Saturday 1 June 2024

Mostly in the garden

After the usual trip to the shop for rolls for lunch,  and then seeing Darren off to Lincoln and his Amiga meeting and Tina off to a house warming I got started in the garden. I have a few plants to put in, but didn’t get that far today.
Went to carry on where I left off yesterday. The two areas of long leaves behind the toadstools are the remains of the giant snowdrops which are really nothing like the usual snowdrops and spread like the Spanish bluebells. I had decided to dig them out, and won’t be planting then anywhere else. I meant to take a photo of the trug filled with them but forgot. When I had a break I made up seven bags of bulbs and made a sign and put them by outright garden entrance. All seven were gone in about fifteen minutes!
While I was indoors I took a photo of the kokedama in the jar, it is very happy now.
The antirrhinums In a tub weathered the winter and a looking good this year.
One bed done and onto the next.
Quite a bit done today.
Had a cuppa with Tina and then I cleared some weeds in the walled garden but didn’t take photos.
Had a shower after tea and relaxing now,


  1. Looks like you’ve done a fair bit today, too much I’d say! I like the way your housemates clear out to have fun and leave you to the hard work ๐Ÿ™‚
    The work you’ve done out there todays has left the beds looking so nice. I don’t think I could bring myself to do all that! I hope all the work that’s gone into the garden lately is appreciated for the open garden event. I bet you’re totally knackered and well deserving of a bit of relaxation.
    I love the little plant in the jar. Maybe I could get away with having one of those without killing it ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Quire a bit done yesterday and should get out there for a bit today. Not so long though as boot sale this morning. May get more plants for the gaps at the boot sale!
