Saturday 31 August 2024

Feeling lethargic

Haven’t felt at my best today, just weary and not a lot of get up and go. I did go to the shop and feed the cakes as usual. Decided to carry the two terrariums I constructed about two years ago, maybe more, round to Sher as I don’t really look at them although they are still healthy. She can u se the plants in other terrariums and then reuse the bowls if she wants to. She sells a lot and makes them up for people to order as well. We had a chat and a cuppa as the shop wasn’t too busy.
After lunch I did some preparation for dinner as we were having the main weekend meal today as I am going to Burton Constable with Darren tomorrow. I have a membership card and there is a vintage car show tomorrow as well as the house. Darren’s archery club have a ‘have a go’ day so he will be helping out with that.
I have been watching the Paralympics on and off and did do one quick sketch.
Will try and have a better night, fingers crossed, so that I feel a little more energetic tomorrow.

Friday 30 August 2024

Unexpected walk to the pottery

This morning I went to visit Bel as usual. She was okay but finding life a little more difficult. She is hoping to get some help in home and an OT is gong ot visit to see if she needs any grab rails on the house and to measure for a seat in the shower. She had a jigsaw on the go and I put a few pieces in. Before I went to see her I had a txt, with pictures from Caroline to say the plates were ready for collection. I was so excited to see my landscape plate that decided I would go up and collect it when I left Bel. There was no bus when I wanted to go, so decided to walk and call I at Tesco on the way as I wanted some wholemeal flour. My plan was to get there, collect the plates and get the bus home. As I didn’t leave home until after 11.30 and the bus home was 12.30 I was cutting it a bit fine. I was a bit held up in Tesco but managed to get to the pottery in just under forty minutes, which was me really pushing myself, not that fast for anyone else! I was out of breath but had time for a drink of water before heading for the bus. Then Caroline said she was about to leave so she could give me a lift home, that was a bonus!
The spider plate that Tina painted for me turned out really well, don’t forget to count the legs!
I am truly delighted with how my landscape plate turned out.
Also, the Halloween cat I painted turned out really well, I knowCaroline hopes it will encourage people to have a go.
I haven’t done a great deal this afternoon, been enjoying the Paralympics. Tina was home earlier than expected so we watched some together. I did go out and top up the bird baths and water the bonsai trees. No more plans for this evening, maybe some reading before bed.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Chores, Paralympics and diamond art!

Not a lot to say today, did go along Newbegin twice as I went to the banking hub but forgot to take my bank card! Apart from that I did some chores, a couple of loads of washing and and general pottering. After lunch I watched some of the action at the Paralympics and worked on the diamond art canvas. I finished it and saw us get our frost medals.
So that’s about it, a few chores again before having take away with Darren and more Paralympics this evenong.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Clay frogs!

I walked up toFreeport this morning and helped Caroline get ready for a call work workshop. Just two lads came and their parents enjoyed working on the frogs with them. The lily pads were made using a mould and then the frogs were made by hand. Caroline and I both made one too. The boys were here on holiday so they painted their frogs before the bisque firing. Our two we will paint after the bisque firing. I also made a trinket tray which I will paint after firing. Pictures of our efforts. Mine is the frog with the smaller eyes!
They were busy so I spent a while helping clear up then Caroline gave me lift home as she had some of my cake cases which would have been difficult for me to get home,
I have spent some time over the last few days on the diamond art canvas, it still has the protective cover, but think I am just about half way now.
I popped round to see Sher and took the flowering cacti back. I bought another little plant, a begonia, but this one will have to be a painting rather that a line drawing.
I did a few chores but weary now after quite a bit of walking the last two days. Maybe do a bit more to the canvas!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Bus to Hull

I caught the bus into Hull before nine.m when I got off the bus my hip was playing up, but it settled and then the knee played up but neither of them stopped me enjoying walking round Hull. I got to the bridge that I love and walked over to the river on the other side. I did do some shopping as well and caught the 13.15pm bus home took a few photos as I haven’t walked over and beyond the bridge for a while.
Had a bit of a rest when I got in as I had walked a fair distance. Then went and sorted dinner and got the hose out to water the back garden. Took a picture of a new plant.

Will finish with a photo from Anya, taken today in Morrisons. A tad early I think!😂

Monday 26 August 2024

Get a grip!

