Friday 24 May 2024

Catching up day

I was a bit slow off the mark today although I was up before six! I moved quite a lot of the stuff for the garage sale downstairs ready before going out to visit Bel. She was well but had a day earlier in the week when she got herself into a panic as she was late for going out to the shop and felt unwell afterwards. The man from Specsavers called when I was there and then arrived to deliver her new glasses.
I came home and did a bit more sorting before I set off to walk to Jeans today going via the sea as always.
Had a good chat and then Terry drove me home.
Had to sort out the bird food storage when I got home, and some final getting stuff together for the garage sale. Then off to the village bingo in a bit!


  1. I do hope the garage sale is a success. You’ve done a lot of sorting a carting stuff around for it.
    The weather looks ver “British” in the front pics. It’s not been too bad a day here though. I think tomorrow is supposed to be reasonable too. Bound to throw it down on Sunday as it’s a bank holiday!
    Hope there was a good turn out for bingo. Did you win? 🙂

  2. Well, the day is bright and dry at the moment, so fingers crossed it stays that way.
    The bingo evening wasn’t quite as well supported as last time. Did win a lone and got a mug filled with sweets. Tina had a line and got a couple of wins in the raffle.
