Tuesday 21 May 2024

Quieter day

This morning I walked to the sea front again but this time to meet Angela and have breakfast at Lyndseys, we had  good breakfast and natter.. I walked home as well and after yesterday that seemed to make me tired!
I fed the birds and cut some rhubarb but couldn’t build up the enthusiasm to do any gardening. I did make an apple and rhubarb crumble and took some rhubarb round to a meeting in the parish hall.
I saw the lady whose car was up the tree yesterday, Puddy hasn’t returned home and he has a brain tumour. I do hope he does return home and is okay.
I went along to see Sher at the shop, she wa busy but I had a chat with Hayley and she said my fused glass coasters were back. I enjoyed that workshop.
So a short entry today and I will be off to the pottery studio tomorrow.


  1. Breakfast and a natter is a good way to start the day. I’m not surprised you felt tired walking today as you had quite a hectic day yesterday, one way or another. I don’t blame you for not bothering with the gardening. It’ll still be there another day…..sadly!
    I do hope the cat finds its way home to its owner. Specially now you know its name ☹️ I’ll watch carefully for updates.
    The coasters are fantastic. They’re all great, but my favourite is the one with the flowers on.
    Bit of crafting tomorrow and not too much gardening will do you good.

  2. The quieter day yesterday was good. It was nice to meet Puddy’s owner, just really hope he is okay. She said he doesn’t like heights so we imagine a dog chased him as the tree is in the path but hangs over our garden.
    Pleased with the coasters, and they were fun to do.
    Raining today so looks like the bus to Freeport.
