Tuesday 7 May 2024

Consultant and garden

Angela was picking me up about 10.30am to go to the hospital so I went along to the bank and to get some more bird seed on the way home. There were six of us in the queue at the bank, the busiest I have seen it, which is great. We had a pretty good journey to the hospital. Angela had one of the dogs she looks after with her so she stayed outside. I was called in on time and Mr Muthakumar was happy with how the wound had healed and my progress. I told him I still had some pain which he said would improve as it could take up to a year for full recovery. I have an appointment next march with him for a final check and not her X-ray. Angela had to get back some just had a quick drink on the way home.
I went into the garden for a while to continue working on the front of that bed. I worked for about an hour but then had  bit of a tummy ache so came in nd sat for a bit before getting dinner.
When I came in and went to the loo this very tiny insect was on the sink.
After dinner I went to put a few plants in the bed. Tina took a photo when she was waiting to be picked up to go out for the evening.
Not the best job, but at least you can see the bed has an edge now.
Sitting here falling asleep, so better close for now.


  1. Sounds like your appointment with the surgeon went well. Onward and upward to a decent recovery then. Definitely sounds promising.
    Bet you were chomping at the bit to get home and get stuck into the garden again while the weather is nice. Not so hot and bright today, but getting hotter as the week progresses.
    Hope the tummy ache didn’t last too long, or get worse.
    You say not the best job on the bad, but it looks good to me. I’ve been feeling tired all day, so you put me to shame with the gardening and all the other things you find time for!

  2. Yes, good result at the hospital, good of Angela to take me again.
    Making the garden look a bit more presentable was good.
    Pottery studio tomorrow.
