Friday 10 May 2024

Chores and catch ups

SOme household chores today including washing that dried nicely outside. I visited Bel who was fine, I sat and did a bit of jigsaw with her for a while as she has one thatI squire a stinker. Like me she doesn’t give up easily but I think there is a good chance it will have been packed away unfinished when I visit next week. She usually does 1000 piece puzzles but has recently finished a 599 piece which she has passed on to me and it looks a fun one to do.
I bought a wren decoration a while ago and it has sat on the kitchen table. Today I decided to pop it on one of the bonsai trees, it may move again.
Jean visited this afternoon, she is having trouble with her back and is now going to be sent for an X-ray. We had a natter and cake and then Terry her husband came to drive her home. After she left I went and did a bit of tidying in the garden, just a short while. The laburnum is at its best now, a fairly nondescript tree for most of the year.
A lovely allium has appeared in one bed and a cat emerged from another.
Went along to Number Nine this evening as a lady was there selling some clothing at very reduced prices, and all one offs. Got a loose jacket for me and top for Tina.
A quiet rest of the evening again.


  1. A slightly quieter day for you then. Not quite so much gardening as of late. It’s been glorious weather here, so I’m guessing it was nice for you too. I thought you might get out and do a few odd jobs in the garden, although Fridays do make you slow down a bit 🙂
    The puzzle looks a nice one, well when I say nice I mean the picture is nice, no doubt it’ll be quite hard to do.
    Some really nice pics tonight. The nice sunny weather does bring the colours out nicely.
    A successful evening shopping trip is a good way to end the day.

  2. Yes a quieter day and a gentle bit of gardening. May get a bit done tomorrow.
    I think the puzzle will be a nice one to do, great picture.
