been in the hot tub again this evening and will relax a bit before bed.
A memory from sixteen years go, the youngsters dancing at my leaving party from the orphanage in Ghana.

Sunday 30 July 2023

Now at the lodge

This morning after I had fed the birds I decided to pick some blackcurrants and check the courgettes. Got the blackcurrants ready and them made an apple and blackcurrant crumble for Darren to enjoy when we are away.
The ‘praying hands ‘ hosta is flowering this year.
I finished packing and did a few chores then watched the Grand Prix with Darren and Tina. Then we left Darren to get back to work and look after the cats and came over to the lodge. We sat for a while and had a drink and I decided to go for a wander. One direction led to corn field and the lodges before that had a residents only sign to went no further.
So I walked back past our lodge and went a fair way in the other direction. There are Please Keep Off The Grass signs everywhere, I can understand that but it means you cannot get very near the lakes, interesting signs outside the ones that are for sale, the last photo I think.
We could see the ducks from our sitting room when they came to see what the grass had to offer.
I sat on the deck and did. Quick sketch, will endeavour to find a more interesting subject tomorrow!
We had been in the hot tub, had a shower and now having hot chocolate!

Saturday 29 July 2023

Chores, a visit and bit of gardening

This morning I used the electric steam mop and tackled the bathrooms, not done as regularly as they should be. Then I sorted the cake tins and put all the ones I have used this year into a marked box, just in case I feel inclined to continue the cake making! I took kitchen stuff I had sorted over to the charity shop.
I went to see Sarah and David fora bit and then watched qualifying with Darren andTina who called into see it on the big tv. They went back to the lodge when it finished.
I went out into the garden when they left and edged some of the flower beds. The sunflowers are now ridiculously tall and a couple are just opening.
Darren and Tina visited Ruston Monolith, the tallest standing stone in the country, pretty impressive.
Just a couple of cute bird pics, not sure what the first one is, the second a chaffinch..
Starting packing for my few days at the lodge, looking forward to that.

Friday 28 July 2023

The magnet doesn’t just attract people!

I was ready to get on with cake but went to the shop to get a couple of items that I might need. That was at about 8am and on the front lawn there was a young seagull just lying there. I spoke to it and went quite near and it didn’t move.  When I came back from the shop it was still there. I went indoors and then out to feed the garden birds, then went out to check on the gull that was wandering near the road. One man went by and said that the adult gulls had been attacking it earlier. Another man came along and asked if I would him to encourage it into the garden. I will say ‘she’ now as I decided it looked like a girl!  I went into the house and got the key to steer it into the walled garden, it clearly couldn’t fly. I had to pick her up to get her through the gate, she looked big but there was really nothing of her! I moved a seed tray with water in near her and went and got some bird seed.
I got the first two cakes made and into the oven and then went over to see Bel. A pity this photo is out of focus as I took it from inside Bel’s lounge. There was a huge lorry that had a fork lift that fitted into the back of it, the man really struggled to get it reattached.
Straight out to the walled garden, the seagull was having a drink nd even stood in the water for a while.
Between cake mixing I popped out every now and then. t one point she got on the steps near the outhouse and had a sleep with her head in her wing.
Meanwhile the cats were driving me to distraction as they had the day indoors!
First two batches cooling, and one in the oven when I took the photo. All out now and I will go down and wrap them before I go to bed.
When Jayne came to mow the lawn and they said they would take the gull to Jaynes mothers place where there aren’t cats. She has messaged me to say she is doing well and her mum is cooking scampi for her! She did have a sore place on her back, presumably inflicted by the adults. Fingers cross she makes a good recovery.
I will be in bed once the cakes are sorted as I am shattered!

Thursday 27 July 2023

Maybe rethink cake making!

It has been a busy, chaotic day, but five Christmas cakes are now cooked, cooled and wrapped! Same again tomorrow. It was actually exhausting and so many storage cartons, utensils and tins to wash and then line again for the next batch! Did have an hour with Angela at Bemora when the first batch were cooking and then nipped and saw Sher briefly when the second batch were in. Have got all the fruit measured out and soaking for tomorrows marathon. Just a pic of the first two and they look good.
Just saved one bird pic today, not the best of the dunnock but quite cute.
Tina sent me the final picture, which will no doubt thrill Darren, it was the n e on the van that caught her eye!
I will see Bel and Jean tomorrow as the cakes take a long time to cook!

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Getting prepared for the cake marathon!

I went to the shop to get some final ingredients this morning and over the road to get numerous eggs. Still forgot a couple of things so Darren went and got them for me. Then I spent most of the morning lining eight cake tins.
I had weights in the as the base sheets tend to curl!
When I was feeding the birds the baby gull came down, only the second time. Our pair of seagulls on the roof have managed to raise their chick every year, despite crow wars and the like. I have been watching her take flight and landing back on the roof. Don’t really know what sex it is but 
Tina and I have both called it a girl!

At lunch time I went into Hull with Tina, she had banking to do and a meeting to attend. I only really wanted to get rid of the tablet blister packs and the only place that recycles them is Superdrug in Beverley. A local estate gent used to collect them but that stopped some months ago. We called at the lodge ot collect the keys on the way home. Darren and Tina are staying there now, and then I will join Tina for a few days next week. It is lovely, you can see the lake fron the sitting room and it has a hot tub in a little shelter. 
This evening I have weighed out the fruit, peel etc for the five cakes I h ope to get cooked tomorrow. Going to really try and have all eleven made while 
Darren and Tina are away. They are soaking now and I will get on with getting them made when I get up.
Not getting the mixed fruit packs with the mixed peel included means that it take quite a while to measure everything out separately. Sure it will be worth it though.
I will leave the only bird pic from the Buddy as it was taken. I do like the squirrels but life is a constant battle with them. The buddy had been turned over and not only that the squirrel and eaten into the plastic of the fat ball holder. I had bird seed all over the floor in the greenhouse too. So this little sparrow was taken while the buddy was on its side!

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Trip to the archery store with Darren.

There are three more bird pics today, may stop saving them now unless they are truly extraordinary as I am getting so many! 
I was determined to have something to use with the material Tina got me from Zimbabwe, but after the waistcoat shambles not a great deal left. I had been toying in my bed with making a simple bag, and last night I started to put the thoughts into action. I literally made it up as I went along and finished it off this morning. The part circle on the front is an extra pocket.
When I fed the birds I took a photo of the shaggy daisies as I really like them.
Late morning I went to the archery store in Driffield for a ride out. Interesting to see all the different targets there!
I walked around in the car park while Darren was having some things made, lots of seagulls around. The weather was pretty good then. I was using the sticks today for a change,
We stopped at Mr Moos for a sandwich, it was very busy so we waited for about half an hour. Just before we left the heavens opening and it was like a monsoon outside!
I did go to the shop this afternoon to get some more bits towards cake making.
We had fish and chips this evening as Darren and Tina are off for a break for a few days tomorrow.
Will finish with a couple more bird pics.