Tuesday 28 May 2024

Visit from friends

Our first home was at a caravan park in West Kingstown. Both of the boys were born while we lived there but we had moved before Anya came along. A lot of young families lived there and Meg and Mike were friends on the site. We did see each other a couple of times after moving but many years ago. They messaged last week to say they were having a family holiday in Bridlington and could they come and visit. We arranged for this morning. As the morning went on and they didn’t arrive I realised we had no number in the garden anymore and they didn’t have my telephone number! I put the old worn sign up by the cross and then made a sign and propped it up on the bench! 
I needn’t have worried, they had left a bit late and the Satnav led them straight here, they arrived a bit before midday. We had a cuppa and chatted for a while before heading out for lunch.
It was raining so we just went to Sullivan’s and a quick look at the sea!
We have exchanged Pune numbers so can send messages as well as the odd letter!
Will finish with a couple of photos I took yesterday evening on an unusual cloud.


  1. A catch up is always nice, specially after so many years. Hopefully you'll be in contact more often now. It's a shame the weather wasn't nice for their visit though. The sign was a good thought and definitely a Jan thing 🙂
    Funky cloud.

  2. It was a great catch up, over fifty years since we lived on thar caravan park. The weather didn’t spoil all the chatting!
