Tuesday 31 December 2019

More family time

This morning I made a pie form the left over turkey and prepared the veg for later.
Anya and family came round about midday and as it was a lovely day we drove over to Burton Constable. We had lunch in the lovely cafe there, but sadly they were closing at 2 pm today so not point in the family paying to go into the grounds when there was less than an hour before closure. They did buy me a spoof Ladybird book which I think will be very funny and a Jellycat Spider!
I took a picture of the house from the stables when I went to the loo.
Then Anya took one of me in front of this house on the estate.
And one of me with Isobel outside this gorgeous little house aptly named The gardeners cottage!
We stopped off at Freeport on the way back, so some shopping and coffee!
Back home I got us all dinner and then we watched quite a silly film. Thinking about getting ready for the big dip tomorrow now!
A very happy and hopefully healthy new year to everyone. See you next year!

Monday 30 December 2019

Lovely day with Isobel

Anya and Louis arrived before 10 am to drop Isobel off and go out for a day to York together. Isobel made up a little tiger kit first so a quiet start to the day.

The weather was good today so I suggest d we went out for a while and did the craft project later. We went to the beach first and Isobel didn’t get wet, probably a first there!

After a walk along the beach we went to the arcade, not the one we usually go to as it was closed, but the one a bit further back. Tina had given Isobel some coins and of course we topped them up, but won four tubs of Slime!!
On the way home we stopped for luxury hot chocolate!
Then a start on the craft project, quite a bit for Isobel to do, I was finishing off and varnishing later.
Isobel was using the gel pens that take a time to dry, especially as the surface of the card was shiny. When she had finished her designs we went out into the summer house for a while. Isobel rn round the garden a few times and we took our books out.
There was an amazing sky this evening so had to take some pics!

While Isobel played with the cats and checked for messages on her phone I varnished the finished art work. The pieces were the bits that were pushed out when unpacking her track making game.
Very attractive results. This evening she made cards for her parents and a box for the gifts. Watched films and generally kept busy as Anya and Louis didn’t get back her until well after nine. A long but very enjoyable day together.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Garden centre and visit to the holiday home.

This morning Darren and I went off to see if the boot sale was on, it wasn’t, so we went and had a sausage sandwich and cuppa at Hucklebury’s. The sea was brown and grey!
When we got back I went into the garden for a while and took a book and drink, wanted to encourage Pandora to regain her confidence again. Ended up not reading at all as Blue arrived as well and I was busy catch watching, although they didn’t have too many confrontations!
Just before twelve Darren took me up to Hornsea garden centre where we met Anya, Louis and Isobel. had a good look round and some Christmas silliness before having dinner there.

Thought this sleigh and reindeer was very impressive.
This tree was so weird Anya thought it needed to be photographed!
A bit more Christmas fun!
We had a good lunch and bought some stuff and walked into the village to the holiday cottage that Anya and family are staying at. The sky was looking good as we left.
They are staying a a quaint little cottage, beautifully decorated and very cosy. The last two pictures are not great but the view from Isobel’s bedroom window there.

We watched some tv, had a very nice tea and then had a game of Yahtzee, I had played it years ago and it was fun. Anya drove me home Nd now I am having a bit of quiet time with Pandora on the foot stool.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Time with the family

The day today has been fairly quiet, in terms of activity anyway. This morning I had a drink whilst sitting in bed and Pandora decided to help my my legs even more achey! Cute though!

Isobel took her track making set upstairs and Anya Louis and I sat working out a quiz sheet. We had delicious turkey and cranberry sandwiches for lunch and this afternoon we went for a very short walk to the Crafty Coffee Shop and had hot chocolate and then walked back through the park the sun had appeared by then and was about to disappear again!
More track making and tv during the afternoon and some success with the fifty quiz questions, only about seven to work out now! After dinner, cold meats and bubble and squeak followed by cheesecake or birthday cake we played a couple of games downstairs. Then tv and more track making, that has proved to be a success!

Quick tea a late night for Isobel once they get back to the cottage and get sorted. We are not meeting up until lunchtime tomorrow.

Friday 27 December 2019

Another day another dinner

I went to the shop early to get some fresh vegetables, I just bought enough for Christmas and Boxing Day. I prepared very for the meal later and made mince pies ready to cook.
When Tina was back from her service she took me to Hornsea garden centre. There is a Works outlet there and I was hoping to get some more of the flower shaped wooden coasters as I though I could paint them as presents. They didn’t have any but we got a few bits in the sale and had a coffee. It wasn’t nearly as busy as we thought it would be.
Anya and family arrived just after three thirty and we opened presents before we had a good dinner. We played a game after that was fun, asking questions and going forfeits!

One of my forfeits was to make a hat from waste paper and wear it for the rest of the game!
Isobel’s main present was a construction game for marbles to run down. This was her first attempt.
A good day. Not so good for Pandora, the last few days has really thrown her and she went and hid in the laundry room! She has appeared again now Nd is curled up on my window set. I am tired so won’t be too late getting to bed.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Very chilly Mappleton beach

This morning Tina and I set off for Freeport, and as we were there too early she drove us Mappleton. We have never been down to the beach before.and we didn’t pick the best of days for our first walk along it as the wind was ferocious and bitterly cold. We didn’t stay there too long but we were fascinated to see the fissures in the rocks. We know the cliffs are disappearing at an alarming rate but we could see that soon more would come tumbling down.
Several photos as it was good to be on a more interesting beach.

Loved the colours in the rocks and the photo has come out pretty well. I feel a painting coming on some time.
The little cafe was open  so we went in and had a hot chocolate. Then we went off to Freeport, bought some things in the sales and I had a gift voucher for The Works so had a good look in there.
This afternoon I watched the program about Dolly Parton and then got on with dinner.
A slightly more relaxed that day and we certainly blew the cobwebs away this morning!

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Day

Last night Darren came with me to the midnight service so we all had a late night/early morning!
There was a lovely sky, these were taken through less that clean windows but give the idea.

I went for a walk as it was a lovely morning, I really like the pampas grasses near the sea front.
A few beach pictures, not much explanation needed.

We opened some presents when Tina came here me from services. I got some nice things but will just put a photo of the great Russian dolls in pig form!
Number four has a missing ear, so they have come to the right home, or should I say owner!!
The rest of the day has been organising dinner and then having Sarah and David round to join us for the meal. They stayed for a while afterwards and seemed to really enjoy their visit.
Pandora is giving me a wide birth as she ran under my feet earlier and I think it really hurt her! She would rather take Blue on that come anywhere near me at the moment!
Just the three of us tomorrow for Christmas dinner and then Anya and family arriving on Friday.