Monday 6 May 2024

Long stint in the garden

Will start with a picture I took through the landing window yesterday evening.
This morning I was out in the front garden before nine, and did come in for drink breaks and lunch but worked on and off until after five. The two before and after photos are the back and front of the main bed near the entrance. I did start with the ide of clearing the weed and tidy the due at the back, but started working into the bed and removing several cart loads of rubbish!
The back of the front bed looks pretty different. The front needs a lot more work but I have done enough for today.
After tea I watered the bonsais and sunflowers. 
I am at the hospital to see the surgeon tomorrow but should be back in time to do a bit more tomorrow.


  1. I really like the first pic!
    That’s a long time in the garden. I have to say though that it looks so much better after a LOT of work on it. You’ll either sleep very well tonight, or the calves will retaliate!
    Hope all goes well with the surgeon. Maybe he’ll ban you from gardening, then what are you going to do? 😂
    Enjoy a relaxing evening.

  2. Tried drinking some tonic water today to see if the quinine really does help with cramps. Just don’t really know how much to drink!
    I really liked that first pic too, wasn sure it would turn out okay as through a window.
    It was a lot of work today, will endeavour not to let it get that overgrown again!
    Fingers crossed the surgeon will be happy and discharge me.
