Wednesday 29 May 2024

Pottery and nice pressie

This morning I walked up to Freeport, my knee was a bit sore today and I am coughing well, not surprising as Tina and Darren have had coughs and colds for a while now. I managed to get there before there was a very heavy downpour! Caroline Had bought some stuff that I had ready for the garage sale, so instead of having the money I had a large dragon light to paint. I forgot to take a photo before I had started but only had done a bit of red.
I painted the main body red and then removed some of it. It is oky, there is method in my madness,
I then used some purple and green so that the red should show through.
That was all for today. The rain had stopped so I walked back today and went in to Tesco on the way. Then I called in to see Sher at Botany Boutique. She had made me a present when she was at the fused glass workshop, a really lovely pendant.
Tina is away for a couple of days so I got dinner for Darren and myself. As we had rain I couldn’t really do much in the garden, hadn’t got a lot of inclination anyway. I did some washing but not a lot else. Good step count today though!


  1. Shame they pass on their bugs to you! Unhealthy pair 🙂
    I really like the dragon light. I see what you’re attempting with the red paint under the other colours. I’ll be keen to see the result of that once it’s fired. I’ll also be very keen to see it lit up when it’s in all its glory.
    The pendant is lovely, and such a nice thought. Just your sort of thing too.
    Must be Darren’s turn to get tea tomorrow then. Fish and chips? 🙂

  2. May not get any dragon done next week as that is the day of the flower pot workshop. But that is fine, want to take my time on the dragon.
    Sher told me she had made me something and I thought it would be one of her coasters. She had said she wanted me to be kind when I got it but I didn’t have to be kind as it really is lovely!
