Tuesday 30 June 2015

Yesterday evening I made a flask and took a book to sit in the park for a bit. I had hoped it would be a good sunset and I could take pictures reflected in the water. It wasn't a great sunset but the water was so still I got some great pictures anyway!

This morning Tina dropped me off at the hospital as I had to have a chest xray. I had to hang around a bit but they were very busy. I had a while to wait for the bus so had a wander around outside. There was a bush that had pretty flowers and was very popular with the bees!
I took lots of photos of bees, pretty much all out of focus. this one wasn't too bad and on a different plant, you may have to look closely!
Back in town the pond near the station looked lovely in the sunlight and the water lilies are beginning to open.
I called in at the studio and painted the last few pottery shapes that we are going to write names on at the church summer fete.
Watching Andy Murray play tennis now!

Monday 29 June 2015

This morning I went swimming again, found out that the membership runs out on August 6th. I didn't move here until August 1st so was amazed at how quickly I signed up. Haven't been using it for months so am going to try an keep doing now. I walked down to the front after my swim and passed this massive plant of yellow daisies.
In the park this swan went gliding by at quite a pace.
I pottered about indoors for a bit and then went off to the community centre. I went early as I needed to do a bit of sorting out there as well. I wish I had never taken the paper flowers that I had been given there to show them, as they are pretty difficult and they all want to have a go!! Diane has been working on a starfish in little pearl beads, I think she is planning to add more on top for a 3D effect.
Linda painted a nice effect on her canvas and this time is not going to fill in the gaps with seed beads.
I have heard a lot about the seagulls being scavengers but on the way home I actually saw this gull trying to eat something from one of the litter bins!

Sunday 28 June 2015

Yesterday evening Darren didn't get home until gone 6 pm, we had thought about going to Sainsbury's to eat, but the parking on the street was ridiculous so we walked down to a local cafe instead. It was a lovely evening so we went for a stroll in the park afterwards. The island was open and Darren hadn't been on there before, he really liked it as there are some unusual trees and it is so attractively laid out.
He was quite good humoured about me taking his picture - well, he is used to me and the camera! The view from the pagoda looking across the waterfall was nice in the evening sunlight.
We walked round the island passing the bottom of the waterfall. The ducks by the little windmill looked cute.
This morning I stayed in doing boring sorting through boxes and drawers, I have some stuff to take too the charity shop and some for the community base. I decided to go to the pool and see what it is like on a Sunday lunch time. Still lane swimming, but less people so a bit better than Friday, although I will never really enjoy going to the place, but will try and swim a bit more regularly again. I walked down to have a look at the sea after, there were some people learning surf boarding.
Then I went into the park and a band from Pickering were playing, so I had a cup or tea and watched them for a bit.
I have a second hand Wii her to see if I want to buy it. No box or instructions so Darren came up to help me set it up. We eventually got it going and I have tried a few things, very badly, but it is fun!

Saturday 27 June 2015

Last night I went to the concert in Peasholm Park in connection with Armed Forces Day today. It was called 'We'll Meet Again' and it was the Spa Orchestra playing with a guest soprano singer. The program was inexpensive and had all the words to the sing along sections in both halves. The weather stayed fine and the orchestra were taken across to the performance area in one of the swan boats. (That is on my list of things to do this year!)
There was a good crowd and lots of us had flags which we waved enthusiastically!
It was a really enjoyable show, and the sunset was pretty good over the park too......
After the final music there was a very loud firework display!

This morning I made some sandwiches for a hen party, went out for a bit and called in at the craft shop and studio. Took a look at the sea, you culd see quite a distance in the morning light.
It has been really hot today, but I decided I needed to do some sorting out indoors. I did call into the quilting class for a chat this afternoon as they wanted to see some of the button/bead work.

Friday 26 June 2015

This morning I actually went swimming, must be at least eight months since I have been. I still don't like anything about the facilities or the lane swimming. but it wasn't too bad and I will try and go a little more regularly. Last night I had seen the geese making their way onto the island in the park and this morning, as it was quite early, they were making their way off.
I came back home for a shower, had a chat with Tina, and then went off to town via the studio. Lucy, the work experience girl had painted a lovely coaster, I painted Scarborough on it for her, and took a photo because I am going to copy her idea!!
I collected my two bee coasters, which I am pleased with.
Walking back from town I saw these lilies growing in a small front garden. I don't think I have ever spotted lilies like this in a garden before, they are gorgeous.
Last autumn I bought a hand lawn mower so that I could mow the small lawn in the front garden. Up until now it has remained in the box, so decided to get it out, couldn't be too difficult!! It wasn't too bad and I assembled and used it.
The front lawn is a bit ragged but I think it will improve with regular mowing.
It's not raining yet so may go to the concert in the park this evening in aid of Armed Forces Day.

Thursday 25 June 2015

A great sky again last night, cloudy today though so no sunset likely you may be pleased to hear!
I went to the post office to collect some parcels and then met Tina at the studio where we painted some more clay shapes for the church summer fete. I left Tina painting and went off to cover in Craft and Curiosities, Sandra's shop, as she had an appointment. Her shop is looking really lovely now, she has worked so hard to get it up and running again since the ceiling collapse.

