Thursday 9 May 2024

Up and down day

I decided to catch the bus into Hull and as the fare is still £2 I caught an early bus before the bus pass was valid. I was in a great mood, I sat further back in the bus where the seats are higher and a better view. Had to be near the front with the rollator.  The mood soon dwindled a bit although great to go down Dancing Lane again! My knee started to be uncomfortable and although I wasn’t cramped I could not improve the feeling. By the time Igotoff the bus over a hour later I was actually limping for a bit. That did.settle down but the trip wasn’t the pleasure I had anticipated. I did get to most of the shops I wanted to and got as far as the foot bridge I really like. There is a upside though, some different photos for the blog! The station has new artwork, I think Hull is great for that sort of thing.
I went into St Stephens and then went through The Prospect  Centre. The mural there has had stuff in front of it before but today a clearer view.
I made my way to the bridge, bought a sandwich and a bottle of water and sat of a bench when I got there. Sadly didn’t actually go ove it, but good to get th ere.
The water by the Princes Quay had some great fish in and lots of smaller ones too. The water there must be good.
The view from there is okay too.
I had a cuppa on the way back to the bus station. The bus was a bit late so standing waiting for about fifteen minutes didn’t help the knee and then the bus home. 
Unpacked my veggies that had arrived, topped up the bird feeders and watered the bonsai trees and that will be it for the day.


  1. I know how much you like to go to Hull, specially now you don’t have to rely on the rollator. It’s a shame you didn’t get to enjoy it as much as usual. Maybe all the gardening you’ve done lately hasn’t helped. With any luck it’ll soon calm down and give you less agro.
    They really do have some great artwork in Hull. It makes places look bright and inviting. We could do with some down here. Shame you didn’t get over the bridge. Maybe next time though.
    The water looks really clear in the quay. The fish seem to love it. Nice with a bit of batter and a few chips 🙂

  2. Yes, hopefully next time I will get to see a bit more of Hull, it was good to be heading towards ‘normal’ days though.
    I do think Hull is a great city, it used to get bad press which I never understood.
