Wednesday 8 May 2024

Walk to Freeport

I decided to try walking up to Freeport today, took a photo of the tamarix in the front garden as I set off. Plenty of flower this year so it should look fabulous when the are open.
It is over a mile up to Freeport, so a longer walk with any aids. It still seems quite strange, almost like learning to walk again! Got there in under half an hour but will hopefully speed up a bit in time! Rob suggested I paint a seahorse as they haven sold any yet. Caroline came in while I was painting and we chatted about the workshop I am helping with and set a date for early June. The seahorse is in quite pale colours but will hopefully be attractive when fired. Caroline took pic of me with Otto which she will probably post on her social media.
I walked up to Pound Stretcher and did a bit of shopping and then bought a great garden chair on the way back to the bus. They had started at £26 and over the months the price has dropped. Today they were down to £9 with another 20% off today, so time to buy the one I really like.
I went along to see Sher this afternoon at Number Nine. We had a natter, the shop is doing very well.
I feel gardened out today but did carry the bird decorations into a flower bed for now.
Making a habit of lazy evenings but have met the step target every day this week so far!


  1. The tamarix looks good. I know the luck you’ve had with them over the years 🙂
    The walking is coming on well. You certainly wouldn’t have been considering it a while ago. Onward and upward.
    The seahorse does look very pale, but I’m sure it’ll look good once fired. Is it really called Otto? A strange name for a seahorse.
    The chair was a really bargain. Worth waiting a while for the right price 🙂 Very “you” too 🙂
    The birds look really good in that flower bed. You have some great ornaments in your gardens.
    Lazy evenings sound good. You do plenty in the day, so an evening of rest does you good.

  2. Don’t know how Otto got in the sentence and can’t think what I was putting so won’t correct it! Quite like the name but it would be better for an otter!
    I love the chair nd s my favourite book to read the children when they were small as about toucans I couldn’t resist it!