I went for a walk on the beach this afternoon and bought an ice cream on the way. After I had paddled along to the other end, passing life guard training on the way...
....I decided to have a cup of tea at the tea kiosk at the other end, only to find that I hadn't got my purse!! Put my shoes back on and made my way beck to where I bought the ice cream and I had left it on the kiosk counter. The sweet young girl smiled when I asked if a purse had been handed in. My lucky day, obviously. I went into the park and decided to have a cup of tea there! Took this photo from the cafe as I had never been up there before.
Tina was feeling a little off colour this afternoon so she went into the garden to be the first one to use the chairs that she bought a while ago.
It has been really warm today but now it is overcast and getting really muggy, we have had a shower of rain as well.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

This morning I did some washing and pottered about before calling in at the studio and then doing some shopping. Then I made my way to the Palm Court Hotel where Gail had arranged a little celebration lunch for Tina. The hotel had many trees in front and I have never spotted it before.
The Grand Hotel along the way was looking grand today!
The lunch was really lovely and the hotel and service great, somewhere to go again. Reasonable prices too. A group of us had an enjoyable couple of hours.
Some of us had dessert, and tina was enjoying hers!
I called into the studio on the way home and ended up painting a pen pot for them to use in a window display. Walking home after that I passed this lovely flower bed in front of one of the hotels.
The weather has been lovely today, so I decided to make sandwiches and a flask and go down to the beach this evening. I paddled along at the waters edge again, it was fairly quiet. took this view whilst in the sea (only just, I know, but a start, maybe even swim in it eventually!)
I sat on some steps to have my sandwiches and looked out at this island on rocks in the sea.
I walked back through the park and these parent geese were looking over their goslings, made for a nice picture.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

This morning I helped Tina with the sandwiches for Not Home Alone,and then I took myself off to the studio having a quick chat with Sandra from the craft shop on the way! Tina had ordered some clay shapes from the studio for us to paint and get fired, then to personalise them at the church summer fete. I sat and decorated half a dozen today, we are planning to get thirty finished.
Darren met me at the studio and we went for lunch and for me to get a bit of shopping. The front garden is looking like a proper little front garden now, for those of you that saw what it was like when we moved in should see a big difference!
Yesterday at button club I started a small canvas using some of the vintage buttons that were donated to us. I spent a lot of time helping a newcomer to the group so brought the canvas home. Finished it off this afternoon.
I forgot to write about the play I went to see last night. The Woman in Black. I have never seen the film or read the book so it was new to me. The play version was performed by just two actors, a father and son, and it was really brilliant. The weather on the other hand was dreadful. It was raining and absolutely freezing!!

Monday 22 June 2015

Not a lot to write today. The sunset last night was similar to others but on the right hand side it was like to plumes of colour which was different.
Today I had my hair cut this morning and went from there straight to button class. I was there early, but two of the ladies have all day at the base on a Monday so I had my lunch with them. Sue finished her little bird canvas, she likes working with the brown and gold colours.
The weather hasn't been great today,but now it is truly awful, wet, windy and cold. I am supposed to be walking to the theatre with a friend tonight, but I think we may be changing out plans!

Sunday 21 June 2015

I took a walk down on the beach yesterday evening and collected a few small pebbles and a couple of shells, rolled my trousers up and walked in the sea for a while which was cold but lovely. Finished off the patterns in the sand picture, not sure about it but wanted to give it a try!
Darren and I went to the boot fair this morning, strange weather, really windy, so nothing new there, but when the sun was out it was really hot and when it went in it was really cold! The coat was on and off, but it didn't start to rain until we were ready to leave. We got a few bargains, and I got quite a lot of beads to take along to the button class. On the way back I got Darren to drop me off at Cayton bay holiday park so that I could go and see if I could find the Cleveland Way to try making my way home along the cliff paths. A steep hill heading down to find the trail, I have been down this hill a couple of times before.
Then where I picked up the trail the start was up this hill!
Along the cliff top Scarborough and the castle looked a very long way off.....
Some great views along the way, too many for the blog, but it was like being on top of the world!
Had to climb over two pretty big styles, and then the path went along the old Filey Road for a bit then veered off again towards the cliff top along a rarely beaten track!
Back onto the path at the cliff edge, no fences and not that wide, not many people either!!
Had to go down a very steep hill, which I take very slowly as my knees don't like it! Then over a little stream before seeing where I had to go next!
The next two pictures are the steps back up to the trail, and what was at the top of them!

 Needed a bit of a breather when I got to the top again, luckily there was a convenient mound of earth! Took a picture of the view looking back.

It was a showery day so the coat was still coming on and off but at this point I was in the dry and the castle was obviously in the rain, so it made for a nice picture.

I was relieved when I got to the spot where Tina had dropped me off last week, it did mean going down one more very steep and stony path, but then I was on the sea wall beyond the spa end. I walked along and had a cup of tea in the Palm Court cafe, was able to sit out in the sun lounge.
I caught the open top bus along to this end rather that walk through town to get home. I did walk slowly and ached a bit when I got back, but glad I did it and will know the way next time!