Wednesday 15 May 2024

Fused glass workshop

This morning I made a cottage pie early as I was off to visit Sarah and David this morning and was gong to a craft workshop this afternoon. Sarah and David were fine, they had spent a couple of night in Hull for a change as they were going to a show. Apparently that was not a success, the production stopped due to an actor collapsing. They enjoyed some shopping though which is definitely Sarah’s favourite pastime.
Tina was supposed to be coming to the workshop with me but isn’t too well so stayed at home. The instructor had brought lots of different things that could be used to make the coasters. We could make four and then she takes them aware to go in the kiln and fuse. I took photos of the first two then one of the four together. I used paint and beds and tiny glass pieces on the first and copper foil on the second. That apparently will change colour and it will be a surprise! Then one I used pieces tiny of very thin glass and one noodles and beads! It was really interesting.  
The instructor had got a box of what we needed together for each person so let me bring Tina’s kit home for her to try at home as I have had the instruction now,
I had a walk in the town to get some money out at the bank and collect my prescription and I did a bit of strimming in the front garden and some clearing.
Dinner was tasty and taking it easy for a while now, getting to be a habit.


  1. Early morning cooking. The dread of all housemaids 🙂 Bet it smelt good in the kitchen though.
    A shame that Tina couldn’t make it to the glass workshop. I remember the ones you did before when you went to an actual workshop to do them. They’re lovely things, and I think this latest four will be great too. I really will look forward to seeing the finished article. I hope Tina will get around to doing some with the stuff you brought home.
    Taking it easy is a great habit to get into, so keep up the good work 🙂

  2. It was an enjoyable workshop and will hopefully get the finished coasters back in a couple of weeks.
    Looks like we have had some rain in the night, good for the plants and even better for the weeds!
