Saturday 11 May 2024

Great photos from Darren

Last night Darren and Tina went up to Mappleton to see if they could see the Northern Lights. They did look in on me but I had gone to sleep. I am usually very tired when I go to bed and go off deeply for a while before I become restless trying to get comfortable. But Darren really did get some good shots, better than when they went to Finland!
That one was from the front garden.
This morning I went to the shop quite early as usual and then got ready to catch the bus up to Freeport. I called into the pottery studio briefly to leave a birthday card for Caroline and then went up to Pavers as I wanted to get some sandals. I bought a couple of pairs Nd then walked home calling it a at Botany Boutique to buy some broken shells to put round one of the hostas which was being eaten. Went along Polly’s Path on the way, very green nd no longer rutted and muddy!
I spent over two hours this afternoon strimming and clearing the ever growing undergrowth behind the beds in the back garden. The garden bin is now full! There are two tamarix trees in the front garden one is full of blossom and the other had just a couple of patches, the one with less blossom has flowered ahead of the other one. I do love it when they are in flower,
After tea I just did some essential watering and now relaxing ready for Eurovision!


  1. Nice pics from Darren.
    I was out quite early myself. Thought I’d go before the crowds got out to enjoy the nice weather. It’s been glorious all day. Supposed to go downhill from tomorrow though.
    Polly’s Path does look a bit better now than in the last pics you posted of it. I bet it’s a pleasure to walk along there, specially on such a nice day.
    I had a feeling you’d find some time to spend in the garden, working that is not laying around relaxing 🙂 The tamarix do look nice.
    Hope you enjoy Eurovision. I doubt there’ll be much chance of us winning it!

  2. Great pics from Darren, he has a good camera on his phone.
    It is a big improvement along Polly’s Path.
    It is good that our garden bin is being collected weekly for a while, I am literally filling it to the brim each week!
