Friday 31 May 2024

Bit more motivated!

When I have fed the cats in the morning I sit in bed doing some puzzles on the iPad, Pandora usually gets on my laps and stretches down to my feet leaving her tail to wag and get in the way! This morning she decided to face me for a change so pics of a pretty girl.
The weather was much the same as yesterday, grey wet and even windier so I did some household chores and the managed to get the canvas that 
Darren bought last weekend put up in the dining room.
The colours are perfect in the dining room, it was a great bargain.
Sher sent me a message to say that Tina’s coasters were ready so I went along to the shop to collect. I will check with Tina and maybe add a photo tomorrow.
I had sorted out veg that needed using so made tea for us all for when Darren got in from work, nd Tina wa home from Mirfield. after dinner I went out into the garden as the weather had improved and it was sunny and warm. Very overgrown beds and dying plants and couch grass, but time to tidy and get the edges done as the lawns were cut on Wednesday.
This is not the best photo of. Bee a I couldn’t see what I wa doing, but nice shot with the colours.
Took this one when I wa emptying the cart into the bin.
I didn’t get as far as I intended but after an hour or so I had had enough,
Hopefully garden day tomorrow.


  1. Well it was nice of Pandora to face instead of sticking her bum in your face 🙂
    I do like the canvas that Darren got. I’d definitely have it on my wall too. He’s good at spotting bargains.
    You did well in the garden if you only spent an hour out there. Pleased to hear you actually stopped when you’d had enough rather than slaving on as you tend to do. Slowly slowly as they say, and there’s always tomorrow. Really like the pic of the orange flower by the way.
    I’d quite like to see the Rev’s coasters if she doesn’t mind you putting pics on here of them.

  2. Little by little will have to do in the garden, not as young as I used to be!
    Open gardens in three weeks, no pressure then……….
