Sunday 19 May 2024

Classic cars and great artwork

No boot sale today, Darren was helping out at a ‘have a go’ session with the archers t Burton Constable, and I went along for a day out, we got there before nine nd nothing opened until ten, so I went for a wander in the grounds while the archers were setting up, I headed for the orangery as I love sitting in there with the scent of the orange and lemon trees.
I sat and read for a while in there then as it was still too early to buy my ticket I walked round the outside of the house. I didn’t overdo the phots as I knew I wa gong to look at the classic cars later, so just one of the statues.
There was an exhibition in one of the rooms of artwork using wool. Some amazing felting!
I fell I love with this one so it came home with me!
Then off to look at some classic cars.
We had both taken a packed lunch with us so I had mine before going for a look round the house. Didn’t take too many photos in there, the first one was this statue which sort of gives me the creeps, it is called ‘Blind love’, but incredible sculpting of that veil round the head.
Then one of the Chinese room.
Then the long hall where the ladies would take their exercise. twenty two lengths is a mile!
This wheelchair was quite something!
This unusual wardrobe was found it disrepair in the loft. It was sent away to be transformed to its former glory.
And finally the dining room.
I have mowed the small lawn in the front garden and done the watering since we got home. Getting ready to watch The Piano now


  1. A really good day and some really great photos. I’d like to go there myself, it looks like a lovely place. I can imagine the smell while sitting in the orangery, I really envy you for that. How nice would it be to have one of those in your garden? I suppose you could get a bowl of oranges and lemons for the summerhouse 🙂
    The photo of the statue against that beautiful blue sky is so nice and a good start to all the others that follow. You were spoiled for subjects today. So many nice things in the house. I particularly liked the three hare ornaments on the shelf. I can see why you had to buy the picture. It’s rather cute 🙂
    Some fantastic cars. Out of all of them I think I’d have to choose the grey Austin A35. Small, but a great little British car.
    The statue with the veil over the face dumbfounds me. How on earth could anyone carve that from a bit of stone? Amazing.
    All in all a brilliant house with the wardrobes, wheelchairs etc.
    A fantastic photo day and you still found time to do the gardening 😂

  2. Yes, it was a very good day to visit, great weather and plenty to see and take pictures of.
    The archers had quite a lot of people have a go and Darren was kept busy showing people the ropes.
    We had a ford popular when the boys were small so that was probably my favourite. It wasn’t in as good condition as the one there today.
