Monday 27 May 2024

Not a lot of rain so in the garden

The first job today was mowing the smaller lawn in the front garden, at that point we were expecting rain by mid morning. As it was still dry I went into the back garden to carry on with the bed I started when I got distracted by the cat and crows saga. But I trimmed a bush back first and then used the new edging tool and went rough tough the bed. I did start the side I took the picture of.
I started digging just out of shot of the picture. The bush out of shot gets covered in bind weed and as I was digging I came across so many roots, large white ones. I realised that they were from the bind weed, I didn’t get very far!
I still have to sort out all the edges and more digging. It started to rain so I left that for a while.
Tina got Darren to go and get fish and chips for dinner which was enjoyable. We did have quite a heavy shower so after lunch I went out to do some strimming. I did all around the back of the beds and around the apple tree, which was like a jungle. Got stung quite a bit by the nettles! At the back of the summer house I had put the bird feeding cage. I have been putting some mealworms in there and they have been disappearing, but it had nettles and weeds all growing up from the inside. I saw a great tit land on top and was looking in but couldn’t work out how to get to the treats. The gaps in the top are not as big as the sides. So I pulled out most of the weeds and nettles and it came back, then worked out getting it, that made my day!
My heart was telling me to carry on in the garden as there was so much to do, but my head told me I had done enough. For once I listened to my head!
Had a bath and have been doing some tidying and now just relaxing.


  1. That garden takes up at least half of your waking hours, or more at times! It does look nice once you’ve tended to it though. It would just be nice if occasionally there was an end in site! Never going to happen 🙂 That bed looks so much better, shame the bind weed is a total nightmare.
    It’s nice you get the occasional boost from doing things like the feeding cage. Bet the squirrels hate it 🙂
    Glad you listened to your head rather than your heart!

  2. I did make some headway in the garden, but as you say, a never ending story!
    Since I changed the bird feeding routine there are more small birds, less pigeons and no seagulls!