I had a really bad and pretty painful night but I am determined to stay with the bed. I have tried three nights now as my body and mind went to be in bed, a pity the legs don’t! So I felt tired and a bit down today. Did some washing and did get out into the garden for a while. I took before and after pics, but despite clearing lots of stuff they look pretty much the same, so not bothering with them. At the back by the wall there were some pretty big branches that had cone down from the tree that overhangs from the park. So I got those down onto the burning pile.
When I came in there was a tiny insect on me,  pretty one, one pic clearer than the other.
I spent a while doing a bit more to the diamond art canvas and then went to see Sarah and David for a while.
Watching a program that had a bit about Hornsea on it and now Burton Constable.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Bargains, baking and bit of gardening

We went off early as usual to the boot sale,quite chilly this morning but bright and sunny. Very busy again so lots to look at. Got a really good bird feeder, new and should be a challenge for the squirrels if I have it away from anything that is jumping distance!
My large piggy bank got cracked some months ago and I have been keeping my eye open for another one to replace it. Got one for £4 and it is virtually the same size. The one with the heart is headed for the bin.
I also got a little cream jug for £1 just because I liked it.
The rescued sunflowers are all opening and look glorious in my sitting room.
Sarah let me borrow a cooking book she had been given, it features cakes and puddings and there are a few I would like to try. Never have really cooked tray bakes. I copied the recipe as don’t want to chance marking the book. Needed lots of desiccated coconut which I couldn’t get at the Co-op,m ut did buy at Tesco yesterday. Pics before nd after cutting into portions, but was a bit impatient and the chocolate wasn’t properly set!
I did go out for a while and did some clearing in the walled garden, didn’t take pictures but am glad the garden bin will be emptied again soon! Before and after getting dinner I started a diamond art canvas.have had it for a while is was on sale when The Works was closing down. Just the plant in the corner and the wing of the higher bird,
No bank holiday plans but ai will find plenty to do

Saturday 24 August 2024

Quite motivated today

I have had a fairly good day and have been reasonably productive. Started with usual shopping and Christmas cake feeding, then decided to take the shopping trolley and walk up to Tesco. I have a cake I want to try and couldn’t get the ingredients in the Co-op. Did a sketch before lunch of two flowering cacti I borrowed from Sher. They were quite tricky to draw.
I had ordered some freezer soup bags, so bagged up the soup I made yesterday. How anyone gets soup into them without making a mess and getting it everywhere I will never know!
After that I went out to do a bit of tidying in the back garden. About a hour and I had had enough.
The honesty plants are just beginning to shed their seeds and a few of the pods are now looking shiny.
Tried to do a sketch of twig when I came indoors.
I bought some net with spiders on when we were in Bransholme shopping centre so I made a net curtain before getting tea. Bit of a problem S the spiders are sideways, but that makes the net even sillier!
I also had ordered  an SD card reader so I was able to get some photos off of my camera. The first one was a few nights ago when the moon was level with the street lamp over the road.
Will finish with some photos from Carnival day.

Friday 23 August 2024

A tad windy

This morning I walked round to the computer shop to see if I could get and SD reader for the iPad. Karl, who owns the shop Sid he didn’t have them and I should get one on Amazon. He also said that they can be a bit dodgy and to read the reviews.  Took a photo on the way.
Coming back I noticed the wisteria plant, which has always been difficult to keep upright, wa blown down and on the drive. I was due to go and see Bel so I used some tubs and a dustbin to make a blockade to stop anyone driving over it. I also phoned Sher to see if Dve could spare. Bit of time to help me sort in out.
Bel was in good spirits nd demonstrated her new recliner/ riser chair which is helping her get up more easily when she has been sitting for a while.
When I came home I did some washing and a couple of chores, also phoned Jean to let her know that Terry wouldn’t be able to get the car round the drive today. But she actually decided not to come today, she has. Bad back and she is off to Scotland on Monday as her son is being installed as a bishop nest week. At about two Sher messaged to say Dave wa busy with customers in the shop so I went out to see if I could sort the wisteria myself. I had to do more bramble clearing and cut back a rose bush so that I could get to the wall. There are a few random nils in the wall and with picture wire and string I was trying to pin the plant back, each time I thought I was winning I turned my back and the wind had blown it down again. I did eventually get it to stay put, and it has stayed up for a few hours now, so fingers crossed I don’t find it on the drive again in the morning.
With Tina away and Darren out this evening I had to be downstairs to take the shopping delivery in. I roasted some veggies for my tea, cooked some new potatoes and made carrot, sweet potato and butternut squash soup. Will finish with three photos I didn’t take. One of Pandora hiding in the bushes taken by Tina, one of a topper spotted by Anya, and one of a secret location and photographer!!